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[新闻] 8月14日新闻--Stephanie参加例行采访,Del Rio事件更多细节

  • TA的每日心情

    2017-7-7 00:57
  • 签到天数: 18 天


    发表于 2014-8-14 20:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    1下面照片是Titus O'Neil周二与 Super Bowl Champion Seattle Seahawks的合影

    2 ECW元老Spike Dudley今天44岁了

    3 最终上周五WWE SmackDown 收视率是1.89,比之前的1.91稍低,吸引了2642000的观众,比前一周也稍有下降


    4 WWE公布了RAW上 Paul Heyman的rap的完整歌词:

    "He’s a 15-time champ, and he likes to have his fun,
    but not at your expense, so let us school you, son.

    No, we’re not from West Newbury, no we can’t “hip-hop” like you,
    my client is the conqueror; I’m just Brock’s advocating Jew!
    You see, my name is Paul Heyman, and my client is The Beast,
    and on the 17th of August, on your title he shall feast!

    You don’t like Paul Heyman Guys, you think their attitudes too smug.
    You gonna beat Brock’s ass ‘cuz you the doctor of the thugs?
    I mean, you’ve beaten all the best, but now Lesnar’s on your plate.
    You say your time is now, Brock says your calendar’s out of date.

    So here’s some free advice, with SummerSlam drawing near:
    Get it out your damn system when you say, “The Champ is here!”
    Because we’re six days away from the West Coast’s biggest arena,
    where my client Brock Lesnar will conquer John Cena."

    5  Big Show vs. Bray Wyatt还有John Cena vs. Seth Rollins被公布为WWE十月墨西哥之旅的内容,其他的明星还包括 Sin Cara, Sheamus, Cesaro, The Wyatt Family, Los Matadores, El Torito, Paige, Rosa Mendes and AJ Lee.

    6  Prowrestling.net已经确认, Kevin Eck 已经从WWE的创作团队离职了,在2011年加入WWE之前, Kevin Eck 曾经成功的运营 The Baltimore Sun

    7 女子摔角手Jamaica Taylor作为 Adam Rose的簇拥参加了昨天WWE的TV录影

    8  Danny表示WWE已经不再为WWE Main Event在WWE APP做 "second screen experience"了,这可能是另一项削减预算的措施

    9 本周 SmackDown录影后非播出环节为The Wyatt Family, Kane and Seth Rollins袭击 Roman Reigns, Sheamus and Dean Ambrose出场解救, Sheamus 使用Brogue Kicks,Reigns使用Superman punches清场,Sheamus and Reigns一起庆祝并结束演出.

    10 目前还没有关于 SummerSlam post-show的计划。

       SummerSlam post-show预计为30分钟,Alex Riley, Booker T and Renee Young将会参加,WWE表示会在本周节目录影的时候宣布一场比赛,但是最终却没有公布。

    11 PWInsider报道,独立摔跤明星 Willie Mack将会在完成签约后不久为WWE工作,我们五月份曾提过Mack被报道已经于WWE签署了一份与 Kevin Steen一样的发展合约。

    12  PWInsider 报道说最近有说法称 Rob Van Dam将会在 SummerSlam后暂离WWE

    13 Bill Taylor表示,除了Jamaica Taylor , "The Bollywood Boyz" Gurv and Harv Sihra 也作为 Adam Rose's Rosebuds参加了本周的录影,他们最出名的事情是作为 the final Ring Ka King tag team champions from TNA's project in India

    14 前WWE播报员Hugo Savinovich,现在为AAA做推广,昨天下午接受了一个采访,表示Rey Mysterio将在与WWE合同纠纷解决后现身AAA,他还证实 Alberto Del Rio将会现身AAA's TripleMania

    15 本周的例行采访为Michael Cole采访 Stephanie McMahon,以下是摘要:

    WWE Network 将要在全球展开推广,Stephanie表示这对于她的家族以及 WWE Universe都是一个难得的机会,她说Network可以给观众任何他们想看到的,这也就是 best for business

    关于她在SummerSlam上与Brie Bella的比赛以及Daniel Bryan的理疗师 Megan Miller,她说 Megan的故事的真实性要由当局决定。她认为Brie Bella 需要知道他的丈夫到底是什么么样的人,这不是她的判断,如果Megan说的是事实的话,作为一个女人,她需要让Brie知




    Cole提问道如果在SummerSlam上Brie战胜Stephanie并高喊YES之后会发生什么,Stephanie表示她不想浪费时间思考不会发生的事情,因为她太忙了,虽然她没有预想到RAW上的 Yes Lock,但这不会再次发生了。

    她还表示 Daniel Bryan并没有抓住战胜HHH后的大好机会,她并不是希望在SummerSlam上战胜Brie并羞辱她,而是正要这么做。

    16 关于WWE签下 Kevin Steen,WWE官员们承认 Kevin Steen显著地充实了WWE的花名册。

    17 WWE网站上为WWE Countdown发起了新的投票,关于最独特的比赛

    * Viagra on a Pole Match (Billy Kidman vs. Shane Douglas)
    * Kennel from Hell Match (Big Boss Man vs. Al Snow)
    * Evening Gown Match (Pat Patterson vs. Gerald Brisco)
    * Chamber of Horrors (WCW Halloween Havoc 1991)
    * Junkyard Invitational (Bash at the Beach 1999)
    * King of the Road Match (Blacktop Bully vs. Dustin Rhodes)
    * Hollywood Backlot Brawl ("Rowdy" Roddy Piper vs. Goldust)
    * Shawn Michaels & God vs. Vince McMahon & Shane McMahon
    * Blindfold Match (Jake "The Snake" Roberts vs. Rick "The Model" Martel)
    * Kiss My Foot Match (Bret "Hit Man" Hart vs. Jerry "The King" Lawler)
    * The Undertaker vs. The Undertaker (SummerSlam 1994)
    * Piñata on a Pole Match (WCW Monday Nitro, Nov. 11, 1999)
    * Gulf of Mexico Match (CM Punk vs. Chavo Guerrero)
    * Empty Arena Match (The Rock vs. Mankind)
    * Bar Room Brawl (Vengeance 2003)

    结果将在未来一期WWE Countdown上播出

    18 Roman Reigns参加了 ESPN的节目以推广SummerSlam,以下是相关照片

    19 本周四WWE的股价上涨了0.88%,收于13.83美元每股,当天最高是13.94美元,最低是13.72美元。

    20 之前我们提到扮演Daniel Bryan理疗师 Megan Miller的人是独立摔角手Chelsea Green,她之前告诉别人他在RAW的后台,她由 Lance Storm训练。

    21 我们之前提到 WWE Hall of Famer Sgt. Slaughter在上周入院,他入院的原因是反复出现溃疡出血。不到两周就是Sgt. Slaughter66岁生日。

    22 大约40位摔角手在8月6日与7日于Melbourne参加WWE的选拔,这次选拔是由NXT head trainer Bill DeMott进行的。

    23 下面是一些最新WWE现场秀的入场人数:

    * August 7th in Melbourne, Australia drew 12,000 fans
    * August 8th in Sydney, Australia drew 15,000 fans
    * August 9th in Perth, Western Australia drew 9,000 fans
    * August 9th in Abbotsford, British Columbia drew 4,000 fans
    * August 10th in Yakima, Washington drew 3,000 fans
    * August 11th in Portland for RAW drew 9,500 fans

    24 在9月11日WWE NXT特别节目Takeover 2后,下一个NXT的特别节目可能会等到2015年一月。

    25 El Torito被移出了WWE近期的Australia巡演以削减预算

    26 如前所述,WWE在Alberto Del Rio于上周电视录影后掌掴 WWE's Manager of Social Media Live Events Cody Barbierri后解雇了ADR,后台一直传言 Del Rio "slapped the shit" out of Barbierri,把他打翻在地。Del Rio的解雇并不是因为他打了多少下


    Del Rio事件发生后,据报道他本来只是会被禁赛很短的一段时间,直到SummerSlam结束,据说 Barbierri威胁要起诉WWE,由于法律上的原因,WWE觉得他们没有选择必须让Del Rio离开。Triple H在8月7日电话了Del Rio让他走,据说他怒不可遏。

    27 据报道,现任TNA明星 Kurt Angle试图与WWE签署一份合约,使他回归后的时间表类似于 Shawn Michaels在公司最后几年的安排,Angle会在重大的演出忠出席。

    WWE并没有对Kurt Angle作为一个in-ring performer回归显示出太大的兴趣,Vince McMahon过去对召回Angle一直不怎么积极。

    28 以下是本周四day 173 of the WWE Network的节目单:
    1:30 am ET - Video Vault: 8/27/95. At SummerSlam 1995, Shawn Michaels and Razor Ramon squared off in a Ladder Match for the Intercontinental Championship.

    2:00 am ET - WrestleMania Rewind: 8/12/14. Rewind and Relive the compelling rivalry between Stone Cold and The Rock, as well as their epic encounter from WrestleMania 15!

    3:00 am ET - SmackDown Flashback: 9/2/99. Battles for the #1 Contenders headline this episode of SmackDown. The Rock battles Mankind. Chyna and Billy Gunn compete.

    4:30 am ET - SmackDown Flashback: 9/9/99. Rock and Sock Connection battle Undertaker and Big Show in a Buried Alive match. How will Shane McMahon handle Stephanie's wedding announcement?

    6:00 am ET - Legends House: 4/16/14. Eight WWE Legends reunite and get acquainted with their new neighbors. Back at the Legends' House, tempers flare.

    7:00 am ET - Legends House: 4/23/14. The legends play a polo match...WWE style! Back at the Legends House, Tony Atlas and 'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan attempt to co-exist.

    8:00 am ET - WrestleMania Rewind: 8/12/14. Rewind and Relive the compelling rivalry between Stone Cold and The Rock, as well as their epic encounter from WrestleMania 15!

    9:00 am ET - SmackDown Flashback: 9/30/99. Edge and Christian and the Hardyz battle for Terri's services. The Rock serves as the People's Referee. HHH defends his title.

    10:30 am ET - WCW Bash At The Beach 1999: 7/10/99. It's a tag team match of epic proportions when 'Macho Man' Randy Savage joins forces with Sid Vicious to take on Kevin Nash and Sting.

    1:30 pm ET - Video Vault: 8/27/95. At SummerSlam 1995, Shawn Michaels and Razor Ramon squared off in a Ladder Match for the Intercontinental Championship.

    2:00 pm ET - WWE Countdown: 4/8/14. Counting down the top ten most Infamous Gimmicks ever to appear in WWE History, as voted by the WWE Universe.

    3:00 pm ET - WWE Countdown: 6/30/14. Counting down the Top Ten Most Exciting Celebrity Twists ever in WWE History, as voted by the WWE Universe.

    4:00 pm ET - WrestleMania Rewind: 8/12/14. Rewind and Relive the compelling rivalry between Stone Cold and The Rock, as well as their epic encounter from WrestleMania 15!

    5:00 pm ET - Best of SmackDown: 7/5/01. Booker T defends the WCW Title against Diamond Dallas Page. Stone Cold Steve Austin has a surprise gift for Kurt Angle and Mr. McMahon.

    7:00 pm ET - Total Divas: 9/8/13. Nikki injures her leg; Eva Marie lands a spread in Maxim. Jojo struggles to find her voice. Vinnie talks marriage and Ariane gets nervous.

    8:00 pm ET - Total Divas: 9/15/13.

    9:00 pm ET - WWE NXT: 8/14/14. The future is here. Witness the entertainers, the leading men and women, the Superstars of tomorrow -- this is NXT!

    10:00 pm ET - WWE Superstars: 8/14/14. WWE Superstars features the best of the best in matches you

    11:00 pm ET - Total Divas: 9/15/13.


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