titleú[ Inside MMA
genreú[ Talk
rel. dateú[ 08/13/10 formatú[ XViD
air dateú[ 08/13/10 sourceú[ HDTV
runtimeú[ 53 MiN 50 SEC bitrateú[ 1258kbps
filesizeú[ 575,752,192 resolu.ú[ 624x352
rar countú[ 39x15MB (550 MB) framesú[ 29.970
audioú[ 2ch 135kbps 48khz
locationú[ USA
WEC Lightweight Champion Ben Henderson, Reed Harris, and
Javier Vazquez join Kenny Rice and Bas Rutten to preview WEC
50 and look back at UFC 117. Also, Ron Kruck's special report
on the world of MMA.