【图片组】WWE Rey Mysterio和Kelly Kelly出席Sarasota电影节 官图(8P)
Rey Mysterio and Kelly Kelly at Sarasota Film Festival: photoshttp://www.wwe.com/f/styles/photo_large/public/photo/image/2012/04/01_SFF_0422_0004.jpg
Kelly Kelly struts the red carpet at the Sarasota Film Festival for the premiere of WWE Studios' "The Day."
Rey Mysterio smiles for the cameras on the Sarasota Film Festival red carpet.
**** Hidden Message ***** 谢谢图片 谢谢图片 弱弱问一句,REY啥时候回归呢? 谢谢图片 谢谢图片 O(∩_∩)O谢谢 谢谢图片 很多 感谢分享~~~!!! 谢谢分享! thx 谢谢分享