TA的每日心情 | 慵懒 2014-6-21 00:06 |
签到天数: 3 天 [LV.2]偶尔看看I
今次 SD 的收視真高~~
Match 1: 3 ON 2 HANDICAP MATCH: Torrie Wilson, Victoria, Candice Michelle vs. Trish Stratus and Ashley. Pretty short match. Trish and Ashley win the match, when Trish hits the chick kick on Victoria.
Match 8: John Cena vs. Kurt Angle: Angle was booed out of the building. Cena hit the ring they went back and forth. Angle took the ref out. Tyson Tomko came out kicked Cena. Cena got up and FU'd Tomko. Then, Angle hit Cena with his medals and the ref. woke up and DQ'd Angle. Cena wins by DQ. |