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[翻译] Tommy Dreamer暴力日记[6月17日]

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发表于 2006-6-19 21:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
作者:Tommy Dreamer    2006年6月17日   来源:WWE.com
: I* Z; Q: P: Y" g, ^4 n* y7 P
) }' Q5 d7 t, _欢迎来到本人暴力日记的第一篇文章。希望你会喜欢我对每周在我的极限世界里
1 K5 h1 T! {/ n! A+ ?发生的事情表达的观点和想法。+ C' a+ s4 P7 G$ f" u, I
这里是表达所有我真心所想的平台。头一篇文章愿能倾吐一些发自肺腑的心声。我要写出3样声明,绝对不希望这些东西会引起曲解或是误解。) X9 w- c( n& M% _- T
* a2 I! b! A# f
首先,谢谢你TERRY FUNK.言语无法表达出他对我是多么重要,不论是在个人方面还是在职业上。Terry是我的摔跤之父。如果你是一个摔角迷的话,你应该看Terry Funk职业生涯中任何时候的比赛(暗示 暗示 WWE DVD部门  Terry Funk的DVD赶紧上货架吧, 越快越好—拜托了,你参与了所有摔角纪录镜头的点点滴滴)[此话实在难翻,他的意思是不是说Terry在摔跤史上的光辉,伟大什么的?]Terry Funk是摔跤这行真正的先锋。当人们谈论那些传奇人物的名字,像Sammartino, Graham, Hogan,Funk, Flair, Stone Cold, 还有Rock都应被挂在嘴边。Terry Funk帮助ECW声名远扬,他是我所见过最有才华的表演者之一。给他一个话筒,他能让你开怀大笑,也能让你泪流双颊,让你爱上或是憎恶他。倘若你和他呆一起你会怀疑他是个天才,亦或一个疯子。我和他一起历尽了喜怒哀乐。他之所以庇护我仅为一个且是唯一的原因——那就是我们两人对摔角共同的爱。我要承认,在准备迎接ECWOne Night Stand时,Funker终于让我觉得他老了。那晚Terry说出了对就要踏上擂台的忧虑,这是个62岁,没有胆量的家伙。是的——没有胆量!他的胆量再也不会回来了。我想看来得把他硬架上擂台去,但当真正站在擂台中时,我看到了他眼里迸发的激情,那个Double Cross Ranch的疯子已经回来了,热血澎湃的他回来了。% U: a) F  }* Z6 j
(Mick Foley也是一样,但这又是另外一个故事了)这个世界见证了Terry Funk 又一次伟大的演出,能和他一起完成它让我无比骄傲。  Edge,我会支持你的,你打出了夺走整个WrestleMania光芒的那场硬核赛,现在你又可以把ECWOne Night Stand加到你个人的光荣史里去。(Edge在两场比赛里都是压制成功,但那也要写在另一个故事中去了)比赛完全结束后,Terry 缝了几针,多亏那些硬核钢丝武器,他身上现在又多了几排伤洞。 Terry把我拖到一旁,象个坏孩子似的咧嘴笑着问:“难道这不是世界上最棒的事情?”我的回答是“的确是。”——真是两个疯到一起了的疯子。/ B4 w! s+ k+ I. m( p. D' |# _0 R
  F0 z1 ^4 ?9 g. P0 a2 ^
) g) ~! o- [9 F5 [9 ~8 S再者,谢谢你BEULAH McGILLICUTTY。我老实说吧——她一直都不想回来摔交。是去年我逼她的(行行行,算是求她的。)离开了摔角她过的很快活,今年她还花时间到健身房塑圆臀部,许多人都对她现在的样子称许有加。不过话说回来,五个医生里有四个一致认为,任何人只要站在 Terry Funk和Tommy Dreamer中间的话,都会显的很好看的。Beulah很担心摔迷们是不是已经忘了她,或者她看上去和以前不一样了,但所有我的同行和摔迷们都说她看上去一点都没有变老。我个人不怎么喜欢她给她眼睛化的妆,但是嘿,瞧我说的。Beulah从呆在闺房里的娇嫩花朵变成了一个MILF(ECDUB ECDUB)[??不懂MILF是什么单词缩写]。她在我最得意和失意的时刻,始终陪伴在我身边。相信我,当我告诉你没什么容易干的事情时——我是个胡说的疯子。Beulah依然是摔交界最狠的女人之一,比赛一开始她的脚踝就严重扭伤了,但她坚持打到了最后。她因我对这项事业的激情和热爱而再次踏上了擂台。我得撇开那个了。我想以后我们不会常看到她的出场了,她为我而受伤,是我做出决定让她回来的。Beulah的生活中有两个比摔角更重要的事情。对你的受伤真的觉得很对不住,也感谢你一直支持着Tommy Dreamer。我对你的爱远胜过用言语所能表达的程度。
* E: a& n; ~) V$ L4 x最后要感谢你们ECW的fans们,你们从未让我失望过。你们吐露出你们的见解,让整个世界都感受到了你们的激情。我可以在象Hammerstein舞厅那样的气氛中坐上整整一晚。你们永远是最伟大的fans。我们曾经一起改变了职业摔角的面目。现在我感觉就象时光倒流到了在Hammerstein的每一次时光,虽然我希望能多长些头发并且更瘦一些——哈哈。你们每一个人都是我的大家庭中的一员,没有你们也不会有我。我知道我们闯入了一条河流,一条关于重生的ECW无法预知的前景的暗流,(相信我,下周我不会让你们失望的)请你们千万不要改变自己,我喜欢的是真实,想说就说,甚至是醉醺醺的ECWfans,有你们的激情我就充满了动力。是你们让ECW独一无二,那么现在让我们向整个世界证明我们自己吧。我的心,我的魂都在ECW,我将继续为我所信仰的奋斗下去,而我信仰的,就是——ECW。谢谢你们这样做,好让我永远不会忘记我属于哪里,我是谁,。
9 r3 A' F4 w' |" n! b) l. m
4 y! `6 H4 U5 o( F5 T4 z暴力革新者0 Y/ ?4 P8 W+ V9 t5 R  ]
Tommy dreamer7 |( z, Q: ?8 h" z# e* D$ V
/size]8 R8 V9 q, U9 Y# v4 c( g  m
& c  Q' [7 S: N$ |" j5 K

. C& M! x8 R% B[ 本帖最后由 xiazun 于 2006-6-20 20:48 编辑 ]


 楼主| 发表于 2006-6-19 21:27 | 显示全部楼层
原文如下,望英语高手指正:' O" x: H1 [& V1 y5 G, `$ C6 }
Diary of Violence for June 17, 20067 [$ U/ O7 l* L& j- ^6 j
By Tommy Dreamer
7 q1 w2 k! ?& Z6 a6 {June 17, 20068 o2 |* K' `  J0 L3 `; Q! d
Welcome to the very first entry in my Diary of Violence. I hope you enjoy my weekly thoughts of what is going on in my extreme world.
8 U% ^: Q( W* ~
" ^6 W8 d3 }3 o) _0 Q9 LThis is my platform to say what is truly in my heart. I would like to concentrate this first entry on something I really need to get off my chest. I need to address three specific items, and by no means should anything I write be read into or be misinterpreted.
# k" R( A: u, f  `6 Q9 x; F$ L: X
, x' x2 e/ \: v7 R* d( qFirst, THANK YOU TERRY FUNK. Words cannot express what Terry Funk means to me personally and professionally. Terry is my wrestling father. If you are a fan of this business you need to watch Terry Funk matches from any point in his career (hint hint WWE DVD dept. Terry Funk DVD in stores ASAP—please, you own every bit of wrestling footage ever). Terry Funk is a true pioneer of this business. When people talk legends of wrestling the names Sammartino, Graham, Hogan, Funk, Flair, Stone Cold, and Rock should roll off their tongues. Terry Funk helped put ECW on the map, and he’s one of the most gifted performers I have ever been around. Give Terry Funk a microphone and he can make you laugh or cry, or make you love him or hate him. If you are around him you’ll think he’s a maniac or a genius. I have experienced every emotion with him. He took me under his wing for one reason and one reason only: our shared love of wrestling. I have to admit, I thought the Funker was finally showing his age leading up to ECW: One Night Stand. Terry expressed concerns about the steps to the ring that night. The guy is 62 years old with no knee. That’s right—NO KNEE! His knee no longer exists. I thought I would have to carry him to the ring, but when I got to the ring, I saw passion in his eyes, and the madman from the Double Cross Ranch was back and on fire. (So was Mick Foley, but that makes for a whole other entry). The world got to witness another great Terry Funk performance and I was damn proud to be there with him. Edge, I will give you props. You were in the match that stole the show at WrestleMania, and now you can add ECW One Night Stand to your resume. (Edge scored a pin in both matches as well, but that too is another entry). When it was all said and done, Terry received stitches and had a bunch of new holes in his body thanks to some barbed wire. Terry pulled me aside, and with a boyish grin said, “Isn’t this the greatest business in the world?” My reply? “Yes.” It’s two madmen sharing a common bond. Thanks, Terry, for being you and giving us another taste of your greatness; from the bottom of my heart, Thanks. What a match.
: d* w( f$ N1 X0 J# U: z$ \
1 S, y5 k6 a( r0 _4 S/ v) u- ^* A' qSecond, THANK YOU BEULAH McGILLICUTTY. I’ll be honest: she never wanted to come back. She was forced by me last year (okay, I begged). She is happy being away from wrestling, and this year she busted her butt in the gym to get into ring shape. Many people complimented on how good she looked. Actually, four out of five doctors recommend that standing between Terry Funk and Tommy Dreamer makes anyone look good. Beulah was nervous that the fans had forgotten her or that she wouldn’t look the same, but all the wrestlers and fans said she looks like she hasn’t aged at all. Personally, I didn’t like her eye makeup, but hey, look at me. Beulah went from being a Penthouse Pet to a MILF (ECDUB ECDUB). Beulah always stood by me in the best and worst of times. Trust me, when I tell you that’s no easy thing to do—I’m a maniac. Beulah is still one of the toughest women out there. She severely sprained her ankle at the start of the match and kept going. She goes out there because of my passion, and love of this business. I have to put that aside now. I don’t think we’ll be seeing a lot of her. She got hurt because of me, and it was my decision to have her return. Beulah has two very important things in her life that take precedence over wrestling. I’m very sorry you got hurt, and thanks for always standing by Tommy Dreamer. I love you more than I can ever put into words. ! |' o+ s. m* d* D. I3 w- Z) U
4 ?( Z! m4 R4 ?
And last, THANK YOU ECW FANS. You never let me down. You voice your opinion and let the world feel your passion. I could sit in that atmosphere of the Hammerstein Ballroom all night long. You’re the greatest fans ever. ECW was all about you. Together, we changed the landscape of professional wrestling. I feel like I go back in time with every visit to the Hammerstein, although I wish I could have more hair and be thinner—ha ha. You’re all my extended family and without you there is no me. I know we’re venturing into uncharted waters with the rebirth of ECW (trust me, I’ll get into that next week). Please don’t change anything about who you are. I want the loud, honest, vocal—and sometimes drunk—ECW fans. I feed off your passion. You made ECW unique and now let’s show the world who we are. My heart and souls is ECW. I will continue to fight for what I believe in, and I believe in ECW. Thanks for being you, and never letting me forget who I am. 6 n- E, V1 U  a. U
The Innovator of Violence,
3 Y1 x; b9 E! Q- Z2 `3 D! E: y% ITommy Dreamer8 P% p0 x+ ^3 o4 M, J1 ^
" P# `8 b, d* W, j% d2 N
[ 本帖最后由 xiazun 于 2006-6-20 11:39 编辑 ]


发表于 2006-6-19 21:56 | 显示全部楼层
wjszfr 该用户已被删除
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  • TA的每日心情
    2013-3-16 14:53
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    发表于 2006-6-19 23:27 | 显示全部楼层
    ! }# M+ R- q9 k0 I4 x: Y8 F不錯的文章
    穿越 该用户已被删除
    发表于 2006-6-20 00:35 | 显示全部楼层
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    发表于 2006-6-20 07:43 | 显示全部楼层
    君麻吕大人 该用户已被删除
    发表于 2006-6-20 08:12 | 显示全部楼层
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    发表于 2006-6-20 08:37 | 显示全部楼层
    我現在才知道Terry Funk是這麼利害


    发表于 2006-6-20 09:34 | 显示全部楼层


    发表于 2006-6-20 09:54 | 显示全部楼层


    发表于 2006-6-20 14:13 | 显示全部楼层
  • TA的每日心情
    2016-1-30 22:21
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    发表于 2006-6-20 14:33 | 显示全部楼层
    MILF-MUM I'D LIKE TO FUCK(意思是:我想X你,妈妈)
    0 l9 L# [0 k- Z/ ]好象来自于电影<AMERICAN PIE>


    发表于 2006-6-20 15:25 | 显示全部楼层
    8 C# Q: x* O0 d1 [; U2 v; S真令人起起敬之心!
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