水中落叶 发表于 2014-10-7 21:04

10月7日新闻--Michael Elgin回归ROH

1.前WWE Superstar Brian Christopher——Jerry Lawler的儿子——在iTunes上发布了新的
hip-hop CD。"Bringin' Sexay Back"也可以在Amazon和Spotify购买。

2.前WWE编剧Kevin Eck回归Maryland Championship Wrestling工作。他在上周末担任heel

3.Kurt Angle宣布Angelina Love, Taryn Terrell and Madison Rayne将会在周三的Impact
Wrestling中进行一场Triple Threat,以决定#1 contender to Havok's TNA Knockouts

4.TNA已经确认Velvet Sky vs. Havok将在本周日的Bound For Glory pay-per-view进行争夺
the Knockouts Title的比赛。

关于Bound For Glory,将会只有两场腰带战:Sky vs. Havok,以及Kaz Hayashi vs. Low
Ki vs. Samoa Joe for the X Division Title。


5.Michael Elgin回到了美国,并会参加周六Ring of Honor在Kalamazoo, Michigan的赛事。

6.Michael Bennett and Maria Kanellis将在本周五的Chicago完婚。

7.10.3,EMLL,Arena Mexico
-Demus 3:16 & Pierrothito beat Astral & Stukita
-Cachorro/Dragon Lee II/Fuego defeated Los Cancerberos del Infierno
-Dark Angel/Goya Kong/Marcela beat Amapola/Dalys la Caribena/Zeuxis
-Mr. Aguila/Damian el Terrible/Kraneo defeated Mascara Dorada/Titan/Valiente
-Torneo por la Copa Jr. VIP - Block B - Quarterfinals: Stuka Jr. beat Delta
-Torneo por la Copa Jr. VIP - Block B - Quarterfinals: Maximo defeated Puma King
-Torneo por la Copa Jr. VIP - Block B - Quarterfinals: La Sombra beat Angel de
-Torneo por la Copa Jr. VIP - Block B - Quarterfinals: Rush defeated Euforia
-Torneo por la Copa Jr. VIP - Block B - Semifinals: Maximo beat Stuka Jr.
-Torneo por la Copa Jr. VIP - Block B - Semifinals: La Sombra defeated Rush
-Torneo por la Copa Jr. VIP - Block B - Finals: Maximo beat La Sombra by DQ
-Mephisto/Thunder/Ultimo Guerrero defeated Diamante Azul/La Mascara/Volador Jr.

10.5,Arena Coliseo:
-Soberano & Starman beat Cholo & Disturbio
-#1 Contender Torneo Cibernetico por el CMLL Minis Title: Electrico defeated
Pierrothito to win. 淘汰顺序:Universito Dos Mil/Aereo/Angelito/Acero/Stukita/
Mini Fantasy/Ultimo Dragoncito/Pequeno Olimpico/Shockercito/Bam Bam & Demus
-Angel de Oro/Blue Panther/Brazo de Plata beat Hombre sin Nombre/Rey
-Diamante Azul/Rush/Volador Jr. defeated El Barbaro Cavernario/Negro
CasaS/Shocker by DQ

10.5,Arena Coliseo de Guadalajara:
-Relampago Azul beat Reycko
-El Divino defeated Thunder Boy
-Smaker beat Infierno
-Acertijo/Evola/Jocker defeated Exterminador/Hijo del Javier Cruz/Leo
-Relevos Increibles: El Gallo/Mr. Aguila/Sadico beat Dragon Lee II/Titan/Malefico
-Revancha Match: La Sombra & Valiente defeated Ephesto & Mephisto

8.New Japan在上周五召开新闻发布会,宣布Kenny Omega将和联盟签订全职合同,从11月1日
他和DDT的合同到期后开始。Kota Ibushi也会和New Japan (参加大型赛事) and DDT签订双

9.10.4,Superstars of Wrestling Superclash,Gloucester England:
-Jonny Storm b Brian Kendrick
-Phil Powers over Kenzo Richards, Frankie Sloan and Jimmy Meadows to win the
Golden Grappler trophy
-Mal Sanders b Matt Jarrett
-Nathan Cruz b Paul London
-Ricky & Roy & Zak Night b Danny Collins & David Finlay III & Jushin Liger
-Davey Boy Smith Jr. b Martin Stone
-Hiroshi Tanahashi b Chris the Bambikiller
-A.J. Styles won three-way over Rampage Brown and Doug Williams

10.10.5,XICW,Clinton Township, MI:
-Orlando Christopher d Alex Shelley
-Andy Muskat b Joe Coleman
-Caleb Stills b Movado
-Willie Watts b Ethan Carter III by DQ
-DBA & Jamey Coxxx vs. Scarbonis,无结果
-Austin Manix b Paul Bowser
-Hakeem Zane b Tadatius Thomas
-Jeff Brooks & Dickie Bronson b Pain Killers in a TLC match
-Danny Shay vs. Mark Gjoka,无结果
-Rhino b Abyss

11.10.5,I Believe in Wrestling,Orlando:
-Santana Garrett (TNA Brittany) b Joey Mayberry
-Brandon Scherer b Gabriel Black
-Mike Patrick & Leo Brien b Boom Boom Groom & Sweet Thang Willie
-Aaron Epic d Jason Cade
-Chico Adams b Rhett Giddins by DQ
-Yamamoto (Yoshi Tatsu) b Chasyn Rance

1.New Shot of Kelly Kelly and Maryse’s Booty in a Bikini

2.Two Very Sexy New Shots of Reby Sky

3.Santana Garrett Marries Chasyn Rance

4.New Photo of Eric Bischoff and Garett Bischoff After a Hunting Trip

5.Flashback Pic of Reby Sky Undressed in Bed for Playboy

LH6482 发表于 2014-10-7 22:33


timsid99 发表于 2014-10-7 23:05


VCfatman0829 发表于 2014-10-7 23:11


空亦 发表于 2014-10-8 06:47


loiblu 发表于 2014-10-8 07:52

/:) 谢谢新闻资源发布。

wing900 发表于 2014-10-8 08:20


12wqasxz 发表于 2014-10-8 20:13


米豆 发表于 2014-10-8 22:22

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查看完整版本: 10月7日新闻--Michael Elgin回归ROH