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[新闻] 11月4日 TNA新闻

  • TA的每日心情
    2013-3-2 16:31
  • 签到天数: 1 天


    发表于 2011-11-4 20:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    本帖最后由 SAMUEL 于 2011-11-5 10:39 编辑

    1.Hulk Hogan nor Kurt Angle appeared at last week's iMPACT! Wrestling taping in Macon, Georgia. Angle is suffering from a hamstring injury while Hogan is being kept off television for a few weeks as to not overshadow wrestlers TNA is trying to promote.
    2.As reported earlier, former WCW World Heavyweight Champion Lex Luger was backstage at last week's iMPACT! Wrestling taping in Macon, Georgia. He attended the event to visit Sting, his friend of over twenty years.
    3.Hulk Hogan was scheduled to appear on the E! late night comedy talk show Chelsea Lately Halloween night but canceled due a doctor prohibiting from flying after he underwent dental surgery on Friday
    (还是hogan的消息,原本他是被邀请出席万圣节的E! late night comedy 访谈节目中的,但被牙科医生阻止了,因为他在上周五进行了牙科手术)
    4..Dixie Carter posted the following on her Twitter account hyping tonight's Impact Wrestling:
    Storm v Roode tonight on Impact for the Heavyweight Title. You guys want original TNA talent? These guys r 2 of the best & now is their time
    5.以下是Tommy Dreamer的一段采访内容:
    n Leaving TNA: "There was a lot of things. It was .. contracts and it just whatever. I didn't put up with a lot of stuff in WWE, I'm not gonna' put up with stuff in TNA. And you know what?I miss everybody in WWE, and I miss everybody in TNA, but,..I'm happy in my life and at 40 years old, if I can't, I don't want to say do it my way, but again, not seeing things done logically, and looking at stuff from a business point of view. Then I just say it doesn't make sense to me, and it's like no matter how hard I work, no matter how much I destroy my body, no matter how much other guys destroy their body, if stuff's not going to change, to me that really, really bothers me, and I don't know. I guess Idon't want to be a part of it. I don't want negativity in my life just because I'm in a way different stage in my life. I love wrestling. I‘ve loved it since I was a little kid, and I don't want to be the bitter old veteran who hates wrestling, and for a while like when stuff doesn't make sense or they just do stuff to do it, and just do it, I get so mad. I just..I'd rather just walk away and watch it from afar, and be like an armed chair quarterback on Monday's or Tuesday's, ya' know?"
    On The End of ECW: "Well, it was an amazing, amazing team effort, and there's a lot of guys who helped contribute to it, I just… I guess my legacy is also just because of so much, behind the scenes that I contributed tothe company, and I was also pretty much the last man to stay in the company. I actually stayed longer than Paul Heyman, which was sad cuz' he was the real owner. And , you know, I went down with the ship, but now it's all good cuz' it's made me the man whoI am. At times I was also thinking of changing my name to , ECW or like Edward Charles Wright cuz' every time I wrestle, they seem to chant that."
    On Not Wanting Titles: "Actually , one of the many fights me and Paul Heyman got into , to me, titles; I never wanted to hold one. You know, titles were given, to me, they're given to guys to help them get to the next level, and in the original ECW, I really didn't need it, but the story worked out better cuz' a lot of times where do you go from there once you win the title. Then, you know, the whole storyline, and again, it was all Paul basically saying, "Don't put the title around your waist. I don't want anyone ever to say there was a picture of you with the title around your waist, and like that would be the next chapter for Tommy Dreamer. He finally won the title. Not only did he lose the girl, but he also never got a picture of him with the title around his waist, you know just to add to the saga of professional wrestling, and the originalECW."
    〖Tommy Dreamer 近来在采访中谈及为何离开TNA。

    以下TNA Turning Point 对阵表:
    * CHALLENGE MATCH: Jeff Hardy vs. Jeff Jarrett​
    * UNDEFEATED STREAK ON THE LINE: Crimson vs. Matt Morgan
    * NO DISQUALIFICATION MATCH: Rob VanDam vs. Christopher Daniels​
    * KNOCKOUTS CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: Velvet Sky © vs. Gail Kim​
    * TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: Mexican America and Sarita © vs. Ink Inc and Toxxin
    Bobby Roode vs. AJ Styles - TNA World Title
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  • TA的每日心情
    2013-3-2 16:31
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     楼主| 发表于 2011-11-6 13:12 | 显示全部楼层
    回复 11# 最粗的戀人

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