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[翻译] The 5 Star Truth: Organic--五星级真相:顺其自然

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  • TA的每日心情
    2024-11-17 16:15
  • 签到天数: 235 天


    发表于 2006-8-17 23:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    于是本次五星级真相第三篇也完成了,由于过几天就要开学了,所以这是我近期最后一篇翻译文章了4 @" U+ y5 V% S5 }& E) O
    , A  ^. X+ F) N. n很高兴与大家在这段时间共同分享摔角给我们带来的喜怒哀乐

    1 S: m, }" }# I3 G) M# J' D
    * Y. X6 b9 @$ y; DThe 5 Star Truth: Organic% ?& u$ L& P$ ]7 n0 r' G  M
    五星级真相:顺其自然+ _% r1 j! v$ R4 j. q- R/ ~

    " f, {" V* V" B作者Mike Steele/ j5 `" p' U! C, I- X
    发表于 07/21/2006 下午06:37
    - G1 e  f6 I2 e8 [2 k
    $ K8 O) L* k% H; N在摔角中当然会有很多脚本、故事线和预先做好的安排。每个短片、比赛和剧情事件都是或多或少在事前就安排好的。因为它是“假的”,而且事先都作好了安排,所有的事情在计划后都有条不紊地运行着。但是通常摔角中最精彩的部分都是意外之喜。有时短片是即兴表演,有时观众要求heel转face,或者有时选手会产生一个古怪的念头,就好象缪斯女神〔注1〕在他耳边轻语过,这些就是摔角中所有伟大要素的来源
    - v7 O; i5 t/ q/ I9 n, `2 K7 ]
    4 }- q  T* R3 L. e' E* J你可能已经知道你从市场上买回的水果和蔬菜完全就是垃圾。当然了,西红柿又红又圆,但是吃起来就象是污水,而且并不怎么柔软。当你自己在后院种植西红柿的时候就会发现,它们一点都不圆,颜色也不那么鲜艳,但是很好吃,而且放在汉堡中时味道相当不错。你现在明白了,市场上的西红柿都是特意培育得又红又大,看起来好像很完美。它们实际上是人造的,就像奶牛,自从人类开始饲养奶牛,它们已经变得比原来在野外的时候大了一倍。对摔角来说,当然你也可以对其进行人工改造,但是最好的要素仍旧是那些自然而然的部分。
      e: [9 o+ ]- {" b2 q7 e% l& ~
    2 z, U, W) B0 S- s一般来说都是公司的高层来决定谁来扮演正派,谁来扮演反派。但是当Eddie Guerrero毫无征兆地将Tajiri摔穿卡车的挡风玻璃时,fans仍旧为他欢呼,这样的话毫无疑问Eddie应该转回正派。Fans是一股强大的力量。如果不是为了满足观众的需要,Chris Benoit和Eddie Guerrero 就不会在Wrestlemania上赢得冠军。如果不是为了观众,Matt Hardy不会这么快就复出。而且,如果管理层现在足够关注的话,他们就不应该继续让Cena作face,这样作是相当失败的。他们应该让fans来决定Cena下一步的发展。不要担心卖给女人和孩子的T-Shirt和腕带,管理层应该关注的是如何发展剧情上的不和。8 V6 C/ E) I9 R# k2 B7 ?
    % H- C1 ]9 g; a' g9 l
    有时给选手们的机关〔注2〕看起来好像是个无意的安排。更多的时候选手们却被这些机关所困扰。当John Cena在后台和朋友们打沙袋打得津津有味的时候,很显然他更适合来一段rap。Steve Austin 的口头禅"What?"是以Christian的电话自动答录机中的留言为源头的,至今仍被fans们使用。大部分影响了摔角历史的优秀机关和想法都是偶然事件。没有人刻意去追求这些,但他们最终却得到了。* Z0 z' I7 I, f3 Y4 ~+ @" W
      |! }; W1 \! v, s: S5 I
    数不清的选手自己都说,没有脚本的短片才是最好的短片。不用担心背台词,选手们应该可以自由发挥,让一切顺其自然。现在的规矩太多了,我觉得只有一个梗概就足够了。选手们被限制的动作越来越多,那些动作才是他们人气的保证。他们不得不适应一个比较矛盾的风格。这种大环境造成了选手个性的缺失。发展故事线的最好办法就是一切顺其自然,不要在比赛前就把比赛的全过程都计划得那么详细。* v- T) h* l  N2 C
    ( B8 I- W8 B, o) i$ Z; ]
    WWE用OVW和DSW两个小联盟来训练有潜力的选手。虽然由于这些选手是在这样一种训练环境下成长而缺乏一线经验,WWE把他们当作是一块未经雕琢的璞玉,但是实际上这种训练环境仍然是一个工厂。现在的选手们并没有付出他们所应付出的,他们本应环游世界以汲取百家之长,然后才会成长为一个全面的选手。取而代之的是,他们的经验和技术完全都是填鸭式的,就像在你重装系统之前你的电脑中就已经有了Windows一样。这些选手以“亚WWE”模式进行训练。如果你没有一线经验,你就被用一些必要的属性来彻底改造。WWE的训练场不是从农场进货的市场,而是一个大工厂,只批量生产缺乏改变的产品〔注3〕。当他们准备好发货的时候,Vince McMahon再刷上最后一层漆,一个荒谬可笑的机关,就像The Spirit Squad, The Dicks和 The Boogeyman一样。
    4 K8 P  i2 F" G0 a- e: H6 {8 ~6 x5 j" L
    任何艺术家都知道要创新就不能强求。你只需要睁大眼睛,让思维活跃起来。你当然无法强迫人们喜欢某些东西,或者对他们认为一般甚至是次品的东西感到满意。娱乐的最终目标是给fans提供真正想要的快乐。我承认,在尝试过之前,人们常常无法意识到他们到底需要什么。有时,的确需要强迫式的灌输。如果一直听从那些少数见多识广的观众的意见,大概永远不会有heel了,因此也就不会有冲突,故事线也没用了,同样也就不会有剧情上的不和。但是大多数观众,甚至不知道内部消息的观众,他们至少能认识到他们对John Cena不满,他们想看到John Cena的另一面,或者是用某人来代替他。从商业长期运行的角度上来看,要禁止这些观众嘘John Cena,还不如不再销售Chain Gang T-Shirts。
      G( \0 H) c# _" B1 c, Q  Y$ L1 q1 g$ {' a& y8 j8 |
    如果摔角能更自由一点,不再有那么多人为规定的东西,它将给观众们和年轻选手们带来全新的感觉。各种不和将变得更针对个人,更有轰动效应。摔角可以生产,也可以用人工方式改造,但是如果你只种下种子并随季节变换任其自由生长,你将得到更多的收获。简单地改变一下,摔角会变得更好。9 b$ I& a& W3 ?) B: g
    9 J+ j- ?4 F# O( J# L" z

    ( J6 u# l2 V- W: w" {( P8 O) S) e; {9 j3 E0 I: Y/ I0 J
    注1:希腊神话中文艺、美术 、音乐等的缪斯女神5 k. c  D) ]* ?6 P/ {7 @
    注2:原文是gimmicks,可以是指摔角手的角色,也可以指比赛中使用的的武器和物件。Gimmicked是形容在比赛前做过手脚的物件,比如说一张Gimmicked的桌子就是特制的,在比赛中容易摔成两半的桌子,此条解释选自咨询区置顶贴; w4 a; W  O3 A. J5 I) F1 {& T$ K
    3 A' A) r' s+ J+ o8 x& D7 c6 s/ ~
    * V" L6 c% E6 d; n+ N8 E

    % u$ A- M4 a" X( v2 k) e% O# m) H  [( E3 h0 z6 X
    其它两篇本人翻译的“五星级真相”系列地址:5 G9 d  }" u" }) m

    # y: G% }/ V% }' q The 5 Star Truth: Entertain Yourself--五星级真相:自娱自乐
    1 {4 p& o9 U; {2 x  Uhttp://www.19977.com/thread-30613-1-1.html
    2 Z* T6 O7 `# p! S0 R- u
    . y5 I2 ^8 y& K8 q4 L1 M$ p7 K) vThe 5 Star Truth: Sirens--五星级真相:警报
    . r) c$ d* C/ Dhttp://www.19977.com/thread-30606-1-1.html

    + S' G1 s: R0 [( J$ g6 l
    $ [- M! W+ y1 M# ]4 K9 F, E5 d- F[ 本帖最后由 语实俱禁 于 2006-8-18 20:15 编辑 ]




  • TA的每日心情
    2024-11-17 16:15
  • 签到天数: 235 天


     楼主| 发表于 2006-8-17 23:35 | 显示全部楼层
    & Q& E3 M6 o- t/ `http://nodq.com/columns/155528201.shtml# s0 G- x; z" ]0 ~
    1 x" `) `1 ^1 }The 5 Star Truth: Organic
    3 x6 b% _1 ^4 cPosted by Mike Steele on 07/21/2006 at 06:37 PM
    6 `+ a; I( g, Z" q2 p. X& |5 y9 l! J/ Y+ w4 r5 v! b3 L  c
    In wrestling there are of course many scripts, storylines, and booking decisions. Each promo, match, and angle is planned out either loosely or in detail. Because it is "fake" and predetermined, the business operates in a very planned and mechanical manner. Usually, how ever, it is the unexpected that provides for the best in wrestling. When a promo is impromptu, when a crowd forces a heel to turn face, or when an idea so off the wall comes to a wrestler that it seems a muse has whispered in his ear, that is where all the great stuff in wrestling comes from. 6 {" {& }3 b1 G* s) E/ h
    You may already know that the fruit and vegetables that you get from the market can be complete crap. Sure, the tomatoes are red and round but they taste like dirty water and they aren't very soft. When you grow tomatoes in your own backyard though, they are bumpy and off color, but they are tasty and go pretty good on a hamburger. You see, the tomatoes at the market have been specially grown to be big and red, to look like an ideal tomato. They are essentially manufactured, just like cows have been bred to be twice as big as they were in the wild before humans started keeping livestock. When it comes to wrestling, sure you can manufacture it, but the good stuff is home grown.
    - q, H; c2 g, M* R% V; @2 X  W$ ]Usually it is the higher ups in the company that decide who will play the bad guy and who will play the good guy. But when Eddie Guerrero smashed Tajiri through the windshield of a truck for no reason and the fans kept cheering for him, it wasn't a hard decision to make to turn Eddie back into a face. The fans can be a mighty powerful bunch. If it wasn't for the demands of the fans, Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero wouldn't have stood as champions at Wrestlemania. If it wasn't for the fans, Matt Hardy wouldn't have been brought back so quickly. And if management was paying attention now, they wouldn't be fighting a losing battle trying to keep John Cena as a face. They need to let the fans dictate where Cena will go. Instead of worrying about selling T-Shirts to bimbos and wristbands to kids, they need to focus on what will work best for a feud. & W9 M- J. ^; Z3 N
    Many times gimmicks are given to wrestlers in a seemingly random manner. Other times the wrestlers stumble onto a gimmick themselves. When John Cena was having fun beat boxing with his friends backstage it became apparent that a rap gimmick would be suitable for him. Steve Austin's "What?" chant started with an answering machine message from Christian and is still being used by fans today. Most of the great gimmicks and ideas that have shaped wrestling history have been stumbled onto per happenstance. No one was looking for it, but they found it. ; b+ T5 l/ L8 p( @1 B/ B+ j3 b
    Countless wrestlers have said it themselves, the best promos are the ones that aren't scripted. Instead of worrying about remembering a speech, wrestlers should be able to flow freely and let the pieces fall where they may. There are too many rules that should only be guidelines. It is becoming more and more frequent that wrestlers can't use the moves that get them over with the fans. They have to conform to a certain style that conflicts with what they have to offer. Individuality is getting lost on the assembly line. The best way to get a solid storyline is to let it evolve naturally, not completely plan it out from start to finish before hand.
    # R9 F5 Q" a) V  Y. ~: M. x8 }WWE uses Ohio Valley Wrestling and Deep South Wrestling to train wrestlers who could potentially be brought up to the main roster. While WWE sees them as "home grown" since many of them originate from these training grounds without much prior experience, it is in fact a factory. Now wrestlers aren't paying their dues, gaining experience around the world, and truly growing as an all around performer. Instead their experiences and skills are implanted into their brains like Windows is automatically installed in your PC before you even purchase it. They are trained in the less than unique WWE style. And if you do have prior experience, you are disassembled and reprocessed and reprogrammed with the necessary attributes. WWE's training grounds are not markets that receive their stock from farms, they are large factories that mass produce a limited variation of products. And when they are ready for shipping, Vince McMahon puts on the final coat of paint, a ridiculous gimmick such as The Spirit Squad, The Dicks, and The Boogeyman. & Y. Y' a% c! ^
    Any artist of any kind knows that when it comes to creativity, there is no forcing it. You just have to open your eyes and let things flow through your mind. You certainly can't force people to like something or be satisfied with what they know is mediocre or sub-par. The ultimate goal for an entertainer should be to provide their fans with what they truly want. Granted, often times people don't realize what they want until they sample it. Sometimes, it is necessary to force feed. If the less informed fans got their way all the time, there would never be any heels, therefore there would never be any conflict or purpose for a storyline or dramatic feud. But most of the fans, even those who don't get the insider news, they are at least wise enough to know they are displeased with John Cena and they want to see either a different side of him or someone else in his place. To deny the fans the right to boo John Cena is going to be worse for business in the long run than not selling Chain Gang T-Shirts.
    , [" c- A! ~; s  _If wrestling went back to being more spontaneous and less choreographed it would bring a breath of fresh air to the fans and the talent themselves. Feuds would be more personal and there would be actual shock value. Wrestling can be produced and it can be manufactured on an assembly line, but it bears more fruit when you plant the seed and let it grow and change with the seasons. Simply put, wrestling is better from the organic aisle.
  • TA的每日心情
    2021-4-30 22:34
  • 签到天数: 499 天


    发表于 2006-8-17 23:37 | 显示全部楼层
    先感谢楼主的辛苦翻译,再看帖~- G: ~* o0 G& _. ~5 c+ @

    9 [$ a% u5 |) |3 ~) w7 `7 bPS:卡巴太敏感了一些,不过NODQ上面的病毒确实需要小心。。


    发表于 2006-8-18 00:13 | 显示全部楼层
  • TA的每日心情

    2024-11-22 13:37
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    发表于 2006-8-18 00:20 | 显示全部楼层


    发表于 2006-8-18 00:28 | 显示全部楼层
    看这位专栏作者的文章真是受益匪浅  这么形象的形容WWE的造星运动 的确 只要是WWE出去的 到任何一个联盟都是抢手货 哪怕是只出现过5次的The Dicks
  • TA的每日心情
    2013-2-24 21:30
  • 签到天数: 1 天


    发表于 2006-8-18 00:32 | 显示全部楼层
    9 D5 u# T" [3 C) n. A) y1 A4 b$ D* x
    4 ]  J: G' B0 t2 `3 K# v& m; u
    ! Y. H, D& [, ^4 K2 h7 U. F: VWWE现在虽然还是在不断创新  但作为一个已经上市的跨国大公司 如果现在要它象以前一样不断的去尝试冒着亏本的巨大风险
    # B+ \! V4 \3 ^+ T; L3 N6 z
    ' e; A. l; [: s2 L恐怕是很难了


    发表于 2006-8-18 00:39 | 显示全部楼层
    原帖由 SHINNOK 于 2006-8-18 00:32 发表
    . Z4 \, C2 x8 [的确是个好帖子, p( i& P$ |8 e8 p
    6 o3 b0 p  F; C7 ^" M  W1 }
    ! V/ S. b0 p8 J) [* O0 d# [: P$ ?0 V3 k4 ^' a: c' k* c
    WWE现在虽然还是在不断创新  但作为一个已经上市的跨国大公司 如果现在要它象以前一样不断的去尝试冒着亏本的巨大风险, w: ?. V9 _: s3 R# |
    6 \8 F0 N- A* E. A/ L/ o) ~2 C3 C. W
    - K# S' ~  B7 z  _; {: ?) ~

    , e; F, s& t% Z( o# r1 I. P嗯 说得对 这么多年积累下来有一定的模式了  文中的流水线一词虽然合适 但太讽刺了 没有流水线固然是好 可要多少年才能出一个好摔跤手呢~ 一套模式般的流程下来 在这个基础上再进行角色深度挖掘 才是真正的造星阿
  • TA的每日心情
    2024-11-17 16:15
  • 签到天数: 235 天


     楼主| 发表于 2006-8-18 00:49 | 显示全部楼层
  • TA的每日心情
    2021-4-30 22:34
  • 签到天数: 499 天


    发表于 2006-8-18 11:46 | 显示全部楼层
    原帖由 侠疯千里 于 2006-8-18 00:28 发表9 H9 ^& L$ g8 O
    看这位专栏作者的文章真是受益匪浅  这么形象的形容WWE的造星运动 的确 只要是WWE出去的 到任何一个联盟都是抢手货 哪怕是只出现过5次的The Dicks
    ' V0 H/ S2 p" d1 q" G- L) Y

    , X7 ?" W% ^4 o7 g3 i呵呵,三篇文章我都看了,也对作者比较好奇,找到这位原作者的一些资料7 x: C. P) d3 q( B5 b& J( v7 C

    0 D3 K4 o- g$ u, {9 p+ G* z- E9 U- c
    2 v1 ~) g8 U8 e4 {+ R7 s) K  }7 p0 [; `
    Mike Steele" t9 _0 |9 u& D0 c7 o
    Male : X  D" @: A0 B
    19 years old
    # ^+ L6 u+ ]/ R: U7 b1 h( ]% A# aLOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 8 i3 u) ]9 i+ N9 J+ C: g
    United States
    9 `. b" |. B2 A0 r* }; }8 l& f) P# A' S. I1 `, ^' z4 w' C


    发表于 2006-8-18 19:22 | 显示全部楼层
    文章寫得不錯 謝了


    发表于 2006-8-20 10:05 | 显示全部楼层


    发表于 2006-8-20 10:58 | 显示全部楼层
  • TA的每日心情
    2014-3-12 14:23
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    发表于 2006-9-6 12:17 | 显示全部楼层
    thank you~~~~~~~
  • TA的每日心情
    2014-8-10 23:22
  • 签到天数: 3 天


    发表于 2006-9-7 05:36 | 显示全部楼层
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