TA的每日心情 | 擦汗 2013-3-11 12:59 |
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本帖最后由 vet999123 于 2009-11-11 22:38 编辑
Vet注、明顯的Jamie Noble並不是因為和Sheamus比賽而受的"傷"而選擇了"退出摔角界"的路。雖然Jamie Noble真的是選擇了退休, 但是和Sheamus比賽而"受傷"只是一種安排Jamie Noble離開電視螢幕的方面, 這樣做WWE也能夠加強了觀眾心目中Sheamus的"實力"。但是大家請留意, Jamie Noble是WWE後台的Road Agent和Producer(負責篇製比賽流程的, 和選手一起參與比賽創作過程), 就是說Jamie Noble可能只是退出WWE電視劇情, 而專心在後台工作。[謝謝daddyshawn提供資訊]
今天凌晨(美國時間星期二), Jamie Noble接觸了WWE.com, Jamie透露了他決定結束自己7年作為WWE選手的摔角職業生涯。
在經過本星期RAW和Sheamus比賽上一輪殘酷的懲罰, WWE.com採訪了現正仍然在醫院休養的Jamie。本星期RAW上Sheamus答應了要結束Jamie的職業生涯, 在裁判認為Jamie不能再繼續比賽下去而終止比賽後, Sheamus於擂台外面powerbomb了Jamie。之後, Jamie就在擂台外面一動也不動, 急診醫療隊只好把Jamie抬在擔架上離開。
英文原文 :
After a brutal and punishing match with The Celtic Warrior, Sheamus, last Monday night on Raw, followed by an equally severe post-match beating at the hands of the Irish powerhouse, WWE.com spoke with Jamie Noble, who was still recuperating in the hospital as a result of his injuries.
Sheamus promised to punish Noble last Monday, even vowing to end the career of the West Virginia native. After the referee stopped the bout, ruling Noble could not continue, Sheamus powerbombed Noble onto the arena floor. Noble remained motionless outside the ring for several minutes, forcing EMTs to carry Noble out on a stretcher.
Noble stressed to WWE.com that he did not give up against Sheamus Monday night.
"First, I wanna make it real clear that the referee said that I couldn't keep fightin'. I never quit," Noble said. "I ain't never said I couldn't keep fightin'. In 15 years and at my size, there ain't never been an easy match for me. I guess it didn't matter if I quit or not because Sheamus didn't care about the match."
The former Cruiserweight Champion recalled past injuries suffered in the ring.
"As far as injuries go, I've had some real close calls," Noble said. "Back in 2006, 270-pound Chuck Palumbo clotheslined me in the face, and tore up all the muscles in the back of my neck and down between my shoulder blades.
"This past February, 300-pound Mike Knox drove me head first into the mat and compressed my neck real bad. I was lying in the ring with no feeling at all in my left arm,” he recalled. “They took me out of the ring on a stretcher and to the hospital that night, too. I was lucky not to have permanent nerve damage and I was able to recover.”
Noble told WWE.com that the neck and shoulder injuries he suffered Monday night puts his future in WWE in question.
"When Sheamus powerbombed me on the floor, he compressed my neck and shoulders real bad. It always seems to be my neck. I'm laying here and I still have headaches, and the back of my skull is sore," Noble revealed.
"Luckily, the doctors tell me I'm going to recover again. But I'm laying here thinkin' about how great my life is with my wife and my son. I'm thinkin', how many more times am I gonna be lucky enough to walk out of the hospital on my own? I'm thinkin' it might be time to hang up my tights and boots." |