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格斗通/实用招式Fireman carry AKA F-U介绍

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发表于 2006-6-18 00:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
声明 摔角格斗教学系列帖子的目的在紧急时候可防身 但绝对不能学会后欺负人找别人乱试招式威力 我们看摔角 热爱摔角 学习摔角
; h" X: C5 l* C8 B
' L9 L, p8 F. o  f* C3 F2 Z, ^. Y
fireman carry是美国的叫法  原自消防员从事发现场搜救伤员时的基本抗人的方法~简单实用 且在多种格斗术里面都是通用的招事 使用条件非常低 几乎是任何时候任何地点 且招事变化性大  正因为谁都会用 所以大家都鄙视CENA的F-U$ v( P5 A* K" x4 d: d& F4 W
此摔法看着似乎没有什么 很简单 的确 但要做到完美和把握时机却很难~在什么时候用什么 什么时候不该用什么都是一门战斗意识的学问 用一句广告形容这摔法吧 简约 不简单
8 w: _+ U& p: j1 {- M* M: X* i# [3 W& d& L, ]8 a1 j/ G
首先你要了解 fireman carry有很多不同版本 怎么抗人的都有 所以说只要能把物体或人抗过肩膀就是标准的fireman carry 一般人都可以抗起同等或比自身重的物体或人~
0 F3 n, [9 Q: X$ K" E2 V1 h0 C. D9 N5 ~3 D- |# g
- F7 C$ m# s; u6 ?4 Y咱们从摔角里说起 fireman carry是选手比较常用的招式 经常用的有kurt和brock 他们使用的方式很标准 见下图( \- b& j) w; W" i5 a7 @
$ W$ l8 {. O2 x: C
7 X1 L# _% G  p, }5 j* \
在自由摔交中这个也很常见  且国外都是从小教自由摔交的 所以老美有摔角这一娱乐体育也不奇怪。。
1 }: Y! E" v+ v) j6 `0 x以下是一个自由摔交的视频 不大 不了解是什么的朋友下来看下~是俩个孩子 很卖力的在锁来锁去。。% ^$ T" I/ K/ `! [1 O
点击下载 1.2M5 e3 ^* X  Y1 c' _7 c" v
这里举个例子~比如 别人用HEAD LOCK去锁你 你就可以利用这个摔法来脱身 下图就是个好例子  ?1 T5 r/ D+ G. k1 ]% P$ F- W6 J
一方用HEAD LOCK 另一方用低格来使用FIREMAN CARRY可以顺利化解这个LOCK+ m, e3 w5 u) {& \

( ~5 N! Y: N6 `. [军队中的体能训练中就有用FIREMAN抗起人来跑步
- f7 q0 k7 `1 M3 W. g5 d3 F# T- }' }- x' ?; b2 t  G
柔道中的fireman carry 只不过柔道中叫的另外的名字罢了
; q# ^5 P, N2 ]( h- `9 B" }9 b/ ^, ~% {7 c5 v
各种保安 救生员也都要学习这个 一但有人遇难晕厥无行动能力 你便可以带他们走。。不知道他们只不知道只要稍微动动胳膊就可以用出平民版的F-U。。* g" n' e' W, Z' H, N
3 l4 r! D# k: ]/ D; u- p. [& d

1 h: j+ D- u4 K' N' C& V0 @) A
/ c/ U# Q! x& o* ^  f8 n2 M7 _) h下面说说正题  此摔法的正确方法
7 w. x& e3 T5 f4 }第一:任何战斗姿势(站 蹲都可以。)2 }# F2 R/ V7 i9 V
第二:用左手将将对手右胳膊向自身方向拉拽 顺势侧身浅蹲用右手穿过对手大腿间4 o3 B6 l6 `, y; k- `( t& l( }
第三:利用腰力站起 这时已经将对手抗在身上
% h$ P' ?/ a- |8 b第四:这里就是要选择摔法了  柔道中的摔法是抗到肩上之后将胳膊稍稍向身后送 然后仰面躺下 利用身体重量加大伤害 很好用 RIKISHI的FM就是这个 还记得么? ROCK也时常用出这样的摔法/ I; K4 q# b# g! {% ]! s
第五:自由摔交中则是向对方头部所在的方向(这里比如说是左边) 左肩膀迅速向下倾斜 顺势右肩膀和胳膊将右面  向左边扔下砸到地上  观赏性很强~摔出去很漂亮8 Z0 L; b2 T2 l/ \8 ~0 y1 p) w
第六:摔角中的摔法 用CENA来做例子 此时用法和五是一样的 唯一的不同的是利用身体了~自己随着对手摔的方向坠下{硬地千万不要这么傻} 也可转身压砸在对手身上
- c2 ^5 R4 \5 e5 t& S! a3 P
下面是给肌肉男看的 柴火型摔迷可以54了" @  s- ]' E( [9 E$ B! d
第七:这时你可以用选择使用F5。。你如果有BROCK的力量的话9 f' U1 @% C" b# x' B, V% `  }2 B/ R
第八:这时你可以使用PRESS SLAM。。如果你有力量的话。。
' N  y/ Q  E7 H第九:你可以选择使用KEN KENNEDY的FM。。。。' g, `' K4 q0 P; `% h# B% L  J

. p! c  ]  i7 j% i- L2 a7 K& f6 [/ Q4 m: l; b2 e$ r
教学结束 下课!下面给同学们放上些自由摔交中做出很精彩的摔法固定的图片 你会发现 自由摔交是一种很开放的格斗 甚至一些摔角中才能见到的很夸张的摔法都可以找到 下面就是很精彩集锦 TOME STONE都可以在里面用出来~找找看吧 就在下面3 z, I# e/ R0 w+ f' K+ u
& o, o( v: T# o3 P" E% p
' t) \7 D) m2 H9 O* `* b5 s1 P

/ o) Y1 h+ K8 l( \  ?( K
  _8 v  g; G( ]& x) e
8 V9 g" }0 H: p! p
8 ^/ q* E2 m3 o$ Q
) s' c% p, i# |
/ I' g4 h" }) x3 U& h
% N7 R) Q8 e% d$ u: r7 Y0 O* S5 @- {9 T
[ 本帖最后由 低调De呆呆 于 2006-9-1 13:45 编辑 ]


发表于 2006-6-18 01:43 | 显示全部楼层
好好研究学几招防身  U0 W' S- [( H' j+ @1 |

; Z7 J$ T& g5 _; W! g9 \5 `6 @% T[ 本帖最后由 泡泡龙仔 于 2006-6-18 01:45 编辑 ]
君麻吕大人 该用户已被删除
发表于 2006-6-18 01:45 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-6-18 01:48 | 显示全部楼层
所以有时挖掘起来 发现咱们看的摔角其实也很真实。。。


发表于 2006-6-18 01:56 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2006-6-18 01:58 | 显示全部楼层
* i% E* b4 x+ {, }9 T( |7 Z. V9 R+ e* G* e/ ]* G" z' G
( ]5 U7 p; {0 K' p- x  q0 n- D! i. E, Q" I+ e- i* C
  • TA的每日心情
    2013-3-16 14:53
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    发表于 2006-6-18 02:08 | 显示全部楼层
    ' y( J* l1 r/ F( ]# h不過CENA用起來還是很弱
    君麻吕大人 该用户已被删除
    发表于 2006-6-18 02:10 | 显示全部楼层
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    发表于 2006-6-18 02:13 | 显示全部楼层
    ````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````0 - 0```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````


     楼主| 发表于 2006-6-18 02:14 | 显示全部楼层
    原帖由 君麻吕大人 于 2006-6-18 02:10 发表$ g1 a( `# _6 q6 }9 j/ d& F' i5 H
    . f- o9 k% q4 Q/ i! M5 r& N
    3 o: G+ z7 @( s( s
    汗 我可没这水平~唯一告诉你的就是 去大书店 找体育类书目 专找擒拿格斗军警格斗的那种 要不然找找现代咏春什么 其他的别考虑因为其他的没老师学不了 擒拿军警格斗这些招式简单实用且致命 多是固定 看过后你会发现 人简直是一部人体兵器。。。。


     楼主| 发表于 2006-6-18 02:16 | 显示全部楼层
    原帖由 南无乾坤阿门 于 2006-6-18 02:13 发表
    8 d8 r; ^3 j3 \/ {( |& d````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````0 - 0```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` ...
    & B; f; N& H2 z6 m) U9 W
    7 W+ v* p! O+ k7 f; |% s


    发表于 2006-6-18 02:17 | 显示全部楼层
    似乎被抢买卖了~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~% W1 l4 [5 W; H2 c% a1 J
    fireman's carry
    / ^4 B# j$ @/ [$ C( K5 oThe fireman's carry is a technique that allows one to carry another person without assistance. It is referred to as the "fireman's carry" because it is the most common way for firefighters to carry injured or unconscious people away from danger. However, this technique of carrying another human being is also used in other circumstances. Soldiers have been known to use this technique to carry wounded comrades. Lifeguards are sometimes trained to use the fireman's carry. The "fireman's carry takedown" is also a popular wrestling move.
    - f1 d' \& }5 Z9 K% z$ F2 ~9 u7 [8 X0 Q8 q# f/ F
    The proper technique of the fireman's carry requires carrying the person over both shoulders. In order to perform the fireman's carry, one would grasp an individual's wrist and placing the individual's arm across one of his shoulders. Then, the carrier would reach between the individual's legs, passing his arm between individual's legs and then grasping behind the individual's thigh. In order to avoid back injuries, it is important for the carrier to lift the individual using the strength of his legs. Once the carrier is standing upright with the individual loaded over his shoulders, the carrier would adjust the individual's body so that his weight is distributed comfortably. The carrier would have hold of the wrist of the carried person and his other arm would be holding onto one of the legs of the carried person. The carried individual would have one arm and one leg hanging freely behind the carrier's back.
    7 R2 e; E; P2 M
    2 ]  E3 ?% y  cCarrying someone in this manner has several advantages. The carried individual's torso is fairly level, which helps prevent further injuries. When the carried individual's weight is evenly distributed over both shoulders, it is easier to carry him for a longer distance.
    ; e. n! c: G3 I) ~8 }" R! T! w! Q5 F: o7 g8 Q8 ]
    Although some consider the act of carrying another person over one shoulder a fireman's carry, technically it is not. In informal settings, carrying another person over one shoulder is sometimes used to transport someone who is too intoxicated to walk. However, if someone is seriously hurt, or if the person has to be carried for a considerable amount of time, the fireman's carry is preferred over the single-shoulder carry for obvious reasons. A person being carried over one shoulder would experience more jarring as her body is dangling more freely over the carrier's shoulder. Also, blood would be unevenly distributed if someone was dangling upside-down over the carrier's shoulder for an extended period of time. And this could be a very uncomfortable position for the carried person if she is still conscious.5 ^* s* c/ L+ V4 i
    ; K2 o; f% B7 F: ~
    Outside of firefighting and the military, the fireman's carry and the single-shoulder carry are often used when the carried individual is a man or a teenage boy. Men usually carry women and children in their arms because they are generally lighter then adult or adolescent boys. If a man is in a situation in which he has to carry another man, he usually chooses to use the fireman's carry or the single-shoulder carry, relying on the strength of his shoulders, back, and legs to transport the man instead of relying on the strength of his arms.


     楼主| 发表于 2006-6-18 02:18 | 显示全部楼层
    。。。。。冤枉啊 我不知道你也要发这个啊。。。。。。。
    3 ^+ O' b5 o$ I' r  x5 M! ^0 P1 _0 ?& R7 a* Z
    另外 你从哪找的那文章 早有这个我就不用写那么多了


    发表于 2006-6-18 02:19 | 显示全部楼层
    没有呵呵,我还是致力于招数的呵呵~~这样解决很多问题至少我不用在介绍什么是fireman's carry


     楼主| 发表于 2006-6-18 02:24 | 显示全部楼层
    原帖由 南无乾坤阿门 于 2006-6-18 02:19 发表
    ' r+ k. v4 J* r. T没有呵呵,我还是致力于招数的呵呵~~这样解决很多问题至少我不用在介绍什么是fireman's carry
    3 l+ \& _4 u4 s' P- `! y
    5 W, k( v7 }5 K; h* F
    下次你要发啥的先说声吧 免的撞车了
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