【图片组】WWE Raw1000上传奇们的今昔对照图 官图(58P)
Raw 1,000 Legends: Then & Now photoshttp://www.wwe.com/f/styles/photo_large/public/photo/image/2012/07/scVKM1985_009.jpg
Before he revealed himself as WWE's Chairman, Mr. McMahon was known mostly as a broadcaster to the WWE Universe.
Just like old times, The Chairman welcomes the WWE Universe to Monday Night Raw!
Jesse James appeared on Raw long before he became The Road Dogg.
Before he was proud of his own posterior, Billy Gunn was a member of The Smoking Gunns and was also known as Rockabilly.
Once they banded together, The New Age Outlaws took the Attitude Era by storm.
Shawn Michaels broke a lot of hearts.
Few Superstars were as popular as the energetic and resilient X-Pac.
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