【图片组】WWE Elimination Chamber赛恩怨史 官图(186P)
Elimination Chamber Matches through the yearshttp://www.wwe.com/f/imagecache/gallery_photo/photo/image/2012/02/001_Elim_2002.jpg
The Elimination Chamber: the final, vicious obstacle on The Road to WrestleMania.
Ten years ago, the Elimination Chamber Match was born at Survivor Series 2002, where Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho, Kane, Rob Van Dam and Booker T clashed for The Game's World Heavyweight Championship.
The rules are painfully simple: two Superstars begin the contest, with the remaining four sealed in pods. At regular intervals, a random pod will open and a new competitor joins the fray. The last man standing wins.
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