TA的每日心情 | 郁闷 2013-3-2 16:31 |
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本帖最后由 SAMUEL 于 2011-12-11 18:43 编辑
- John Cena tweeted over the weekendthat he is going through a "very difficult" month.
He tweeted:
"Very difficult month for me,personally. It's times like these that I see truly how much I love wrestling. I am truly thankful for what I do. Adapt. Overcome. And now, more than ever before Rise Above Hate. I f'n love you guys. Even the ones that hate my guts. U get me thrueach day..thick and thin. Thank u. For everything. Thank you."
[John Cena 周末在Twitter上表示自己即将度过“异常艰难”的一个月。
大意是:“这是我个人非常艰难的一个月。之前这样的时刻中我认清了自己对摔角的热诚,对于工作的感激。让我挺了过来。从来没有的挑战,Rise- Above- Hate。我爱你们,即使是那些对我厌恶至极的朋友。你们一天天地考验着我,我很感谢你们所做的。”]
2、Randy Orton will be appearing at Emerge Fitness on 12/15 for the third annual "Get Fit forFido". He will help raise money for the Five Acres Animal Shelter, which doesn't get government subsidy because of its no-kill policy.
3、Fast Five , starring Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, was labeled one of the best movies of 2012 by Time magazine
Karen Jarrett, joined Diva-Dirt.comearlier this week on DD360 ahead of this Sunday's Final Resolution pay per view.
She says: "To be honest, I think Vickie is an incredible woman. She was a great wife and she's a great mother. As for the fans and the marks out there, or the people who get behind their little computer, you throw out some bait and they jump on it and I think people ran with it. It is what it is. But I have great respect for Vickie and her raising her daughters and
everything that she has done."
[Karen Jarrett 本周做客DD360节目,谈及近来与 Vickie Guerrero 在Twitter上的粉丝口水战。
5、 WWE Superstars Big Show, Mark Henry, Evan Bourne, CM Punk, John Cena, Dolph Ziggler, Christian, Eve Torres, Beth Phoenix, Rosa Mendes, Alberto Del Rio, Drew McIntyre,Daniel Bryan, Cody Rhodes, Ted DiBiase, Wade Barrett and Jack Swagger appeared at ameet-and-greet event at Fort Bragg in North Carolina yesterday
7、据The Wrestling Observer报导, Rey Mysterio 计划在本周日的WWE劳军节目中出席,但很可能不会进行比赛。
8、前WWE Diva Amy “ Lita ” Dumas于12月9日因在驾照撤销期间超速驾驶而遭到拘留。目前Dumas仍然在监狱中,保释金为2200美金。
9、以下是Wzone评选的梯子战TOP 10
Number 10: The Undertaker vs. Jeff Hardy : Monday Night Raw 2002
Number 9: London/Kendrick vs.
Regal/Taylor vs MnM vs. The Hardys: Armageddon 2006
Number 8: Money in the Bank: Edge vs. Randy Orton vs. King Booker vs. C.M. Punk vs. Matt vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Mr. Kennedy WrestleMania 23
Number 7: Edge vs. Christian : No Mercy 2001
Number 6: Edge and Christian vs. The
Hardy's vs. The Dudley Boys: Summerslam 2000
Number 5: John Cena vs. Edge: WWE Unforgiven 2006
Number 4: Triple H vs. The Rock : Summerslam 1998
Number 3: Money in the Bank: Chris Jerihco vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Kane vs. Christian vs. Chris Benoit vs. Edge WrestleMania 21
Number 2: Razor Ramon vs.
Shawn Michaels : WrestleMania X
Number 1: Edge and Christian vs. The Hardy's vs. The Dudley Boys: WrestleMania X-7
10、The Rock 在Twitter上与 Joey Styles 的聊天中确认,《速度与激情6》将于明年夏天开拍。
11、TNA Final Resolution PPV 开场赛是RVD vs. Christopher Daniels.
12、 WWE Superstar JTG的27岁生日
13、Cody Rhodes vs. Booker T for the WWE Intercontinental Title会在TLC上演。 |