【图片组】WWE 20大坏蛋 官图(52P)
WWE's 20 Meanest Grinches: photoshttp://www.wwe.com/f/styles/photo_large/public/photo/image/2012/12/17_Edge-DVD_0026.jpg
Edge might not have ever stolen Christmas, but The Ultimate Opportunitist stole many championships during his Hall of Fame career.
The Million Dollar Man tried to buy glory (in the form of the WWE Championship) from Andre the Giant has boasted plenty of bah-humbugs in his day.
John "Bradshaw" Layfield used his personal success as justification for consistently disparaging the WWE Universe members who lacked his impressive bankroll.
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谢谢分享 谢谢分享 谢谢图片~ 这些经典的奸角儿HEEL都不在荧屏了!因为没有能衬托他们的FACE!