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[翻译] 为什么是时候放开Eddie了

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发表于 2006-6-26 16:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Rob Kugler @ 10:38:00 AM 6/17/2006             来源:www.pwinsider.com1 x3 n& S+ w0 {3 M; P8 `
, L. k, f" ]8 z/ s
声明:我谨以此文纪念(献给)Eddie Guerrero。当我写这篇文章时,我身上穿的是Eddie的纪念衫。多年来,我一直是他工作成果的一个粉丝。在我看来,他是使摔交擂台熠熠生辉的最具人格魅力,同时拥有着出色技术的人之一。很多年来一直处理家中一个亲人酗酒的问题,我从Eddie的人生经历中汲取了力量,努力戒除酒瘾,重新做人。(注:原话是Having spent years dealing with an alcoholic family member, I've taken great strength from his life story and struggle for sobriety.我不是很理解这句话,到底是指他自己?还是他家人?甚至是指Eddie?因为Eddie的死据说也有曾经酗酒,影响心血管的原因)对他命运的起起落落,以及最后能成功我是感同身受,深感自豪,我也真心认为他是一个独一无二的杰出人物。当知道他过世时,我感到真心的悲痛,也知道我将再也看不到他本人了。
2 l4 F) g) ?5 n) x8 ~& l$ t$ Z1 v1 [4 k* I5 p+ @# o) U6 {, |) C# i7 T
但是,是时候让他走了。4 ~6 p: v) k+ y( b7 Y1 D; _: K) n
  x+ V, i5 z& b& t- N2 c
上周我到特伦顿SD录制现场观看了比赛,世界冠军Rey Mysterio和Gregory Helms打了一场很不错的比赛,现场有一些“EDDIE”的口号声。通过看广播电视,我注意到了,JBL和Cole是怎样继续在把Eddie效应作为Rey成功的筹码之一的。在Eddie刚死不久的时候,这么做似乎还可以算做给EDDIE的献礼,你可以争论说这么做是为了激励Rey,同样,EDDIE死后所有Chavo的比赛也可以用这种理由来解释。2 t) y# }- r  H1 u5 Y2 S9 D

+ F  O) y7 }9 G* s# i% o/ b1 }8 pChavo和Rey在今天甚至有可能是以后所有的比赛中,都能够听到fans们呼喊"EDDIE""EDDIE" 口号的。
, N5 H7 @' V- u& _3 L
! d) c% ^6 m3 }* s他们不等于Eddie,我不是想反对他们,而是看到了fans们在为一些没有在擂台上的人呼喊口号。
0 P- d& [& B% u* U- R; u7 f
8 h- a+ ?6 J7 m5 i, QEddie的离去造成了无法形容的悲伤,摔角界用各种可能的方式向他表达了敬意。Eddie和整个Guerrero家族世代以摔角为业,(注2)他们尽职尽责的参与摔交这项事业,让摔角传统发扬光大。他们克服了很多降临在他们身上的困难——Eddie的书里充满了这样的故事。在我看来,哪怕用再伟大人物的名称做为口号激励Rey或Chavo,或是激励将来的拉丁明星,都只会慢慢破坏那个人物曾经对摔角亲自做过的一切。0 e* [# ~, w7 b9 Y  M- v+ X
& @5 B6 ?( v% r$ r1 s8 G
我相信Eddie不会喜欢这样。在他很艰苦的一段时间里,Rey已经不能严肃的被当做一个冠军来看待了。他被所谓的“Great Khali”打败,还被很多他很难再有机会痛快雪耻的选手,象Angle,Orton等人打败了。最糟糕的事情是观众仍然在他比赛过程中呼喊着另一个人的名字。倘若回到Hulk Hogan做冠军的时代,HulkHogan在比赛时还要从一个牺牲了的同志那里汲取力量,人们会怎么看他??会有人当真跟着他来么??做为极少数能够拿到那条腰带的几个拉丁裔选手之一,任何削弱他真正正义合法形象的举动,不仅仅对Rey本人,对那个头衔都是很不利的。; ~2 |) Z9 X7 y6 m
, {1 i1 Z) _3 y5 N$ \( `
5 x1 ^7 m5 }' _4 C5 {4 Q( L5 k: V
' M- l  ~3 M% d' I- \) G8 x& y) ]我还想到了他的家人,我无法揣想出他们心中会经历些什么样的情绪。他们到底该不该看那些比赛,听到他们的丈夫或父亲或其他什么人的名字在那里被当作口号呼喊。我不是什么心理学家,所以我也不会自称理解Eddie的离去会给他的家人感情上带来什么样的冲击。也许能够化悲痛为力量吧——我只是不知道这个问题的答案是什么。8 F+ x( K/ q; X
/ `" a" n9 i, d, f/ Y! N
我想念Eddie,这个行业现在正是需要他的时候,让人追悔莫及的是,他死了。但这已经发生了,这成了事实。不管WWE是不是多少有点想利用Eddie的名字,或者说是为了纪念他吧,这就只有他们自己知道了。 I'll give them that.(不知道这里什么意思)但是我们做为fans,是时候让我撇开这些,并把Eddie做为一个人而不是一些口号来记住他了。我相信的是,包括Rey在内的任何人,当听到了擂台上被呼喊“Eddie”口号的人名字不叫Eddie时,都会受到伤害的。
" R" ]2 m0 W/ n& ]: Q. |. X& R% l+ ~( d2 |& T, Y/ U6 k1 T
当然也许这只是我一个人的感受罢了,但正如同我是这么的想念他一样,我也非常希望能够放过他。其余的fans们,整个WWE,就此来说,也是应该这么做的。1 G/ D( }5 F# g' R% \

4 z" J6 R% x7 \" v-------评论和不同意见请发邮件至RAKugler3@msn.com
! w# R5 W9 F7 y4 Q2 s
& d2 j. x1 z/ Y. E& G, T特伦顿:美国新泽西州首府- t9 d! c4 K7 @# ]+ j5 n
注释1:原话是I am a huge mark for Eddie Guerrero.不知道怎么翻,晕,第一句就这样
4 O: r1 |; L3 L* o% f注释2:Eddie and the Guerrero family lived the business不懂,瞎翻了过去  @9 k# }% m9 _0 k9 ]( F. S
4 V) i" |0 x3 C' {6 f9 A
[ 本帖最后由 xiazun 于 2006-6-26 19:47 编辑 ]





发表于 2006-6-26 16:28 | 显示全部楼层


 楼主| 发表于 2006-6-26 16:31 | 显示全部楼层


; _+ @8 A. P. f, ~* l4 c% bby Rob Kugler @ 10:38:00 AM on 6/17/2006, Z% o; E+ q. I; [+ q# `! P

  S5 L) B* G: Y, y" i; XDisclaimer: I am a huge mark for Eddie Guerrero. As I write this, I'm wearing his memorial shirt. I have been a fan of his work for years. I think he is one of the most charismatic and physically brilliant men to ever grace the wrestling ring. Having spent years dealing with an alcoholic family member, I've taken great strength from his life story and struggle for sobriety. I take great pride in his rise and his fall and his rise again, and honestly believe him to be a one of a kind. I felt personal sadness when he died, and I'd never met him. ' r# b2 r: j& w' o$ ]

% |5 c8 N( ?6 g  m8 mBut it's time to let him go.# a- e# x$ @: ?! ?5 b
" P% h- D* r. y* g
I attended the Smackdown taping in Trenton this week. World Champion Rey Mysterio had a very nice match with Gregory Helms. There were several "EDDIE" chants, and upon watching the broadcast, I observed how Cole and JBL continued to sell the legacy of Eddie as a companion piece to Rey's success. Early on after his death, it seemed a tribute. One could even make the argument that it was done to inspire Rey. Much the same can be said of Chavo's matches after Eddie's death.
! n* A5 H8 t" M" Q
* U" h# O' i- O2 f( i6 q' OChavo and Rey to this day, and possibly forever, may hear the "EDDIE" chants during their matches.0 a6 ?1 q6 a8 K; `% s. l

0 R/ _; K, o$ P* Q) \: c! ZThey aren't Eddie. I do not mean that as a slap to them, but as an observation that the fans are chanting for someone who is not in the ring.0 ^) S' D, F# F8 S. z; u

7 w9 M" o* {* u% q  ?Eddie's death was incredibly sad and the industry has honored him in every possible way. Eddie and the Guerrero family lived the business, and worked very hard to participate in the Wrestling business in a manner that honored its tradition. They got over what needed to get over-Eddie's book is full of such stories. It is my opinion that to continue to chant another man's name, however great he was, at Rey and Chavo, and perhaps other Latino stars in the future, will only serve to undermine what that man is doing in the ring themselves. 3 ~3 [5 w+ |( h2 k+ X3 d
  W2 y4 W* C1 g' r, G; |- h
I believe Eddie would not want that. Rey is having a hard enough time being taken seriously as Champ. He's been beaten up by the "Great Khali" and a host of others from whom he will never get that heat back-Angle, Orton, etc. On top of all that, the fans continue to chant someone else's name at him during his matches. What might have been said about Hulk Hogan during his run as champ, if, during his matches, he had to draw strength from the crowd chanting the name of a fallen comrade? Would they have taken him seriously? As one of the few Latino's to hold the belt, I think anything that is done to marginalize his legitimacy is a disservice not only to Rey, but also to the title itself.
/ T, `) J& E0 b- d) |' l
& _; Q5 l: D9 X0 ^& _$ xNow again, I want to make the point that I am a fan of Eddie's. I did not know him personally. From a business perspective however, I simply cannot imagine that Eddie would want his legacy to glom up that of other stars, especially Rey and Chavo.
: o1 W( |9 i5 U- c5 G
) p3 E( C' ?& i( ZI think too about his family. I cannot even speculate as to what emotions run through them, should they watch the product now, and hear their husband/father/etc's name chanted. I am not a psychologist, and I will not pretend to know what emotional impact that might have on the grieving process. Perhaps it would be a positive-I simply do not know the answer to that.
6 ?8 I4 s. l# C* r- |
( S$ E+ i/ E( ]0 ~I miss Eddie. I think the business needs him now, but regrettably, he died. That happened. It was real. WWE used that a bit, whether out of an effort to capitalize on his name, or an effort to honor him, only they know. I'll give them that. But as fans, it is time for us to move on and remember Eddie as a man-not a chant. I believe it hurts Rey and anyone else who hears the Eddie chants who's name is not Eddie.
1 s& a0 |' Y. U9 TPerhaps that is just me, but as much as I miss him, I am willing to let him go. The fans, and the WWE for that matter, need to do so as well.
& J4 h+ K5 D  j5 U-------comments and hate mail can be sent to RAKugler3@msn.com( U; s+ ]% q9 X+ u, b/ J! g$ h2 a; s
1 K7 w3 t4 ~& x5 x
[ 本帖最后由 xiazun 于 2006-6-26 16:32 编辑 ]
  • TA的每日心情
    2014-2-28 22:01
  • 签到天数: 1 天


    发表于 2006-6-26 16:34 | 显示全部楼层


    发表于 2006-6-26 16:35 | 显示全部楼层
    Eddie and the Guerrero family lived the business
      Z6 u: h- l9 A翻译的不错~ 就是那个意思 guerrero家族上下三代都是摔角 且是著名摔角手


    发表于 2006-6-26 16:37 | 显示全部楼层
    也许对于EDDIE来说  这正是他想要的 EDDIE整个人都奉献给了摔角 那么 他一定也愿意自己的兄弟朋友借自己死后再做最后一回FACE吧


     楼主| 发表于 2006-6-26 16:40 | 显示全部楼层
    # D7 T. T' I; Q& }+ s
    二棱子你别误会了,我的原帖声明部分开始就是原文部分,6 g1 f6 v8 \  ?
    ! G3 {2 W( o7 C/ g


    发表于 2006-6-26 17:01 | 显示全部楼层
  • TA的每日心情
    2021-4-30 22:34
  • 签到天数: 499 天


    发表于 2006-6-26 17:34 | 显示全部楼层
    谢谢翻译~能经常看到你翻译的文章真不容易。原文作者适当地说出了现在WWE里关于Eddie Guerrero的一些问题~
  • TA的每日心情
    2021-4-30 22:34
  • 签到天数: 499 天


    发表于 2006-6-26 17:41 | 显示全部楼层


    第一句:I am a huge mark for Eddie Guerrero0 }# W' j+ z9 [# t* K, _

    - X+ X" H( G2 w* G4 Z- _: V' imark这个单词在美式英语中有个纪念的意思,原文作者将这句话放在最前面,因此可以将第一句话翻译为:(我)谨以此文纪念(献给)Eddie Guerrero(比较纯中文化的翻译,呵呵)
    ~# b. p* ]/ v% s& E. N
    4 k* D# \8 {) K& r( E! |' R2 Z6 H
  • TA的每日心情
    2023-5-2 23:33
  • 签到天数: 1 天


    发表于 2006-6-26 19:24 | 显示全部楼层
    an alcoholic family member
    ) Y# P  [+ b/ S2 w  N他的一个家庭成员,也可能暗喻自己吧,我也不太清楚


    发表于 2006-6-26 19:29 | 显示全部楼层


     楼主| 发表于 2006-6-26 19:50 | 显示全部楼层
    第一句:I am a huge mark for Eddie Guerreromark这个单词在美式英语中有个纪念的意思,原文作者将这句话放在最前面,因此可以将第一句话翻译为:(我)谨以此文纪念(献给)Eddie Guerrero(比较纯中文化的翻译,呵呵)~

    # R* ~* O! ^5 S$ e! |" H- _  u7 C; ~

    4 {9 `7 D, f2 p# `可是我用GOOGLE搜索,搜到有句话是I am a huge mark fan什么什么,所以我怀疑原作者这里是不是省略了fan这个词
    + U9 Z, H, L) C( w
    1 u) k  Q" j, C[ 本帖最后由 xiazun 于 2006-6-26 19:52 编辑 ]


    发表于 2006-6-26 19:51 | 显示全部楼层


    发表于 2006-6-26 21:05 | 显示全部楼层
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