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[翻译] Exactly What Is ECW?--ECW究竟是什么?

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  • TA的每日心情
    2025-1-2 22:36
  • 签到天数: 240 天


    发表于 2006-8-11 20:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    , ?  N/ ]( _3 m9 \, U另外,不知道为什么,我打开原文的网页的时候,居然有些地方是乱码,我仔细看了下,出乱码的地方原文应该都是出现了英文的单引号,不知道怎么解决,有些地方由于推断不出英文原文到底是什么,可能会出错,英文原文的地址附在一楼了,下面是译文

    - d/ Y" m+ t5 A# W5 B) t; I( p7 w# u+ W, a0 {, Z$ l; H
    Breaking The Walls Down8 z0 v( M2 S  j
    4 x( ^+ c$ u5 c1 i3 z+ Y% ^' L# e
    hi,欢迎回到Breaking The Walls Down。我刚刚休假回来,两周之内还要继续休假。我希望下周最好能作个专栏。问题是,那完全依赖于我能有多少时间敲字,因为工作、我的公司,还有家庭的需要占据了我再次休周假之前的时间。无论如何,我将放弃本周Bits and Pieces的稿件,专心弄这个专栏。" e# k# X# M" u9 k% H: k
    " o! x; E$ }, ?5 ~
    Exactly What Is ECW?
    ( }3 n6 z% X# p. `' Q* ^  k; U: R( k5 Z0 z9 x

    3 b$ ~5 t1 T+ ?0 C8 V+ k3 m. U9 P) h! E
      O, O" _) D3 K& f我靠在椅背上扪心自问,到底什么是ECW?$ ^) B  N6 t) p5 q" Z8 l
    我的意思是,它的本质是什么?是摔角吗?当然了。. v" w' J" L* G2 U# g& t% _
    是从前那种硬核摔角吗?有时候是的。) B$ E# g- Z1 N6 e* Z% z- C
    它太WWE化了且没有足够的独立性吗?有那么一点。& W/ {5 x% E5 e4 \  z8 [" W

    - E5 _9 u2 l, Y- m4 G当我思考关于ECW的事情时,这些问题和其它的一些问题一直在我脑中环绕。而且,我知道不只是我这样想。当我在周末出去和朋友聚会的时候,他们说的是同样的事情。我坐在那喝着我点的饮品,咀嚼他们话中的含义。他们乐于尊重和接受他人的意见。下面是一些对话的摘录:
    6 ~+ X' t% r2 w3 v" v- M2 t
    " ?9 ~+ K5 s& R9 f那些愚蠢的规则到底是要干什么?我还以为那是ECW呢。为什么有些比赛是hardcore规则,有些却不是?这可是ECW啊!  `% t  H- w2 b+ r& u5 F
    ' x6 v/ q, J3 |# f8 i
    你知道,首先,我认为看到作为ECW冠军的bigshow会很有趣。然而,他们让他作的就只有摧毁别人吗?% \: `5 x) u% P( y. ^7 R+ \& u

    " S1 L9 j/ U; ?; R1 {$ h' R是啊,不只是那样,但是他们只是不断地让bigshow在著名的wwe明星面前捍卫自己的头衔。
    0 I5 X1 V  q9 ~7 b; H; Z. |

    * T9 y, L, m" ?: [2 @- H: l让我们逐个的分析一下吧。4 Y' \! b# P+ E8 u' b/ f6 z

    7 o2 e+ v3 ~7 c* ^. G9 B“首先,那些愚蠢的规则到底是要干什么?我还以为那是ECW。为什么有些比赛是hardcore规则,有些却不是?这可是ECW啊!”
    ! W6 N: a* w, _  X% l3 o用这个问题作个好点的开头吧。这是他们向我们保证的新ECW所必须作的。困扰这个的问题就是,ECW的含义仍然是极限冠军摔角。从商业角度来说,这不只是对你手下的那些每晚用椅子敲头或摔在图钉上的选手有意义,因为人们都认为他们经常会那样做。这不再是每周一次或两次秀的ECW了(一个重复的主题)。这是WWE旗下的品牌,每周都要秀好几次,选手们的身体无法在一天接一天的摧残中支撑了。
    9 r' W" v8 d; L" S6 u7 y1 u
    + M# T* Q% a- l9 Y. `$ y即使我们这些观众每周在电视上能看到90%的选手也不会停止争论。由此可以得出,因为选手们并不在摄像机前,所以可以做到hardcore 。这样就离事实不远了。仅仅是由于选手没在电视上出现,并不意味着他不在houseshow上出场。如果说选手每周打三四场比赛,不可能每场都充满血腥。人类的身体无法承受那种摧残。; D5 W( l" W( x5 w. Z7 b
    & Z9 a* B5 K/ r5 I0 h
    下面这个问题,“你知道,首先,我认为看到作为ECW冠军的bigshow会很有趣。然而,他们让他作的就只有摧毁别人吗?”% B2 k: v# Z. w1 a
    嗯,在这句话里找出错误很难。自从bigshow在ECW上出现,他就摧毁了一切障碍。当然了,他被击倒过,但是作为一个观众,我从来就没有认为他会输掉头衔。某些人明显比其它的对手大上一号,这个是ECW需要解决的固有问题。Bigshow可以毫不费力地蹂躏他所面对的大部分选手――如果他不想杀掉他们的话。如果他一不小心,如果他的动作完成得不够完美,对手的生命就危在旦夕。6 [/ ^# \/ i6 G) k' u, L6 @: l  O
    ( e& S4 t# f/ I9 u% Y
    与之相关的问题就是,观众们注意到了这点。职业摔角的真实性显而易见(由于Rey Mysterio作为世界冠军常常要面对比其体型更大的选手,对此事的可能性经常存在异议,以此来说,的确是有反对的观点)。有时fans看直播比赛的时候不介意想起这些,但是有时候他们也会介意。我担心他们会由于bigshow而更烦恼。某个无敌的选手在对手林立时杀出一条血路,我喜欢观看这样的比赛,而不是所谓的顶级对决。如果是那样的话,有能力击败他的人必然少之又少。有人可能会说Yokozuna就是这样的,但我不同意。Yokozuna是能击败对手的世界冠军之一,但是很显然,从体形上来看,他并不是可以长时间比赛的选手。我毫不怀疑bigshow可以连续打上20到30分钟的比赛。但是,如果是Yokozuna,很可能是比赛时间变得越长,他就越有机会被击败。比赛时间对bigshow来说并不是问题。
    : h% l, ?6 g" y7 ]' A, M! ?) C& T% I
    最后一个问题是,“是啊,不只是那样,但是他们只是不断地让bigshow在著名的wwe明星面前捍卫自己的头衔。”2 A- x$ Q' E" I; N/ p
    这对WWE来说大概也是一个很有意思、(我估计)也很难的问题。一方面,他们最近一直致力于将复兴的品牌〔译者:即ecw〕全球化。随之而来的,他们不得不寻找能使他们当前的全球市场与最新复兴品牌相连接的方法。有些事情必须要让步。这样,很不幸地,牺牲的就是那些年轻的天才选手们。明星们是吸引fans观看ECW电视秀和house show的重要因素。但是,在后台,ECW正在开发它自己的明星。可能会稍晚一些,但我们一定能看到他们。
    8 w* B1 A5 f' |6 A+ a- {
    # `* N3 r( r: l9 D" B. ~( f5 g有人可能说那并不够。我认为够了。如果给予时间(显然只要SCI-FI频道收视率没问题,Vince McMahon心情良好,他们就肯定会有)和适当的剧情,ECW的年轻选手们就会成长起来。我希望在不久的将来,我们就可以再次看到全新的ECW电视秀和Tag Team Championship腰带。一旦划分出了层次,每个冠军头衔的候选人〔也就是World, TV, Tag Team Champion〕和挑战者的数量就很清楚了,公司会作得很好的。但与此同时,如此多的WWE选手占据着ECW的比赛时间,并不完全是一件坏事….只要不过分,ECW的选手们也没被逼进绝路,ECW仍然会再次繁荣起来的。
    ; S9 f$ I; u/ x4 v0 h
    8 d$ ?  t- c& F3 @3 S1 e1 bWWE正在按我们的想法去作,让ECW复活并重新发展。按许多fans的话说,现在的ECW比Smackdown更有意思。那不是件好事,因为Smackdown是WWE官方的独立品牌。说实话,我记不得我上次观看Smackdown的时间了。我休假的那一周很忙,我跟朋友们一起度过了快乐的周末。我很罕见地错过了WWE的Smackdown节目。事情就是这样,为了避免错过重要剧情。我观看了剪辑。但是Smackdown并不像从前那样了,而且它与ECW相比有些拘谨。这可能是观众们的爱好,但我并不这么想。第一,Smackdown的播出时间是在周五,非常不利。第二,Smackdown与ECW相比,选手的名气还不够大。第三,Smackdown的一些选手是商业工具,fans们实际上对其并不感冒。
    + h: ~9 X8 q" i% p
    % T7 o9 e( R' b1 k+ U9 @1 a! x* T# _现在,在年轻选手,甚至是跨品牌的年轻选手成长起来之前,Smackdown的问题没什么好的解决办法。但是,现在McMahon正忙于发展ECW的品牌运营。可能稍微有点慢,但是事情的确是这样。我以前说过ECW将会破产,但是以它现在的发展速度,它至少能度过今年,可能会更久。我希望WWE证明我当初的预言是错误的。我希望ECW持续下去。但是如果那样的话,我们将不得不作出一些让步并认识到ECW并不再像从前那样了。有时暴力是老ECW的标志,但是我们将看到现在的重要问题是开始启用健康的明星。在考虑了这一点之后,我们应该很乐于看到McMahon正在给予支持。它是如何破产的,让我们拭目以待,我们应该支持参加比赛的选手,而不是为了谁应该参加比赛而争吵和抱怨。 9 g. n6 [; R0 I$ f( @
    0 L- i/ q6 J/ W
    : G3 s1 V0 ~; l. r" z0 H; z" E
    $ {3 h. k( `. b/ h6 n
    ) C# M2 }3 f- s. U. m( C$ YLater, % q7 q  W2 p; s- J
    Chris Dailey
    % i. d% V+ z& {/ \3 X
    1 O3 R; p& |4 Z8 _

    & i  i6 O4 I% _1 N& K6 i0 n7 S6 o% R3 x5 ~
    [ 本帖最后由 语实俱禁 于 2006-9-3 12:38 编辑 ]




  • TA的每日心情
    2025-1-2 22:36
  • 签到天数: 240 天


     楼主| 发表于 2006-8-11 20:51 | 显示全部楼层
    原文地址:  R5 T  u6 ?& }. G
    http://www.lordsofpain.net/news/2006_/articles/1155079971.php) N  @% m& E, b* [9 e
      V, s1 H. W4 L7 [Breaking The Walls Down - Exactly What Is ECW?4 _7 |/ z+ a2 q5 c
    Submitted by Chris Dailey on Tuesday, August 8, 2006 at 7:32 PM EST
    & y0 \0 ^$ B) z  f
    1 z! p5 u: E8 ]+ J$ t+ J7 _- Z

    ' e' P( O. x2 c4 e1 y& E( k! T5 E2 r5 n6 o$ \9 g4 ?

    # F; f7 g% Y6 k- H8 l
    " [# z$ h& e9 s
    + B8 j  }9 J0 CBreaking The Walls Down; e$ O/ _. l/ _; I4 O1 J  p& s0 t: B4 o
    $ r6 i5 U2 y4 F& E

    ' J  n& O9 A+ F. A9 v
    7 U: c- @! i) g  B8 D9 n( c& A& K# o# H9 O  P% ]" \& c" O) N
    6 l( L1 P- ?* k8 u; y2 s( L' ^
    Hello all and welcome back to another edition of Breaking The Walls Down. I抳e returned from vacation and will be going again in less than two weeks. I hope to have a column out next week, as well. The problem is, it all depends on how much time I have to type, since work, my company, and family requirements take up much of time before disappearing for another week. Anyway, I抦 going to forgo Bits and Pieces this week and delve straight into the column.
    + p; i& k. H- c* i* u$ D0 Z4 U+ V  \' l. d; m
    $ `! S- h, L) W

    % ]5 c/ l2 V" O% M5 [7 m4 r/ C2 K- L4 W

    9 D* _4 W" c1 s; ~! d+ m+ eExactly What Is ECW?- v. _. [9 r3 ]+ n

    7 z9 x7 P0 I+ X+ J4 H' m  M4 s" e
    ' F4 Q% T% V# Z; {8 j8 m7 ~
    " e" J4 V5 x: M' r

    8 ~  A6 K- L+ l& g! @I sit back and find myself asking that very question. Exactly what is ECW? I mean, what is it really? Is it a wrestling promotion? Sure. Is it a hardcore promotion like it used to be? Sometimes. Is it too WWE and not independent enough? Sort of. These questions, and others, continually cross my mind when thinking of ECW. And, I know for a fact that I抦 not the only one. When I go out on Friday night and I sit across the table from my friends, they say the same thing. I sit there, sipping a microbrew of my choice, taking in everything they say. They抮e animated in some regards and accepting of things in others. Here are some excerpts of these conversations:
    8 i# {. h+ y0 |3 c  I0 D' E" V6 e
    ! t: s  O, E4 A. M$ b% k8 @4 x, y; p1 d- e$ X
    5 Y7 P) S9 b) {# K( T

    , t+ L0 m# `; Y. d. K* g7 [揥hat the hell is up with these stupid rules? I thought this was ECW. Why do some matches have a 揌ardcore Rules?stipulation and some don抰? This is ECW!? ' h; Z  P: ~1 m
    % k' X1 {& ^/ v8 x7 H& Y
    6 |& ?: B, h8 d7 e: Q& C
    揧ou know, at first, I thought it would be kind of interesting seeing The Big Show as the ECW Champ. But, all they have him doing is squashing guys.?
    6 Y$ C. k/ j% ]6 s: {+ a! y3 [
    2 w- _3 R5 s  Z! c' H, x
    ; f3 T- A- @8 X: H揧eah, not only that, but they only ever have The Big Show defending the title against big name WWE stars.? , m. x" ?, D2 J6 N, g# k7 L" k- s

    - m$ D  Y% E- u6 J" m) z. n+ z* o- G
    0 s+ _- F8 V6 Y. l- V; \( M3 e

    / `' o. H1 t: r2 x  XLet抯 take a look at these one by one. The first quote, 揥hat the hell is up with these stupid rules? I thought this was ECW. Why do some matches have a 揌ardcore Rules?stipulation and some don抰? This is ECW!?is as good a place to start as any. First, it has to do with the 搉ew?ECW they kept telling us about. The problem with that is, that ECW still stands for Extreme Championship Wrestling. From a business point, it makes sense not to have your performers bashing in their heads with steel chairs or wrestling on thumbtacks every night because they are expected to perform often. This isn抰 the same ECW (a recurring theme) where it was one show every week or two. This is a WWE owned product that will see the light of day several times during the week and the wrestlers?bodies simply can抰 sustain that kind of punishment day in and day out.
    / P3 T0 E- G7 B0 c. \9 F& i+ y' X: r8 z1 {. f( N
    7 w) ]$ Y- `9 ]0 K  Y. D

    + }( ^  t. [0 t7 G3 l& \+ E  Q5 @9 T6 e8 w) B0 K
    The argument could be made that we, the viewers, don抰 end up seeing 90% of the roster each week on TV. Therefore, logically, these wrestlers can afford to be hardcore because they are not in front of the camera. That couldn抰 be more further from the truth. Simply because a wrestler doesn抰 appear on TV doesn抰 mean that said wrestler isn抰 booked on house shows. If said wrestler is doing three or four matches a week, each one can抰 be a brutal bloodbath. The human body can抰 sustain that kind of damage. 7 W. g) t$ y- K& l
    ! ~7 w; m/ b2 ]& E4 s. t: J

    + ^4 M- u) z( V5 {2 r9 E( R6 S; y4 N6 ~  @: }( i

    2 H; B& T  i/ l) G. }! p8 Z& y2 TWhat about, 揧ou know, at first, I thought it would be kind of interesting seeing The Big Show as the ECW Champ. But, all they have him doing is squashing guys.? Well, it抯 hard to find fault in that. Ever since The Big Show appeared in ECW, he抯 done nothing but destroy everyone in his path. Sure, he抯 been knocked off his feet and whatnot, but there was never a point where, as a viewer, I believed he could lose the title. This is something ECW is going to have to work on as it抯 an inherent problem with someone who is obviously much bigger than any of the competition. The Big Show could seriously hurt, if not kill, many of the wrestlers that he faces without even trying. If he抯 not careful, if he抯 not perfect in his execution, someone抯 life could be in jeopardy. 8 I( U- |% D* o" P5 f

    , }) U. K% W, f5 I. h" Y) F  S& u  ?$ g! w6 z
    & w% ~; d$ N4 j; `+ W7 e
    ! Q% X" ?: g# M5 @
    The problem with that is, the viewers pick up on it. The reality that professional wrestling is scripted never becomes more apparent (with the possible exception of Rey Mysterio being the World Champ facing bigger competition, in this case the opposite argument is true). Sometimes fans don抰 mind being reminded that they are watching a scripted event and sometimes they do. I fear that with The Big Show, it bothers them a little too much. I like the idea of watching someone who is indestructible carving a path through his opponents, but not when it抯 supposedly the top-of-the-line competition. In that case, the reality that someone is capable of beating him becomes that much distant. Someone could argue that Yokozuna was an example of this and I will say not really. Yokozuna was an example of a World Champion being able to quickly go through his opponents, but it was obvious by looking at him that he wasn抰 a long-distance-type wrestler. I have no doubt The Big Show could go 20 or 30 minutes. But, with Yokozuna, it became more believable the longer a match went, the bigger the chance there was that he could be defeated. This isn抰 the case with The Big Show. 5 _! Z' E; g; t8 N6 a8 r. m; X

    + F) m  u* _3 S1 U8 P5 c9 w& v* e, ~( ~

    & O' E" g  {6 h% @% R
    + Y% B7 W; \/ T- i8 P3 J1 {5 u4 YThe final quote is, 揧eah, not only that, but they only ever have The Big Show defending the title against big name WWE stars.? This is a very interesting one and a very (presumably) difficult one for The WWE. On one hand they have a recently resurrected promotion that they want to take global. And, in doing so, they have to find ways to make their current global market connect with the newly resurrected product. Something has to give. And, unfortunately in this case, it抯 the younger talent. The big names are what many believe are drawing fans to watch ECW television shows and attend house shows. But, in the background, ECW is developing its own stars. Slowly but surely we are being introduced to them.
    & I. o, ]7 U1 f& T9 m% G
    4 ^3 p4 t/ U& K4 N# \% @, s7 s( U  t* ^$ b3 s
    - x. {. g3 t( r

    , F* w6 c1 `+ |. V9 i& ^One may argue that it抯 not enough. I believe it is. Given time (and apparently they have it with a very happy SCI-FI Channel and a very happy Vince McMahon) and the proper storylines many of the young talent can grow and prosper in ECW. It is my hope that it won抰 be long before we see the newly resurrected ECW TV and Tag Team Championship belts again. Once a hierarchy is put into place, consisting of a champion in a select bracket (i.e. World, TV, Tag Team Champion) and a number of contenders are clear for each title, the company will do well. But, in the mean time, the fact that so many obvious WWE wrestlers fill ECW抯 timeslot, is not a bad thing. . . completely. As long as this isn抰 overdone and as long as the ECW wrestlers are pushed in the proper manner, ECW will continue to grow once again.
    2 f' @# y/ Q7 n- `
    ! Y: W- b9 f1 J+ v* ?8 S1 A6 i3 x1 M& [- |' V$ a

    % A+ I) j/ N9 V9 x
    7 A) q4 O0 \2 v3 k! m! T! KThe WWE is doing what we hoped they would do, resurrect and revitalize ECW. Currently ECW is, according to many fans, much more interesting than Smackdown. That抯 not a good thing, as Smackdown is a solely WWE inspired product. To be honest, I can抰 remember the last time I watched a Smackdown episode. I抦 busy enough during the week that I go out on a Friday night with my friends and have a good time. I rarely recognize that I抦 missing WWE Smackdown. It抯 something that happens and I depend on LoP to let me know if I missed anything important. But, Smackdown isn抰 what it used to be and not it抯 getting some stiff competition from ECW. This could be a fad in terms of viewers, but I don抰 think so. One, Smackdown is on a Friday, big disadvantage. Two, they have more no-names on Smackdown than ECW. Three, some of the wrestlers on Smackdown that are names in the business, fans don抰 really care about. ( B0 r! p% d( h" y1 q/ B
    / ]% H7 f- L9 Q! i
    # p0 Y' z, C9 q! f3 b' O

    - T, B/ F: z$ N, o: {
    8 M( T  W/ s8 w( V4 H% ?3 \Now, the problems of Smackdown won抰 get any better until some talent is evened out between the brands. But, right now McMahon is focused on getting ECW up and running and it抯 happening. Slowly but surely it抯 happening. I originally said that ECW would go under, but at the rate that it抯 going, it may just survive the year and then some. I hope WWE proves me wrong with my original prediction. I hope ECW is here to stay. But, if that抯 the case, we all have to make some concessions and understand that ECW isn抰 what it used to be. We will see, from time to time, signs of the old ECW, but for now the importance is getting the product off the ground with healthy stars. After thinking about this, we should simply be glad that McMahon is backing this. Let抯 continue to see how it plays out and support who抯 in the ring, rather than piss and moan about what could be in the ring. 9 _' z9 _; k/ \3 \& r% v
    % L' D9 D: d; n7 q! n5 U5 Z0 }
    8 f  ?  a5 B6 B  A" n

    $ x# G8 [3 R, i2 S1 N
    : n* c# H9 P" ?  v! E  H* U0 GWell, that will do it for this week. I抦 going on vacation in two weeks. I may or may not have a column next week. Anyway, I hope all of you have a safe and happy week and, as always, join me as I try to 揺ducate people on the realness of the fakeness of professional wrestling?©.
    6 h8 m5 d8 l0 B7 c$ m  Y$ Q2 g; g; V9 r. E# F* O
    0 f) E- K! {% M* Q0 V2 _
    + t3 K7 F/ s) i8 ?/ [# G
      }: s) \; k9 T5 t0 X0 @' z2 p
    3 r  R8 r3 e2 z( V6 g2 OChris Dailey


    发表于 2006-8-11 20:55 | 显示全部楼层


    发表于 2006-8-11 21:08 | 显示全部楼层


    发表于 2006-8-11 21:39 | 显示全部楼层
  • TA的每日心情
    2017-2-24 15:12
  • 签到天数: 12 天


    发表于 2006-8-11 21:40 | 显示全部楼层
    在后台,ECW正在开发它自己的明星。可能会稍晚一些,但我们一定能看到他们。4 Y" e- V9 B5 N1 |5 B

    0 j& e; U" I; H: W' W) j这就是现在ECW的发展状况!!!' Q2 y& S$ `8 v) I" q/ L# t4 B
    zoujinming 该用户已被删除
    发表于 2006-8-11 21:40 | 显示全部楼层
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    发表于 2006-8-11 21:52 | 显示全部楼层
  • TA的每日心情
    2016-10-7 22:18
  • 签到天数: 1 天


    发表于 2006-8-11 21:58 | 显示全部楼层


    发表于 2006-8-11 22:19 | 显示全部楼层
    谢谢翻译  好长 慢慢看
    WWE爱好者 该用户已被删除
    发表于 2006-8-11 22:43 | 显示全部楼层
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  • TA的每日心情
    2013-3-16 14:53
  • 签到天数: 1 天


    发表于 2006-8-11 23:15 | 显示全部楼层


    发表于 2006-8-11 23:33 | 显示全部楼层
    謝謝翻譯   回了再看!~
  • TA的每日心情
    2025-1-2 22:36
  • 签到天数: 240 天


     楼主| 发表于 2006-8-11 23:59 | 显示全部楼层
    原帖由 NAOH 于 2006-8-11 21:52 发表
    7 F# U$ P* ^" t& L3 G我的观点是不要把ECW发展成RAW,SD那样的品牌.在我看来RAW和SD都是纯粹的剧情化摔角,当然剧情在ECW也是不可缺少的,但我希望WWE能尽量把ECW发展得更像是一种体育竞技,我认为现在他们做的很好,他们把ECW的剧情彻底地 ...
    ; q9 f; V; L  P! Y
    我感觉现在ecw的mic show时间有变长的趋势。。。最近几期有增无减
  • TA的每日心情
    2025-1-2 22:36
  • 签到天数: 240 天


     楼主| 发表于 2006-8-12 00:01 | 显示全部楼层
    原帖由 WWE爱好者 于 2006-8-11 22:43 发表$ I5 o# K8 H; Y1 A( J1 w
    这个很长么?2 U' E" f5 m4 x1 @$ K" ~

    8 [2 E( ~# T1 x' N" O* ~* d' ]' b有时间去做本期RAW战报好了
      _0 P/ }3 [$ K4 n( r. O
    嗯?这是哪位管理人员的马甲,7篇帖子就1000积分了/ h* T) _- Y5 v0 m( `
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