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[翻译] 7月1日Tommy Dreamer暴力日记

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发表于 2006-7-2 22:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
作者:Tommy Dreamer         来源:wwe.com
1 ]% ]$ ^4 a& U' S! g5 L6 _+ C" d7 H" T
ECW ECW ECW,我还能说什么呢?在回到ECW竞技场后我过了一段美妙的时光,那里的气氛太棒了,我还从来没有像这样完全被情绪淹没着的从后台走出来过。你们对我的热烈回应我一辈子都会铭记在心中。就在那天里,发生了太多对我个人来说值得纪念的时刻,而且都是在瞬间朝我袭来。当我的心定下来并意识到我正和我的Extreme大家庭在一起时,我全身心地浸入到环境里面,享受着我这最著名的比赛场地。能够看到那么多张熟悉的脸庞,好似一场重新聚会一般。我是如此高兴又能和每一个人再次见面交谈并表达出对那天的感受和情绪。再次谢谢你们。
" n; f4 G) v+ h7 S2 p1 N/ Q0 D+ I/ }6 V1 L
正如我所料,竞技场里的人群充分的表达了他们想表达的(真叫雄壮)。我观看并享受了其中的大部分比赛。FBI对Doring和Roadkill紧张刺激的比赛为整个晚上定好了调子。Steven Richards获得了他完全应该获得的明星般的拥护。CM Punk终于进入了正式选手名单中,他和Steven打了一场很带劲的比赛,我看Punk会成为新ECW里的一个选手的。Steven是重生的一个明星,无论什么时候你看到他的比赛,他都是拼了老命去完成任务。
& B: c! [- f& P8 Z& f, P. j4 F5 n* l- A. _4 s8 l5 }0 [5 ^
- ]7 k% D, {: S4 r2 o4 s, j# ?
, `( ~3 h. a' s+ w6 K3 \Mike Knoxx和Balls Mahoney(的比赛?原话并没有比赛,但是是用的过去时态was,所以存疑)颇有意思。这个新来的家伙富有才华,他的脑袋还躲过了一记人都要打蠢的铁椅的“礼遇”。由于要准备自己的比赛,接下来的部分我就没看下去了。3 \; f: g4 {, Y+ r

4 x5 D- ?7 v* c; J+ u. _3 O. l2 d2 ~Big Show,ECW的fans们厌恶你。我舍命也要把你塑造成一个Extreme巨人的,你以为你可以打败我了,而游戏才刚刚开始。(注1 此处不一定正确)我们7月4号又要回到费城去了。你留点神罢,我会让你Extreme一回的。(也许我会拿几把M80步枪扔向他,或者像卡通片里那样塞在他裤裤里,哈哈)(注2)说真的,到第4回时,你会清楚什么叫做ECW的。
9 Z- }8 V; E* `5 w  e( c, D& \5 w4 `: u& ]4 B4 i/ s) [
我喜爱RVD和Kurt(的比赛?)。我看了那场比赛,正如过去我常常去看ECW压轴赛一样。他们两个比赛时我屁股几乎只碰到了椅子边上,并且还几次不自禁的跳起来。我喜欢他们两个的竞技能力,他们打出了一场好比赛。回家我最喜欢的一点是那儿的气氛,你们真叫震撼(原话是You people rock),正是你们的响亮欢呼口号和无畏(或译为无耻)的态度打造了ECW。千万别改变你们自己,我也会永远做真正的我。. R( z, \/ V8 z7 V

( `) V/ R2 O4 U/ z4 f最后要感谢所有在Bookends(不知道怎么翻)为我以及Paul的售书签名会赶来捧场的人们。1 L2 Z( f# y' H* y) [0 R  x1 z* d
穿着WWE的套装让我觉得很难受,在和粉丝们合照时它让我憋的喘不过气来(I got in a lot of trouble with the WWE suits for choking, chopping and slamming the fans during photo-ops. 此话不懂)不过没问题,我会泰然处之的,我不能让McMahon家族看扁我的。8 `) F+ {7 C" a, i+ c! b7 |* J
& E' C  i" }! A) w' j
暴力革新者:Tommy Dreamer& ?8 P2 v: Z) |+ L
+ z/ F7 s. I1 N& J0 W6 G# ?: h; N

( V; Y$ R, P8 b1 ]! I- K
* {$ o- Z% l4 N% e0 n' \注释1:原话为:You think you got me, the fun has just begun.请指教
+ t- |% [9 Q( {( O) X0 N3 X5 W( ~$ v注释2:不知道这里的pants是不是内裤,呵呵
3 n! @  z% U9 ^- @* c6 F. H: o+ d, \/ I3 ^$ b, k. h- R4 Y/ I
+ t! {) L+ G/ R4 ?& [. v
( g! J! B8 g0 J" t[ 本帖最后由 xiazun 于 2006-7-3 10:39 编辑 ]





 楼主| 发表于 2006-7-2 22:12 | 显示全部楼层
愿英语好的朋友指教,                     Diary of Violence - 7/1/06           By Tommy Dreamer9 r6 C& l4 a4 }$ @- u8 l" A. _
July 1, 2006
1 o& \& p  D5 ^2 g! ?ECW ECW ECW. What else can I say? I had a great time going home to the ECW Arena. The atmosphere was awesome. I never have been overwhelmed with emotion so much before walking through the curtain. Your response to me was an amazing moment that I will cherish forever. I had so much personal stuff happening that day and it hit me all at once. Once I got settled in and realized that I was with my Extreme family, I was able to soak it all in and enjoy my most famous arena. It was like a reunion for me seeing so many familiar faces. I was very happy to be able to speak to everyone again and take the time to express my feelings and emotions of the day. Thanks again.* j* P) v" y, l) ~9 a

1 ?- y# f: s/ W- [/ JThe arena crowd definitely expressed their opinions as I knew they would. (Awesome) I enjoyed and watched many of the matches. FBI vs. Doring and Roadkill set the tone with a very competitive match. Steven Richards got the star reaction he definitely deserves. CM Punk was finally introduced to the main roster. He and Steven had a strong match. I think Punk will be a player in the New ECW. Steven is a star reborn, anytime you see him on a show he busts his ass to get the job done. - K% K9 N: s$ H/ Y1 K9 k# X$ ^0 X( J

/ w( s) F+ g' u. H* \- \5 EFrancine proved to Kelly why she is the Queen of Extreme. Quick shout out to Trinity, sorry you got hurt. I hope the surgery went well. You are one tough bitch and you showed it when you walked to the back with a broken knee. (She’s Hardcore)
' O! I6 J+ |( D! g1 c( Z+ L5 v, L
# a) ^4 U( n& k- J. H6 @Mike Knoxx and Balls Mahoney was interesting. This newcomer has talent and escaped serious head trauma courtesy of a chair shot. I did not watch the rest of the show because I was preparing for my own match. 8 t6 f$ @0 s) Z$ P& V

7 P9 C; {; i0 I$ l: ZBig Show, the ECW fans Hate You. I will make you an Extreme Giant or die trying. You think you got me, the fun has just begun. We are coming back to Philly on July 4th. Watch your back. I will take you on an extreme ride. (Maybe I’ll throw some M80’s at him or put them down his pants like in the cartoons, ha ha.) Seriously you will know what being in ECW is all about come the 4th.
  `/ M* h8 B% T: j7 w) i9 x) Y0 S" J8 G
I loved RVD and Kurt. I watched it, just like I always used to watch the ECW main events. I was at the edge of my seat and jumped up several times. I loved both guys athletic ability and they had a good match. My favorite part of going home was the atmosphere. You people rock. Your chants and brazen attitude is what makes ECW. Do not stop being you and I will not stop being me./ M; k% g' O. {- V. F5 v5 T
1 r+ [9 m  _; z" l! k  S, W& `
Finally, thanks to all the people that showed up at Bookends for me and Paul’s book signing. I got in a lot of trouble with the WWE suits for choking, chopping and slamming the fans during photo-ops. No problem, I will take the heat. I can not let the McMahons keep me down.. M, t6 N; ~+ q! \/ J
Innovator of Violence5 r0 n  t# _- Q4 F7 v3 Z; X8 I- ~
Tommy Dreamer0 r+ l' ?+ z1 P5 y1 V5 }

5 t5 ?- Q: y$ B& q* @1 D3 c' S[ 本帖最后由 xiazun 于 2006-7-2 22:13 编辑 ]


发表于 2006-7-2 22:15 | 显示全部楼层
哈哈,沙发,沙发,这么久第一次做沙发,高兴,回帖就多打几个字,楼下的我气死你.: H5 O& G7 q0 M, ?/ \1 h

1 j4 y4 l( X# ~7 t% I" _+ \! l& n. V( \7 r
Big Show,ECW的fans们厌恶你。我舍命也要把你塑造成一个Extreme巨人的,你以为你可以打败我了,而游戏才刚刚开始。(注1 此处不一定正确)我们6月4号又要回到费城去了。你留点神罢,我会让你Extreme一回的。(也许我会拿几把M80步枪扔向他,或者像卡通片里那样塞在他裤裤里,哈哈)(注2)说真的,到第4回时,你就知道什么叫做ECW了。; J& H& g4 \2 U9 D0 I& p
, i, j* W; q" I
3 X7 B# V- T' X% C% f
呵呵,连写日记都离不开剧情,很有趣的人.感谢楼主的翻译.% o5 L; y! M' _: p+ s
/ V# O9 ^7 T. h5 x! e" D; \
[ 本帖最后由 摔了脚手 于 2006-7-2 22:17 编辑 ]


发表于 2006-7-2 22:37 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2006-7-2 22:45 | 显示全部楼层
  • TA的每日心情
    2021-4-30 22:34
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    发表于 2006-7-2 22:57 | 显示全部楼层
  • TA的每日心情
    2015-1-1 02:00
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    发表于 2006-7-2 23:04 | 显示全部楼层
  • TA的每日心情
    2015-3-16 16:27
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    发表于 2006-7-2 23:34 | 显示全部楼层
    谢谢楼主翻译  辛苦了
  • TA的每日心情
    2016-2-20 14:12
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    发表于 2006-7-3 00:06 | 显示全部楼层


    发表于 2006-7-3 07:43 | 显示全部楼层


    发表于 2006-7-3 10:32 | 显示全部楼层
    原帖由 xiazun 于 2006-7-2 22:07 发表* s$ i! I, V$ t7 |- S* w% }1 c# Q$ I
    作者:Tommy Dreamer         来源:wwe.com9 ~1 B" Y! T, E/ v! j
    Big Show,ECW的fans们厌恶你。我舍命也要把你塑造成一个Extreme巨人的,你以为你可以打败我了,而游戏才刚刚开始。(注1 此处不一定正确)我们6月4号又要回到费城去了。你留点神罢,我会让你Extreme一回的。(也许我会拿几把M80步枪扔向他,或者像卡通片里那样塞在他裤裤里,哈哈)(注2)说真的,到第4回时,你会清楚什么叫做ECW的。

    ; L& M2 ~* J7 c4 A# I
    * ~" L+ e% i6 u/ ]1 [3 e- V1 B% M$ M+ t; @# h2 T% T
  • TA的每日心情
    2017-2-24 15:12
  • 签到天数: 12 天


    发表于 2006-7-3 10:37 | 显示全部楼层
    不愧为首席翻译官!. e9 U: Q2 z7 o- s
    强的!7 J% M* l& |" a7 m- A( w9 w' r


    发表于 2006-7-3 11:24 | 显示全部楼层
    Welcome Back Tommy Dreamer!
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    发表于 2006-7-3 13:57 | 显示全部楼层
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