TA的每日心情 | 郁闷 2013-3-2 16:31 |
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本帖最后由 SAMUEL 于 2012-1-13 19:52 编辑
1、Royal Rumble PPV上已经定下但仍未宣布的赛事包括: John Cena vs. Kane 、 Big Show vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Mark Henry
2、David Hart Smith 近来出现来Major League Wrestling 播客当中,他说与Tyson Kidd在WWE有过很美妙的冠军经历,但他暂时无意回归,但以后还是有可能。
3、WWE宣称 Edge 将在迈阿密成为新的名人堂成员,这也暗示了来年的WrestleMania 29将不会在多伦多举行。
4、有消息称下一年的WrestleMania 29举办地很可能就是德克萨斯州达拉斯市的牛仔体育馆。而且该消息还宣称WrestleMania29很可能会以Steve Austin,
Brock Lesnar 或者 The Undertaker 的退休作为最大的噱头。
5、Hulk hogan称为了电影的拍摄,他将准备剃掉自己的胡子和头发。
6、下周Smackdown 在Las Vegasis的录制中,宣传了一场DanielBryan vs. Mark Henry vs. Big Show in a steel cage 的比赛!
7、Jim Ross 表示,WM28很可能将是 The Rock 最后一次以参赛者的身份出现在擂台之上。
8、、据消息指,Triple H 于周一RAW节目开始前联络了Ric Flair,并通知他 Horsemen入围2012年HOF的消息。另外,WWE方面希望Flair届时出席WM,并参与到WWE Network中。
9、TNA Impact 将会在下列时间在Universal Studiosin Orlando录制
February 13th, 14th, 27th, 28th & 29th
March 19th & 20th
April 2nd, 3rd, 17th, 18th & 30th
May 1st, 14th, 15th, 28th & 29th
有趣的是,The Impact的4月3日录制会与 WWE Smackdown 的录制碰头。
10、HHH 本周来到现场观看了NFL橄榄球球队纽约巨人队的集训。
12、F4WOnline报道,WWE 官方讨论过安排 Chris Jericho 赢得今年的皇家大战。
剧情组在上周提出了这样一个想法,Chris 将在皇家大战之后的Raw上才开始讲话。这将意味着他将进行盛大的历史性获胜感言,这也是他回归之后的第一次开口讲话,并很有可能挑战 CM Punk的WWEC, 在WM28上进行比赛。
WWE officials have had talks about Chris Jericho winning the Royal Rumble this year.
According to The Wrestling Observer , there was an idea suggested this past weekend where Jericho won't speak on RAW until after
the Rumble. This would see Jericho give his bigvictory speech, speak for the first time since returning and likely call out WWE Champion CMPunk for WrestleMania 28.
13、有消息指,Scott Hal有机会回归WWE。
14、日本的摔角赛事主办者Simon Kelly Inoki正在试图敲定Brock Lesnar vs. Fedor Emelianenko的比赛,这次的比赛将是职业摔角的比赛。Inoki说他希望为IGF联盟定下Lesnar登台摔角的比赛,并希望借此机会安排Fedor的职业摔角首秀。
Simon Kelly Inoki, a promoter in Japan, is trying to put together a Brock Lesnar vs. Fedor Emelianenkobout – but it would be a pro wrestling match instead of MMA. Inoki said they are trying to get Lesnar to wrestle for the IGF promotion and are also trying to get Fedor to debut in pro wrestling. |