【图片组】WWE 1994-08-27 ECW的诞生 官图(34P)
The birth of Extreme - Aug. 27, 1994: photoshttp://www.wwe.com/f/styles/photo_large/public/photo/image/2013/08/12_Shane_ECW.jpg
After winning a tournament to be crowned the new NWA World Heavyweight Champion, Shane Douglas delivered a scathing diatribe both honoring and criticizing the history of the title.
Upon reaching the conclusion of his speech, Douglas threw down the title and picked up the ECW Championship instead.
The Franchise proclaimed himself the new ECW Champion, but the "E" no longer stood for Eastern. ECW was now Extreme Championship Wrestling.
Dennis Coralluzzo, an NWA representative, was none too pleased with the tournament's aftermath, calling it "a disgrace."
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