big2004 发表于 2011-2-26 17:20

TNA 3月PPV Victory Road 對戰名單 (最絡名單更新)

本帖最后由 big2004 于 2011-3-13 09:18 编辑

TNA 3月PPV Victory Road 即将於3月13日舉行, 地点将会是美國佛羅里達州奧蘭多市 (Orlando, Florida) 的 Impact! Zone, 而以下是對戰名單(暫定)

TNAW World Heavyweight Title Match
TNAW 世界重量級腰帶爭奪戰
Sting (c) vs. Jeff Hardy

TNAW World Tag Team Title Match
TNAW 世界雙打腰帶爭奪戰
Beer Money (James Storm & Robert Roode) (c) vs. Ink, Inc. (Shannon Moore & Jesse Neal)

Ultimate X match for the TNAW X Division Title
以 Ultimate X 的比賽形式爭奪 TNAW X-組別腰帶
Kazarian (c) vs. Jeremy Buck vs. Max Buck vs. Robbie E (w/ Cookie)

TNAW Knockout Tag Team Title Match
TNAW 女子雙打腰帶爭奪戰
Angelina Love & Winter (c) vs. Sarita & Rosita

#1 contender for the TNA World Heavyweight Title Match
爭奪首名有資格挑戰 TNAW 世界重量級腰帶的比賽
Mr. Anderson vs. Rob Van Dam

First Blood match
Hernandez vs. Matt Morgan

Bully Ray vs. Tommy Dreamer

Matt Hardy (w/ Ric Flair) vs. A.J. Styles

lemon0075 发表于 2011-2-26 19:52

搶. 摁..期待女子.

tantan 发表于 2011-2-26 23:48

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