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新式朋克--CM Punk与Shannon Moore的对抗

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  • TA的每日心情
    2024-12-19 02:06
  • 签到天数: 239 天


    发表于 2006-9-21 21:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    本文应 tata 的要求所发,正文和图片均来自wwe.com,由于本人对朋克的了解不是很多,所以有些地方会有错误,还望诸位指正
    A new breed of punk
    ( r2 ?1 A/ _/ [4 k
    7 n# k5 R7 h& x; Y# a1 d" @8 [
    By Zack Zeigler
    2 R: j( Z! M3 M% |
    September 19, 2006
    2 ~8 J2 v0 @( E: x6 R- C
    8 ^2 N/ i' k7 I) W
    朋克运动始于上个世纪70年代中期,一直被人们认为是地下的,反主流意识的运动,它六亲不认,反对那些被载入史册的政治问题和社会问题……却没有成功。而象the Misfits, the Sex Pistols the Ramones〔注1〕这样的乐队,推动着朋克运动脱离了所谓的Barcoloungers〔注2〕并使之流行起来,人们理解了运动的真谛,并将其继续下去。

    ' `) D/ K5 t# y! `$ s' q1 f1 S
    接近半个世纪后的今天,ECW体验到了此项运动的深刻影响――但在极端的范围内,派系的标志并不是合作〔注3〕。“The Reject” Shannon Moore CM Punk使ECW成为人们的谈资――并不仅仅是靠他们在比赛中的表现。这两位ECW选手甚至直接冲进了对方的更衣室。自从那时开始,这两个离经叛道的家伙就开始了对地位的争夺。

      {# T9 M9 l% Y. _
    5 `2 a, j7 E( h
    CM Punk是个从芝加哥来的时髦城市人,他坚信你的衣着和其它人与你相处的方式并不决定你的身份和地位。Punk已经连续在两周的比赛中击败Moore了,他把自己和后者对比了一下。

    + a& M% h) k5 O
    “作为朋克,并不需要把发型和衣着弄成Moore那种样子;朋克是一种态度,”Punk说。“Shannon Moore让我很烦……我只想以我自己的方式生活,因为我不知道如何为了他人而改变。对我来说,我就是the Clash〔注4〕,他就是Good Charlotte;我认为人们可以看出究竟谁才是真正的朋克。”

    % q* I4 A3 u3 Y
    Moore这个更古怪的家伙来自北卡罗来纳州的卡美伦。他留了个扇形的莫霍克头型〔就像the Exploited乐队的Wattie Buchan一样〕,使自己的脸和眼睛变得更加鲜艳,他甚至在身体的每个地方都有纹身和刺钉。
      h: [+ D9 M8 L

    1 F5 h' Q: O4 h' V: f( l
    “我并没有把自己当成一名朋克;我也不想成为一名朋克,” Moore说。

    9 j! A4 p8 o" E) ~' P* k! t: k

    ! C# L" d* t  J
    Moore的彩色莫霍克发型以及颠覆传统的各种装饰不同,CM Punk比较内敛。他有纹身,也留着类似上世纪90年代后期Eddie Vedder那样的长发,在他的腹部还纹着“straightedge〔注5〕”,他甚至以此为座右铭。但是朋克音乐所表现出的旋律和态度对Punk的影响最大,并使他成为了毒品和酒精的反对者――很显然,这样是十分有亲和力的。
    7 I4 `0 o) o. q/ [: B

    0 E- _# [0 |/ r7 d3 ^/ w

    2 ]2 x  g- s) X
    Punk喜欢the Misfits, the Clash, Rocket from the Crypt Rancid这些乐队,而Moore说自己更喜欢象Marilyn Manson Rob Zombie那样的乐手。在人们看到他时所发出的惊呼让Moore很受用,比如当他的莫霍克型头发刮到天花板时,他的战靴坚实地踏在地板上时,以及他身上的刺钉在灯光下闪耀时,一切的一切都让Moore感到兴奋。
    / F3 N3 z# y" v7 q* U& p! T) Z1 c
    “〔Marilyn Manson〕非常有创意。他知道你是否在说他的好话,某些人可能要讨论他的事情,那也是我在争取的事情之一,”Moore说。“我不想作那些哗众取宠的事情。〔CM Punk〕是个节制派;不吸烟,不喝酒……我百无禁忌,这样我过得更好,而且让我的生活很正常。”
    8 j' n4 q; k* T: M2 U& h" j
    “The Reject”说,当他在大众面前出现时,人们的喘息和惊骇的面容可以让他得到一种享受。他也避开了Punk关于其穿着和举止的话题。
    " B$ ]6 |/ F6 E, y) m; x7 G

    & v, K) j# h4 Y- l
    ( ~6 C( M9 B/ {* L

    1 k2 s4 h4 q  s' `- s$ z

    1 c: B$ g) ^; N: @0 x" c
    3 }, m* H5 w( ~7 |

    ! Q8 a% O+ N& Z9 N毫无疑问地,CM Punk “The Reject”any grandparent都会作出相同的下意识反应,但在最初的反应中,他们基本没有什么相同点。在Sci FiECW比赛中,Punk暂时以二比零领先Moore,然而在比赛之外,很难确定究竟谁更极端,谁更有个性。5 G3 r) z& I. D1 i+ X$ r
    " \/ R3 F" v4 z
    " x. `- D3 z: N! S3 h) [$ F
    1the Misfits, the Sex Pistols the Ramones这三个都是很典型的朋克乐队的名字
    : A/ j0 Y+ W2 ]+ u0 I7 R0 S2:这个实在找不到解释了
    . O6 h2 b/ h1 l* ?4 v3:原文是but inside the confines of the Extreme, a faction is anything but united
    - o- f( Y6 P. h  H; b/ p7 M
    4和后面的Good Charlotte都是朋克乐队的名字
    9 b- W0 B- J( E1 e5具体内容参见http://forum.talkmusic.org/showthread.php?t=141这一页,我简单翻译了一下,大概意思是说Straightedge这个词首先是一个老式朋克乐队Minor Threat中叫做Ian Mackaye的人提出的〔他现在在Fugazi乐队中,而且是独立商标Dischord的持有者〕。总之,他所说的Straightedge这个理念就是基于控制你自己的欲望,对能控制你意志的东西说no。简单的说,Straightedge就是不吸烟,不喝酒,不吸毒,不乱交……下文的这个词就翻译为“节制派”,而这个词同时又是一个朋克乐队的名字
    - C( ^1 T0 U5 b, f4 A0 _; Z6原文working class意为工人阶级
    6 l4 Q6 d! V- |5 c6 J% E1 K" J
    * B/ O7 G6 F7 A
    最后是两者的对比,几个项目分别是两者的纹身,刺钉,发型,音乐类型,偶像,极限程度; c2 K, @- n  t! ~


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  • TA的每日心情
    2024-12-19 02:06
  • 签到天数: 239 天


     楼主| 发表于 2006-9-21 21:29 | 显示全部楼层
      |) n0 \  ?* `7 X* s7 P/ ahttp://www.wwe.com/shows/ecw/news/newbreedofpunk
    " F; q# Y7 E$ v) t4 A) j, P英文全文:
    * \/ p2 A) S  p7 t. N6 ?9 eA new breed of punk; e; P5 P) k) h% m  n
    By Zack Zeigler
    , H4 w( {6 M- F2 n5 z. X) ]September 19, 20060 o- N2 m% m$ K; O, y0 z

    8 t: `; _  S. {. W* r# e
    8 b1 s# n. S+ R3 r5 T
    & V* X/ A7 @0 H' v5 b2 [: k% h: S; M* N. G: B

    # ~& q9 Q) M! w# |& N8 k; J8 g$ X, dWhen the punk rock movement began in the mid-1970s, the status quo believed the underground, anti-establishment movement that rebelled against apathy and political and social wrongs would eventually recede into history… it didn’t. With bands like The Misfits, the Sex Pistols and the Ramones propelling punks to get off their Barcoloungers and hit the streets in protest, the campaign caught on and progressed. 7 B. Q1 V/ N6 O4 s: D# V

    , I9 z5 t- Z- n4 D6 J6 H7 INow, nearly a half century later, ECW is feeling the effects of that movement — but inside the confines of the Extreme, a faction is anything but united. “The Reject” Shannon Moore and CM Punk have gotten people talking in ECW – and not all of it has to do with their in ring performance. The two Extremists immediately clashed upon running into one another in the ECW locker room. Since then, the two nonconformists have been embroiled in a battle for supremacy.
    0 K5 O% n' A' T# L1 P% E& m$ P# q2 S/ A7 E# U3 s. F% R8 \9 @
    In and outside of the ring, both Punk and Moore are progressive, provocative and free thinking. Looking at both of their ‘take me how I am’ demeanors, one would think that they’d get along… but a closer look revealed that they’re total opposites.   o/ P* E* j7 [2 A

    0 \& w3 F3 l; s* j2 C; f' o6 q: i1 ~2 J4 V+ g3 \
    CM Punk, a city slicker from Chicago, holds steadfast in his belief that it’s not what you wear or the way someone reacts to you that makes you who you are.Having defeated Moore two weeks straight, Punk bears a contrasting view of “The Reject’s” image./ ?% z! R& K& D$ s/ a

    ; S3 e% {6 v) N5 Z1 }“Being punk has nothing to do with a hair style or a way of dress or anything like that; it’s an attitude,” said Punk. “Shannon Moore just bothers me… I just try to live my life and be me because I don’t know how to be anybody else. To me, I’m the Clash and he’s Good Charlotte; I think people see who the real deal is,” he said.   [3 {9 s5 i: j. `7 |  v0 h

    ; b: ]" O  A4 h- tMoore – arguably the more eccentric of the two – hails from small town Cameron, N.C. He dons a fanned Mohawk (like Wattie Buchan from the band the Exploited), has make up plastered on most of his face and eyes and has tattoos and piercings on almost every square inch of his body.  " B8 B) H1 G8 q2 S3 V

    $ H: g& t/ |2 B" Y9 s5 s“I don’t see myself as a punk rocker; I don’t claim to be a punk rocker,” says Moore. “Everybody judges me on my appearance, especially the older businessmen and business women; they look at me and automatically think I’m a bad person for the way I look and my lifestyle.” 4 K* }( I6 H# x' F  B+ b* C

    % |( u$ \' c5 X8 c1 h# TUnlike Moore’s multicolored Mohawk or his unconventional outfits, CM Punk has taken the no-image-image approach. He’s got tattoos, long hair like Eddie Vedder from the late 1990s and lives by the motto that’s inked across his midsection: “straightedge.” But it’s the music and the attitude that punk music portrays that helped mold Punk into the drug free, alcohol free avenger of the squared circle – and it certainly had nothing to do with trying to fit in with the crowd.
    # }) E0 A! ?* G* n, a! P+ U- z  \" U: u% |# I9 w
    “Punk rock is just what I’ve always listened to,” says Punk. “It’s kind of working class music. Growing up, I never had money. I never really had anything, but I could always listen to music to escape and it was just a way for me to relate to other people.” % g/ C# l; f$ D2 `6 G* x
    $ s$ S" C. ?" G( c
    Whereas Punk favors the Misfits, the Clash, Rocket from the Crypt and Rancid, “The Reject” said he’s more in tune with the image that artists like Marilyn Manson and Rob Zombie project. Moore revels in the alarm he sets off when people see his Mohawk scraping the ceiling, his combat boots firmly poundings the floor and his piercing gleaming in the light. $ [: `( L0 o) Y3 s8 ?% d2 E: \% j

    & G; f: |6 z4 ]; X% j4 _“[Marilyn Manson is] the shock value person. He knew that whether you were talking good about him or talking bad about him, somebody’s gonna be talking about him, and that’s one thing that I strive for,” said Moore. “I don’t do the right things to make people happy. [CM Punk is] straightedge; no drinking, no smoking…I’m open to anything that either helps me to be a better person or simply helps me through life in general.”  # ?* o0 V& d' p6 m/ w+ o9 ~

    ( Z# ~5 R$ p7 L. ]) f' }“The Reject” claims to have found solace in the enjoyment he gets from the gasps and appalled looks he receives when he walks around in public. He also shunned Punk’s comments about why it is he does the things he does or dresses the way he does. 9 k  n- i7 e; e, v/ y6 q' j
    4 a! }+ j! j+ Z. O3 H5 i& S
    “I’m representing the others like me,” explained Moore, “the ones in the corner alone because every body judges them and looks at them wrong.”8 H! p. D% n5 m, x7 K3 p" [

    1 |! ]' b, G# V3 F7 vPerhaps one of the only similarities both Punk and Moore would be their love of expression through tattoos and piercing. : M0 }0 |( ]% s! C5 h
    2 S( ~- c9 P. {/ e4 \! ^
    “I’ve got six piercings: both ears, my lip, my tongue and my nipples, which, yes, I do take out when I wrestle because I’m not stupid,” said Punk. “I can point out the individual tattoos that I had done, and the rest were probably three separate four to five hour sessions,” he said. - R5 @6 v3 U; ?7 l  ^, s
    $ j1 b+ {) i' W
    6 {. q1 \) m5 _
    Moore was quick to mention that his three piercings and the blanket of tattoos that cover his epidermis represent who he is, and that he’s happy with every alteration he’s made to his body. 8 x% M# A9 x+ @$ G5 @; \5 h. @0 i9 O

    " R! i( D% k, F/ f+ M2 b+ ?6 ?“I don’t care what you think about me. Until society or until somebody is living my life for me, then all my decisions are up to me; if it makes me happy, then I’m going to do it,” he said. 3 ^  u$ q: I* ?: i

    1 Y$ v) M& U; s( vBoth CM Punk and “The Reject” would no doubt educe the same knee-jerk reaction from any grandparent, but beyond that initial reaction, there’s little commonality between them. In the ring, Punk has gone two up over Moore on ECW on Sci Fi, but outside of the squared-circle it’s difficult to define which has the most extreme identity.


    发表于 2006-9-21 21:47 | 显示全部楼层


    发表于 2006-9-21 21:47 | 显示全部楼层


    发表于 2006-9-21 21:48 | 显示全部楼层
  • TA的每日心情
    2024-12-19 02:06
  • 签到天数: 239 天


     楼主| 发表于 2006-9-21 22:06 | 显示全部楼层
    原帖由 STING 于 2006-9-21 21:47 发表6 R1 y8 Z' C' P+ ^3 X) ^
    / Y+ _/ X; v' }5 j/ {% [* }; a
      P' M" v% c, ~+ f4 \反主流,反传统,甚至颓废,moore的发型曾经被称为典型的“朋克头”
  • TA的每日心情
    2013-3-16 14:53
  • 签到天数: 1 天


    发表于 2006-9-21 22:13 | 显示全部楼层
    我比較喜歡CM PUNK!


    发表于 2006-9-21 22:20 | 显示全部楼层
  • TA的每日心情
    2016-4-5 01:05
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    发表于 2006-9-21 22:21 | 显示全部楼层
    ; m6 g( T) A3 f, [9 p1 ^5 ~3 }4 `$ }0 H多謝樓主默默的努力
  • TA的每日心情
    2014-9-8 20:11
  • 签到天数: 3 天


    发表于 2006-9-21 22:24 | 显示全部楼层
    CM PUNK的态度甚至像一个修道士。
    / F8 C- @/ [  P0 n3 G1 ?我的生活态度也挺PUNK的,我不会像外国人那样把自己的态度公示,最起码我不会像他们那样文身,浑身刺满洞洞。我也比较赞成CM PUNK那样的生活态度,我绝对可以做到不吸毒,不乱交等等......但我会抽烟,也会浅浅的喝一些酒,我做不到CM PUNK那样极端。
    0 D7 Y% `& _6 Q0 B$ Y简单说说他们两个的比赛:感觉MOORE太瘦弱了,他所掌握的技术也不符合他的体型;CM PUNK挺好的,我看他的比赛看出了KURT的感觉来:套路丰富,动作也很到位。以他的生活态度,过一两年他一定能成为KURT一样选手!


    发表于 2006-9-21 22:26 | 显示全部楼层
  • TA的每日心情
    2017-2-24 15:12
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    发表于 2006-9-21 22:34 | 显示全部楼层
    谢谢你的翻译,这让大家对这两位杰出的ECW选手有了更深的认识,+ F) i9 a+ E# G0 v1 w) v
    Shannon Moore在ECW能不能被捧就要看他和CM Punk的剧情啦!
    9 F( ]' c3 i0 P0 }1 E让他们继续PUNK吧~~~
  • TA的每日心情
    2021-4-30 22:34
  • 签到天数: 499 天


    发表于 2006-9-21 22:57 | 显示全部楼层
    Barcoloungers( ]$ ]  _7 K) M2 j% ]& _  g
    这个应该不对,应该是Barcaloungers,Barcaloungers是主要为设计家居和戏剧院,做家具和沙发为主的一家公司。; |2 e# E$ o8 S* C) [
    ; f) s0 L3 ^3 y  M
    网址:" J& d/ G9 l7 s- o) @4 x& V5 E- \


    发表于 2006-9-21 23:24 | 显示全部楼层
    謝謝翻譯~~辛苦了~~. }0 v" y, Y8 @! }


    发表于 2006-9-21 23:30 | 显示全部楼层
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