1.Chris Jericho 在一段给摔迷的视频信息中表示,其在"Dancing with the Stars"结束后会回WWE。
Raquel Diaz (Shaul Guerrero)主持了介绍3名即将完成擂台首秀的FCW新人的环节,每位选手都有时间表演桥段。
"The Bashing Bulgarian" Miroslav Makarov:Makarov是签约WWE的第一位保加利亚人,来自城市普罗夫迪夫,搬至加州后就在Knokx Pro Wrestling Academy训练。在他的桥段中,他说道,他不是来这儿交朋友获胜取悦fans的...他来这儿只为统治FCW和WWE。
Ashley Miller:这位魅力十足的黑发diva来自德克萨斯州休斯顿市,在其表演的babyface桥段中,她告诉观众们说,她想成为大家来看FCW的理由。
Ryan Nemeth: 来自俄劾俄州克利夫兰市,前OVW选手,他是Dolph Ziggler的弟弟。他表演的桥段足够虚情假意阿谀奉承,他感谢在场的观众给他这次机会之类,然后他说,在大家看完他的擂台表演之后都将会说一声“谢谢你”。
"Shotgun" Brock Barker (Brandon Barker):来自 Lance Storm的摔角学校,参加了当晚的一场6 man tag team match,这也是其个人的FCW首秀。
3. WWE.com列出了Edge的生涯回顾。
4. WWE 目前在网上有个投票活动,他们问WWE Universe 们更喜欢以下哪个有可能的PPV名字:WWE Champions, WWE Uprising, WWE Revolution, WWE Vengeance。
5.4/15 WWE 结果: Dortmund, Germany
Battle Royal to determine the #1 contender for the WWE Intercontinental Championship
Winner: The Big Show
Tag Team Match
Beth Phoenix & Kelly Kelly 战胜Layla & Kaitlyn
Singles Match
Chavo Guerrero 战胜 Drew McIntyre
2-on-1 Handicap Match
Kane 战胜 Justin Gabriel & Heath Slater
WWE Intercontinental Championship Match
Wade Barrett (c)战胜 The Big Show
Singles Match
Kofi Kingston战胜 Cody Rhodes
Edge出场并开始了一个桥段,然后被Alberto Del Rio打断,Del Rio 向Edge挑战,显然,后者拒绝了。但是Edge说为他找到了一个对手,那就是Rey Mysterio!,并且比赛由fans们选择规则,他们选择了street fight:
Dortmund Street Fight
Rey Mysterio 战胜Alberto Del Rio
6.4/15 WWE 结果: Dublin, Ireland
Tag Team Match:
Santino and Vladimir Kozlov 战胜The Usos.
WWE U.S Championship Match:
WWE U.S. Champion Sheamus 战胜Daniel Bryan.
Percy Watson战胜 Primo.
Dolph Ziggler 战胜Evan Bourne.
Randy Orton 战胜 C.M. Punk.
Sin Cara 战胜 Tyson Kidd.
Eve and Gail Kim 战胜 Bella Twins.
Main Event:
Triple Threat Match for the WWE Champuionship:
John Morrison vs. John Cena vs. WWE Champion The Miz.
Raw GM 把比赛改为一场双打赛
New Main Event:
John Morrison and John Cena战胜 WWE Champion The Miz and Alex Reily.
7.以下是Extreme Rules确定的几场比赛:
WWE Championship Triple Threat Match
The Miz (c) vs. R-Truth vs. John Cena
World Heavyweight Championship Ladder Match
Christian vs. Alberto Del Rio in a ladder match.
Jerry Lawler and Jim Ross vs. Jack Swagger and Michael Cole
1.本周的TNA iMPACT!收视率为1.14 ,电视观众人数为1,540,000 。
最近收视率连续下降,之前几周的收视率为1.18, 1.22, 1.27, 1.25和 1.36 。
2.Generation Me 成员 Max昨日在其Twitter上表示,他的妻子怀孕了,这是他们的第一个孩子。
3.Hulk Hogan 在Twitter上被问及关于把 Randy Savage 带入 TNA Wrestling一事时表示,如果他能得话他会的。
4.ROH Super Card of Honor VI 将于5月21日在Chicago Ridge, IL举行。
5.CHIKARA King of Trios NIGHT ONE 结果:
-King of Trios Round One: *?3.Ole! (El Generico and 3.0) vs. The Osirian Portal
Your winners in 18:12, The Osyrian Portal!
-Team Australia (Percy T, Tama Williams, and Kabel) vs. FIST (Icarus, Johnny Gargano, and Chuck Taylor)
Your winners, FIST!
-Da Soul Touchaz vs. BDK (Delirious, Tim Donst, and Jakob Hammermeier)
Your winners, BDK!
-Manami Toyota, Mike Quackenbush, and Jigsaw vs. The Amazing Red and The Maximos
Your winners, Manami Toyota & Jigsaw & Mike Quackenbush!
-Team Dragon Gate (Akira Tozawa, Super Shisa, and Kagetora) vs. The Spectral Envoy (Ultramantis Black, Hallowicked, and Frightmare)
Your winners, Team Dragon Gate!
-Team Osaka Pro (Ultimate Spider Jr, Atsushi Kotoge, Daisuke Harada) vs. The Throwbacks (Matt Classic, Dasher Hatfield, and Sugar Dunkerton)
Your winners, Team Osaka Pro!
-The Colony (Fire Ant, Green Ant, and Soldier Ant) vs. The Dark Army (Sinn Bodhi, Obariyon, and Kodama)
Your winners, The Colony!
-Team Minnesota (Arik Cannon, Darin Corbin, and 1-2-3 Kid) vs. Team Michinoku Pro (Jinsei Shinzaki, The Great Sasuke, and Dick Togo)
Your winners, Michinoku Pro! |