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WWE Kurt Angle 亲自致所有摔跤迷们的信



发表于 2009-9-24 15:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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最近,WWE & ECW 摔跤手 Kurt Angle 在他的个人网页上通过其经纪人发表了一封信,这封信是给所有的摔跤迷们的。


    当各位开始阅读这封信件的时候,我想告诉大家,这封信不是WWE写的,更不是我的经纪人写的,这封信完完全全是由我个人写的,完完全全是由我Kurt Angle自己亲自写给各位摔跤迷们的信!
    这是我真诚发自内心的一句话:“谢谢大家!谢谢!”我希望这封信能给各位摔跤迷们感受到我对你们深深的谢意,也非常感谢大家能给我机会并且赋予我这种特殊的权力,我感到无比的荣幸。也要感谢的就是每周都在电视机前面观看我比赛的摔跤迷们(Kurt Angle 每周只有一次比赛),更要感谢的就是每次来到 Live House Show 中,不断齐声对我喊着 "U SUCK" (我太爱这句话了(也可翻译成我习惯了这句话了))的摔跤迷们,也非常感谢在过去6年内,不断给我发送友善的或者恶意的邮件的发送者们,也非常感谢你们,无论你们是出于什么目的,都非常感谢你们让我的生命感受到了真诚的祝福。
    在含有剧情的娱乐竞赛中(含有反派以及正派)是非常有趣的,我也知道属于我自己的巅峰时代还没有完全的来到,许许多多的评论者都把我比作 Ric Flair, Shawn Michael,UnderTaker等等让人尊敬的传奇摔跤选手,我本人真的非常的敬佩他们,但是大家要知道,我与他们之间有很大的不同,我在擂台上比他们其中任何一个人更有好斗的性格以及勇猛的攻击力,当我踏上擂台的那一刻开始,我就认定这是一场真实的真人格斗!毫无虚假可言!
    我在纽约结束了我最后一场的比赛,ECW House Show,我还清楚地记得,那天比赛场地人山人海,最后作为ECW重头戏的比赛,是由我对Rob Van Dam。在那天,我真的真的根RVD配合了一场非常漂亮的比赛,摔跤迷们让人窒息的欢呼声不断的响起。(RVD也是一位注重真实格斗的摔跤手),在比赛时,我希望与RVD能够给大家带来更好更激动的比赛。但是可惜的是,在比赛开始将近10分钟左右,我身体开始感觉到剧烈的疼痛,我估计,绝大部分的摔跤手在这种情况下,都会示意要求停止比赛的,但是我感觉到了摔跤迷们的热情和让人窒息的呼声,大家都在高喊“比赛需要结果”。所以我毫不犹豫继续我的比赛,随着疼痛的加剧,我终于骨折了。真得真得太危险了。观众的疯狂以及热情真得要比往常高出好几倍!
    在比赛中,我一直使用一条腿战斗,观众也都看出来了,所以我只能跟RVD要求尽快结束战斗,也许是因为我骨折的原因,比赛让观众看来更真实刺激,我真的请求上帝的保佑,就像观众亲眼目睹的一样,疼痛,骨折都是真实的,我真的很难受,就在比赛结束的时候,我想对RVD使用我的Angle Slam,但是RVD却反过来在上面对我使用了DDT,就在那一瞬间,我的状态已经完全崩溃,听着观众的欢呼声,但是我却已经移动不能动弹了,全身的疼痛根本无法用言语来表达,我看了一下四周,看了一下四周起身站立起来的观众,看着四周站起来为我高呼和鼓掌的观众,我深深的感觉到这不是PPV,而仅仅是一场House Show,但是我很的非常地感谢他们,真得无法用言语来表达!


所有的摔跤迷们,是你们给我留下了美好的回忆,我不知道用什么来交换你们对我的支持和关心,眼泪已经不自觉地流了出来。在最后,我还想跟大家说:我会一直很好的,我现在真真正正感受到了一个家庭在我心目中的价值,可能现在觉得太晚了,不过对于现在的我来说,无论是在精神上,身体上,我都会让自己更强壮,我一定会回来的,我 Kurt Angle 一定会回来的。我在这里给大家承诺,我一定会回来,It';s True!


Kurt Angle


To all my respective fans in WWE/ECW,
The letter you are about to read is not from WWE, nor from my agent,
but from me- Kurt Angle…to my all fans.
This is my personal ‘Thank You’ straight from my heart, to all my fans
for being here with me and providing me with the most honorable
privilege to perform and entertain for you. Thank you for tuning into
your TVs weekly, for visiting me at hundreds of house show chanting
‘You Suck’ (I love that phrase), to every single good, bad or indifferent
e-mail I’ve received over the past 6 years and continue to receive daily.
Thank you for being there and making my life truly blessed.
When I came to WWE, many fans had doubts that an Olympic Gold
Medalist in Amateur Wrestling could turn and master the art of Sports
Entertainment. To my humble surprise, God graciously granted me the
gift to make this exciting transition in my life. Coming into the WWE, I
had one goal in mind...to be the VERY BEST! Many say I am; some may
say I';m not. But I want you to know with over six solid years of non-stop
wrestling action under my belt from all the shows to the world tours...I
treated every single match as if it were my last!
I’ve never known a time in my life from training, competition or
entertainment that I have not tried to give over 100%. I honestly do
not know of any other way to wrestle or perform, and I have always
wanted to give YOU, the fans, what I would expect to see.
From the entertainment standpoint, (good guy or bad guy), it’s been truly exciting, but I know in my heart that
I have not reached my peak. Critics have compared me to very honorable wrestlers like Rick Flair, Bret Hart, Shawn
Michaels and the Undertaker, all of whom I value and truly respect. But there is one BIG difference between us. I am
by far the most aggressive and intense athlete of all on the mat. When I step into the ring, I treat it as real, it feels
real and then I play it like a real shoot fight.
As an amateur wrestler for 23 years and a pro for 6, unfortunately over the past 4 years I have suffered many injuries. I broke my neck twice and had two major neck surgeries. I’ve fractured my ribs, hip, tailbone, fingers and toes
while also tearing almost every major muscle at least one time or another. Injuries have always been a natural part
of the business and my life, but where I have failed is not taking the time off to recover. When I’m off the mental
stress, sitting back becomes worse than the physical pain. Something tells my inner soul to go back regardless
of the condition. The funny thing is, this obsession is what the industry loves, but this obsession can also be my
Week after week, day after day, 250 days a year on the road can be a living hell for anyone, especially when you’re
in daily pain for months on end. It was at home when I began to realize how severe the problems were- when a
simple task like taking out the garbage is like a full workout and I needed Motrin in order to get up and do it.
It’s time to rest! After 6 long years, I looked into my wife’s eyes and finally saw that she, too, was severely stressed
and worn out due to my livelihood that she had to endure. My 3-year old daughter Kyra basically became my nurse,
thinking she had to put ice packs or heating pads on my neck, back and legs because she could see the pain her
daddy was in.
At this point, something happened that made me realize that wrestling wasn';t the most important thing in my
life. I sat down with my wife Karen, who had tears in her eyes. I could see in her face how concerned she was for
me. She said,
“I love you. I didn';t marry you because you were a WWE Superstar. I married you before you ever joined them.
Kurt, I’m so worried that if you continue going at this pace, something bad is really going to happen and I don';t
want Kyra and Kody (our unborn son) to grow up without their father.”
I did take this all to heart, but then, as usual, a couple of days later, I went back on the road, wanting to electrify
my new ECW fans.
My last event was at the Westchester Arena in White Plains, New York. The show was sold out. The main event was
me against RVD. I had a great match against RVD as the fans were cheering for both of us. The more we wrestled
(Rob and I wrestle more of a realistic shoot style), the more I wanted to give them. Ten minutes into the match, I
severely pulled my groin. Most wrestlers would have quit right on the spot. But the fans were chanting louder and
louder "THIS MATCH RULES!" continuously, so I kept going. Compensating for my groin injury, I pulled my lower
abdominal muscle off my pelvic bone. Now, I was in trouble, but I looked up at the fans and they were screaming
louder than ever.
So Rob and I started into our finish, false finish after false finish, back and forth. But the one thing the fans noticed
is that I was doing half of the match on one leg. That made it feel even more real for the fans. I can only thank God
and the fans for keeping me going, as I was in so much pain. And at the end of the match, I had the opportunity to
beat RVD. I set him up for the Angle Slam and Rob countered with a flying DDT. My hamstring blew out. The fans
cheered and I could not move in the ring. As the agonizing pain grew greater, I could only look around. Every fan
was on their feet giving me a standing ovation. And this was at a house show, not a PPV. My only regret was that I
could not stand up and thank them all for it.
To the ones who love me, the ones who hated me and even the ones who loved to hate me- You were and are my
inspiration. God was and is my strength and so is my family—my Mom, sister and brothers, my father (God rest his
soul), my Manager Dave Hawk and most especially, my wife Karen, who went through hell during my career. She has
never given up on me.
Fans, thank you all for the memories. It was quite a ride. I would not trade any of it for the world. As I sit here
a bit teary eyed, I do want all of you to know, I will be fine. I will finally get to spend some real quality time with
my family… time that is much, much overdue. My plan and goal is to become stronger mentally, physically and
spiritually. I, Kurt Angle, will be back! That’s a promise. And that’s d#amn TRUE!
Vince, if you happen to read this, I want to again say thank you from the bottom of my heart. You are a great man!
When we get together, the next cup of coffee is on me. ; )
God Bless,
  • TA的每日心情
    2023-5-2 23:33
  • 签到天数: 1 天


    发表于 2009-10-1 22:15 | 显示全部楼层
  • TA的每日心情
    2015-3-17 20:33
  • 签到天数: 1 天


    发表于 2009-10-9 09:22 | 显示全部楼层


    发表于 2009-10-13 13:57 | 显示全部楼层


    发表于 2009-10-19 21:48 | 显示全部楼层
    kurt angle走了很耐


    发表于 2009-10-20 09:30 | 显示全部楼层
  • TA的每日心情
    2019-4-10 14:06
  • 签到天数: 3 天


    发表于 2009-10-20 14:24 | 显示全部楼层
    Angle果然是想回到WWE,已經開始在鋪路了, Vince怎麼可能會看不到這封信嘛,就算他不上網, 他的一堆工作人員也會跟他說
  • TA的每日心情
    2023-5-2 23:33
  • 签到天数: 1 天


    发表于 2009-10-20 15:17 | 显示全部楼层

    这封信是在2006年,Kurt Angle离开WWe的时候写的,又不是现在

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