意想不到!Goldberg VS Lesnar Ⅱ 赛后讨论(剧透)
一万个想不到,一场期待已久的世纪大战,竟然2分钟就了事。Goldberg VS Lesnar I 恶评如潮,Goldberg VS Lesnar Ⅱ更令人无力吐槽。据说,Goldberg已经跟WWE达成协议,在Royal Rumble中再战一场,所以编剧才会把Goldberg塑造成比Lesnar强大很多倍的状态。Goldberg Set For The 2017 WWE Royal Rumble PPV
It appears that Goldberg is set to appear in the Royal Rumble. Pro Wrestling Sheet reports that the WWE star, who beat Brock Lesnar in a match that lasted less than two minutes in the main event of Survivor Series, signed a deal this past week to appear in the January 2017 Rumble match.
There is no word at this point whether there is a WrestleMania match in the works. This is Goldberg’s second Royal Rumble appearance; he appeared in the 2004 Royal Rumble as the 30th entrant and eliminated several names before Brock Lesnar interfered and caused him to be eliminated. That of course led to Goldberg costing Lesnar the WWE Title at No Way Out, followed by their infamous match at WrestleMania XX.
赛前满怀期待,赛后一脸蒙逼 看到最后进度条就感觉不妙 等到看完仍然是这个表情
还有就不知道是不是错觉 goldberg的身体状态还是不好,最后终结技的时候一副快要撑不住的感觉 點解Goldberg VS Lesnar I 恶评如潮 alvus 发表于 2016-11-21 22:29
看到最后进度条就感觉不妙 等到看完仍然是这个表情
话说回来,看得录像,看着进度条就在算时间了,一开始心想Goldberg年纪大了估计这比赛十分钟左右吧,最后措手不及,时间全花在入场和庆祝上了..... alvus 发表于 2016-11-21 22:29
看到最后进度条就感觉不妙 等到看完仍然是这个表情
我在某网站看的视频,看比赛时间我还以为只播出场或者比赛集锦呢。GOLDBERG应该真的是状态不好,12年没有进行过一场比赛,虽然摔角不是纯正的体育,毕竟还是竞技的形式,真不是靠一个月苦练就找能得回状态的,甚至乎怒轰我也觉得比以前没力了。 jccg12000z 发表于 2016-11-21 22:45
我只能推测现在身体有伤,或者说接受这场比赛的训练恢复时间太短还没有 ...
另外一点,可能是本次回来吸引了不少没看过他比赛小朋友的欢迎,印象中以前的他基本没有跟观众击过掌,现在的他每次都花不少时间跟在场的小朋友击掌,WWE为了市场也想他继续留下。 jccg12000z 发表于 2016-11-21 22:45
我只能推测现在身体有伤,或者说接受这场比赛的训练恢复时间太短还没有 ...
也有国外消息说,这场比赛的过程是Lesnar,整场比赛他的表情塑造的很不自然,极度恐惧。 花半天找强者生存全场资源,无意中看到高博大布比赛,那就看看吧,反正都是观看赛事的,先看哪场没所谓了。结果只有三分多钟包括赛前读名仪式,就觉得不妙了
柴油机 发表于 2016-11-21 22:53
Dave Meltzer reported on Wrestling Observer Radio that Goldberg will definitely work with Brock Lesnar again in a rematch from last night's Survivor Series pay-per-view, where Goldberg defeated Lesnar in an 86 second match. Meltzer noted that the deal was put together within the past week, and it was something that Lesnar and others pushed for. It was noted that Lesnar saw money in a Goldberg program and didn't want to end it with one match, and Vince McMahon apparently saw that as well.
As for why the match was so short, Meltzer noted that it wasn't because of Goldberg being hurt. He said the match was changed to get Goldberg over once he agreed to stay, and the decision was made to do a short match like his short WCW matches that got him over in the first place.
原先这场比赛是以GOLDBERG失利而告终的,后来GOLDBERG答应了与Lesnar再战一场,Lesnar看到了比赛背后的财源滚滚,Lesnar和编剧提出快速结束比赛,把GOLDBERG带回WCW前期速战速决的战斗方式。(Lesnar:汗都不用出,躺着拿钱,何乐而不为)。 你没看GOLDBERG用一个FM在对手的配合下举一个290磅的人都腿打哆嗦吗……下回应该给他挑一个轻一点的对手,250磅以下的
看这个意思,俩人在RR上就是LESNAR秒回来,然后WM最后结束,或则和RR让GOLDBERG再赢一场,最后WM让BROCK赢,反正这个剧情最后应该以BROCK获胜结束,毕竟战神就这几场比赛了,但是LESNAR还有几年合同呢 我觉得这真的是WWE这五六年来最机智的一次运作,不要说什么Lesnar剧情实力无敌这样的安排不合情理,一切都敌不过两个字,情怀!
也幸好是秒杀赛,我看他进场就一副要摔倒的样子。。。 我也是看进度条就感到不妙了 下载下来之后先看最后一场 越拖越往后····最后剩点点才拖出来还不包括出场整半天,就有不详的预感·········
不过看到秒杀之后就基本确认还有下一场 不管下一场对手是不是Lesnar,终归还要干一场至少像比赛的比赛吧 布莱克竟然输得一塌糊涂,不像话!!