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[翻译] 对手会是谁??

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发表于 2006-6-9 10:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
作者:Louie Dee         2006年6月8日   来源:wwwe.com5 {- C9 d/ h! D- c

* X% K" T- p6 V4 v5 S! i8 s: Z3 l9 k/ |/ t0 k3 H
$ D* N; h7 M' M$ ~6 K

  m) ^% x% \! N4 Y$ B' _- ^/ }' c& v, r) G2 \2 d# j

- l  a& k* ~  e& Y  vRob Van Dam将在ECW One Night Stand上挑战John Cena的冠军头衔,每个人都对这场比赛充满了好奇和猜测,不过最感兴趣的人只怕就非Edge莫属了。两个星期前的RAW上,我们的限制级明星打败了Big Show成为冠军头衔的头号挑战者,在Vengeance的比赛上他将正式挑战这一头衔。
6 T  @& u+ M9 r( S* m8 Z6 W" C+ ?7 X- u( Z; H5 e1 @5 ?
当问及他希望能面对哪个冠军时,Edge对WWE.com说这点其实无关紧要。“我不会挑剔什么。不论谁赢,我都会打败他们,”限制级明星说。尽管没有做出钟意面对哪个选手的选择,Edge对两种可能的比赛都是充满了斗志。“我起起伏伏经历过这么多,也和Cena交手过这么多次,但还从没有过和RVD交手的经历,所以那对我会是个有趣的事情,”他说。“这是一次新的挑战,做为一个职业选手,这让我很兴奋。另外,从个人角度说,我极度讨厌John Cena,讨厌关于他所有的一切,从他的音乐品味到穿着品味。我们是一对死对头,我们对对方的个性已经是水火不容。他属于hip-hop,我属于 rock n’ roll。我期待着再次为了冠军腰带和他决斗。”1 M1 d$ I% C, w2 H" \" Y

+ X* r8 V0 m. {3 a. _! [2 @: ?& I' m* w8 T) o
在为引入One Night Stand而发生的许多事情中,许多人猜想Edge已于最近几周采取了保WWE,反ECW的立场,这位限制级明星,却仍有着小小的不同看法。“我没必要做什么拥护WWE的人,我只是一个拥护自己的人。”他说。“我不喜欢ECW fans们,或那些宣称他们很懂某些事情而实际上却一无所知的人。”我讨厌人们在去年Mike Awesome对Masato Tanaka的比赛时说:“这场比赛真是经典,”“那场比赛既没有剧情也没有心理战或加入任何其他东西。那对我来说只是个笑话。那些人对我来说只是个笑话,因为他们总以为知道他们自己在说些什么;他们以为通过自己愚蠢的卖弄能够显得自己有多明。”9 z2 G  J- N9 ^
) l3 @. L& Z% f/ t! m

9 k; p# {& @8 a  }6 ]- K! L倘若Rob Van Dam在One Night Stand胜利的话,他将像他说过的把WWE冠军更名为ECW世界冠军……那么,如果Edge在Vengeance上是在为争夺ECW冠军头衔而战的话,他会有什么样的感受?“所谓ECW冠军的时间不会很长;它终究要变回WWE冠军的,WWE冠军头衔的历史要追溯到Buddy Rogers,Bruno Sammartinoand 和Hulk Hogan,以及所有曾经的拥有者。”这位限制级明星胸有成竹的说道“我从小就看着它的发展直到今天,我不是看ECW长大的;那时候ECW还没有存在,所以我将把冠军头衔带回到它现在的样子。”
0 j/ j* v, H; a* g8 ^
& m) y$ T9 ?; e; d虽然Edge承认他和ECW已经是紧密关联,但他说自己仍然属于彻头彻尾的WWE的人,“我就是所谓限制级别的明星,我还会蔑视那些所谓的权威以及所有我不爽的一切,这是我和ECW一致的地方,”他说,“但我坚信着历史,我坚信着伴我成长的东西,而那,就是WWE。

5 N+ C% k; Y6 u& _; P0 X1 p; V' m5 @
) [9 S+ x$ `) t  ^6 \/ f8 s5 w1 i原文如下,愿英文达人指教
, ?) W2 U/ V  @& a0 R, q7 JRob Van Dam will challenge John Cena for the WWE Championship at ECW One Night Stand. And while everyone is eagerly anticipating that match, perhaps no one has more interest in it than Edge. Two weeks ago on RAW, The Rated-R Superstar defeated Big Show to become No. 1 Contender for the WWE Championship, and he will take on the champion at Vengeance.
- [9 V! O  x: r' \; H$ \. ^# n) X5 ?3 I0 X
When asked who he would prefer to face, Edge told WWE.com that it really doesn’t make a difference. “I’m not going to be picky. Whoever wins, I’m going to beat them,” said the Rated-R Superstar. Despite the non-preference, Edge sees motivation either way. “I’ve been up and down a lot of roads and been in a lot of battles with John Cena, but I’ve never really had that experience with Rob Van Dam so that’s an entertaining thought to me,” he said. “It’s a new challenge and as a professional it’s something that excites me. At the same time, from a personal standpoint, I don’t like John Cena at all. I don’t like anything he stands for, from his choice in music to his choice in clothing, and we’re polar opposites. We couldn’t get any further in two personalities. He’s hip-hop, I’m rock n’ roll. I would like once again to beat him for the Championship.”
7 W! [  q$ u5 S# N, B1 F7 q! H5 N/ {) V9 T0 S- g& A
With everything that’s happened leading up to One Night Stand, many have surmised that Edge has taken a pro-WWE, anti-ECW stance in recent weeks; the Rated-R Superstar, however, sees things a little differently. “I’m not necessarily pro WWE, I’m pro Edge,” he said. “I don’t enjoy ECW fans or people who claim to be smart about something that they have no clue about but think they do. I don’t enjoy people saying “this match rules” during Mike Awesome vs. Masato Tanaka last year when that match had no psychology and no story whatsoever. It was a joke to me, and those people became a joke to me because they thought they knew what they were talking about; they thought they were being smart by showing how stupid they were.” 6 G+ C; ?0 Y. r5 Y
0 M, [3 I3 u: G# L* K5 x- ^' t
If Rob Van Dam wins at One Night Stand, he has said that he will rename it the ECW World Championship…so how would Edge feel if he were fighting for the ECW Championship at Vengeance? “It wouldn’t stay the ECW Championship for long; it would go back to being the WWE Championship, the championship that dates back to Buddy Rogers and Bruno Sammartino and Hulk Hogan and all the rest,” the Rated-R Superstar said confidently. “That’s what I grew up watching. I didn’t grow up watching ECW; it wasn’t around when I grew up, so I would take the championship back to what it is now.”
+ i; A6 w* y: M  H& c# l0 ?( L' Y( V  B% Q8 {) U
And while Edge admits that he does share a common bond with ECW, he’s still a WWE Superstar through and through. “I may be the Rated-R Superstar and I may thumb my nose at authority and everything else, that’s the one thing I have in common with ECW,” he said, “but I do believe in history and I do believe in what I grew up on, and that was the WWE.”
+ L) j* u  o- L9 L' d# g. e) x7 R: l# M% n
[ 本帖最后由 xiazun 于 2006-6-12 13:52 编辑 ]


发表于 2006-6-9 11:02 | 显示全部楼层
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    发表于 2006-6-9 11:03 | 显示全部楼层
    发表于 2006-6-9 11:05 | 显示全部楼层
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    发表于 2006-6-9 11:15 | 显示全部楼层


    发表于 2006-6-9 12:57 | 显示全部楼层


    发表于 2006-6-9 12:59 | 显示全部楼层
  • TA的每日心情
    2017-2-24 15:12
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    发表于 2006-6-9 13:27 | 显示全部楼层
    不错!' W" h: U: s! u


    发表于 2006-6-9 13:37 | 显示全部楼层


    发表于 2006-6-9 13:46 | 显示全部楼层
    支持rock n’ roll!!!
  • TA的每日心情
    2019-10-25 21:19
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    发表于 2006-6-9 16:04 | 显示全部楼层
    8 O  c$ g, ]3 X' H真的希望腰带换人了。。。


    发表于 2006-6-9 16:29 | 显示全部楼层


    发表于 2006-6-9 19:17 | 显示全部楼层


    发表于 2006-6-9 19:29 | 显示全部楼层
    原帖由 yl_977 于 2006-6-9 19:17 发表
    7 u8 f. \- j1 J5 {8 |& u感觉EDGE没可能拿冠军~
    0 z2 l1 B' F  a& ^6 z7 X
  • TA的每日心情
    2013-3-16 14:53
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    发表于 2006-6-10 00:32 | 显示全部楼层
    EDGE加油啊!支持你!1 i- B; g# I$ m2 Z% v( s2 W
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