水中落叶 发表于 2011-8-2 22:15

8月2日新闻--Adam Pearce再次赢得NWA冠军

1.上周Impact Wrestling的擂台比赛时间是28分22秒,收视率是1.2。

2.TNA制片部副总裁Kevin Sullivan(并不是那位前WCW明星)在Twitter上表示TNA的国际秀

3.TNA Knockout Tara出现在7月30日晚Strikeforce: Fedor vs. Henderson MMA赛事的观众席

4.据报道Kurt Angle一直在越来越多地谈论TNA引入前WWE Superstar Shelton Benjamin and
Charlie Haas。Ring of Honor在几个月前宣布他们已经和这对组合签约。Hass and Benjamin
现在持有者the ROH Tag Team Titles。

5.对摔角界来说并非陌生人的Smashing Pumpkins主唱Billy Corgan将会在今年秋天建立自己
的独立摔角联盟,名为Resistance Pro。

6.TNA宣布Sting和Kurt Angle将会在本周Impact Wrestling中签下他们在Hardcore Justice中
的World Heavyweight Champion Match的合同。另外,还有三场Bound For Glory Series比赛
:Samoa Joe vs. "The Pope" D'Angelo Dinero;AJ Styles vs. Devon;Scott Steiner and
Gunner vs. Rob Van Dam and Crimson。

7.在周末的TNA现场赛事之后,以下是最新的TNA Bound For Glory Series积分:
* Crimson - 38 points
* James Storm - 33 points
* Bully Ray - 28 points
* Rob Van Dam - 28 points
* Gunner - 28 points
* Robert Roode - 28 points
* Brother Devon - 21 points
* AJ Styles - 21 points
* Scott Steiner - 14 points
* The Pope - 7 points
* Samoa Joe - 0 points
* Matt Morgan - 24 points, 因伤退出

8.7月30日TNA house show结果:
-Mickie James and Velvet Sky战胜Rosita and Sarita
-James Storm战胜The Pope in a Bound for Glory Match
-Crimson战胜Jeff Jarrett and Shannon Moore in a Triple Threat match
-Robert Roode战胜Devon, Samoa Joe and Gunner in a Four Corners Bound For Glory
-Hernandez战胜Ken Anderson
-AJ Styles战胜Bully Ray in a Bound For Glory match

9.31日在Ohio State Fair中,Adam Pearce赢得了一场Four Way Match,获得了空缺的NWA

-Orlando Savage战胜Eric Fallen
-Izzy Lambert战胜Jake South
-Apollo Star战胜Kaden Assad
-Ted McNailer & Adam Revolver战胜Jamin Olivencia & Rudy Switchblade
-Paradise战胜Muhammad Ali Vez,保留the OVW TV title
-James Ross & Ashton Amherst战胜Murder One & A.J. Steele
-Ace Rockwell战胜Chip Day,保留the Southern title
-Cliff "Domino" Compton战胜Mike Mondo
-Adam Pearce赢得four-way,战胜Chance Prophet, Jimmy Rave and Shaun Tampers,赢得
the NWA world title

10.8月13日的Freedom Pro Wrestling中将会进行第一次Kevin Nash vs. Carlito的比赛。Al
Snow和the New Age Outlaws也会参加。

11.以下是新ROH 8月13日录制的对新对阵:
*ROH champion Davey Richards vs. Roderick Strong
*ROH Tag Team champions Shelton Benjamin & Charlie Haas vs. The Kings of Wrestling
(Chris Hero & Claudio Castagnoli)
*ROH TV champion El Generico vs. Jay Lethal
*Eddie Edwards vs. Michael Elgin

12.7月28日Juggalo Championship Wrestling iPPV结果:
-Bill Martel战胜Jimmy Jacobs
-Rhino战胜Tracy Smothers
-Mad Man Pondo & Necro Butcher战胜Sabu & Raven
-Amber O'Neal战胜Brittany Force
-Breyer Wellington & Kongo Kong战胜Brothers Calhoun
-2 Tuff Tony战胜Adam J. Pearce
-U-Gene & Zach Gowen战胜Ring Rydas
-Corporal Robinson战胜Colt Cabana,赢得the JCW title

13.31日IWL iPPV结果,地点墨西哥城:
-Guerrero Arlequin & Molosco Jr.战胜Quiminico Jr. & Nino de Fuego
-Big Mama & Juan el Ranchero战胜Guerrero Arlequin & Molosco Jr.
-Big Mama & Juan el Ranchero战胜Caderno Punk & Matanza 88
-Big Mama & Juan el Ranchero战胜Hammer & Black Heart
-Freelance & Turbo & Naruto战胜Tribal & Kansuke & Samuray del Sol(平局,又增加了
-Tony Rivera战胜Zumbido by DQ
-ATM战胜Hijo de Medico Asesino & Epidemia & Fishman Jr. & Kung Fu Jr. in an
elimination match
-Daga战胜Micke Segura,比赛进行大约25分钟
-Oriental & Craig Classic战胜Super Crazy & Heddi Karaoui
-Low Rider & Mad Man Pondo & Balls Mahoney & Fantasma de la Opera战胜Los Porros

14.在周末的CHIKARA秀中宣布,Aja Kong将会在年底回归美国,这是她十几年来的第一次。

15.7月30日Maryland Championship Wrestling,Shane Shamrock Memorial Cup结果,观众
-Alex Colon赢得3-way,战胜Corey Hollis and Judas Young
-Vordell Walker赢得3-way,战胜Kyle Matthews and Nathan Crown
-Ronnie Zukko战胜Nui Tofiga
-Ricky Reyes赢得3-way,战胜Mike Posey and Aden Chambers
-Josh Daniels赢得3-way,战胜Oliver Grimsley and Alexander James
-Napalm Bomb赢得Battle Royal
-Fed Up战胜Holy Rollers in a strap match
-Sami Callihan战胜Kirby Mack, Alex Colon, Vordell Walker, Ricky Reyes and Josh
Daniels,赢得the 2011 Shane Shamrock Memorial Cup

punk90 发表于 2011-8-2 22:24


loiblu 发表于 2011-8-2 22:24


shimoyao 发表于 2011-8-2 22:26

谢谢 新闻

triple 发表于 2011-8-2 22:38


Truman 发表于 2011-8-2 22:52


cwoyiu 发表于 2011-8-2 23:31


heyangfan 发表于 2011-8-3 00:01


timsid99 发表于 2011-8-3 00:29


人肉叉烧包 发表于 2011-8-3 07:01


PP11PP11PPP 发表于 2011-8-3 19:23


wing900 发表于 2011-8-3 21:27

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查看完整版本: 8月2日新闻--Adam Pearce再次赢得NWA冠军