fengliangwwe 发表于 2010-12-10 18:55

12月10号新闻——Jeff Hardy听证会继续延期

1.前 WWE NXT Diva Aloisia 在Twitter上表示,她将于12月13日—21日在非洲尼日利亚参加巡演。

2.针对在iMPACT中Jeff Jarrett的公开挑战,WWE的Joey Styles在Twitter上评论道:“我听说Jeff Jarrett 在TNA录影中挑战任何观众,只要能使他tap out。我当时不在那里来完成这件事真是太遗憾了。在TNA,我一定会成为主赛选手。”

3.TNA World Heavyweight Champion Jeff Hardy 没有出现在今晚iMPACT!录影现场(在佛罗里达奥兰多市举行)的后台,但是他会参加明天的赛事。Jeff错过了昨晚的录影是因为去北卡参加他的听证会。

4.12月9日是Kurt Angle的42岁生日。

5.Jeff Hardy的听证会又一次被延期,其下一场听证会定于1月20日在北卡摩尔县高级法院举行。

6.今晚 iMPACT!录影中扮演The Amazing Red的兄弟的摔角手是 Tommy Mercer,他一直在纳什维尔的独立联盟工作。有谣言指,Mercer是在一次试训中让TNA管理层印象深刻

7.Jarrett 的MMA团队的基本上都是由Team 3D的学生组成的。

8.12月16日的TNA Reaction将是一期30分钟的节目,于晚上11:30在Spike TV播出。12月23日晚的节目将回归正常,继续是晚上11点播出,长度为1小时。

9.12月12日Jersey All Pro Wrestling 13th Anniversary Show对阵安排:
*The ECW Arena debut of Japanese legend Jushin "Thunder" Liger vs. Mike Quackenbush!

*The NEW JAPW champion Brodie Lee will defend against former ECW and NWA champion Rhino!

*Nick Gage & Necro Butcher will challenge the JAPW Tag Team champions, so they will be facing either Da Hit Squad or The United States Death Machine, depending on which team emerges victorious at JAPW's 12/10 event in Rahway!

*B-Boy vs. Eddie Kingston!

*Jay Lethal vs. Kenny Omega!

*The Briscoe Brothers will face either Da Hit Squad or the United States Death Machine!

*JAPW Light Heavyweight champion Azrieal vs. Bandido Jr. vs. Devon Moore!

*JAPW Women's champion Sara del Rey will defend against the number one contender (to be determined on 12/10)

*Also appearing will be the The South Side Playaz Club with Jonny D., Mia Yim, Corvis Fear

10.12月12日Combat Zone Wrestling Cage of Death 2011 对阵安排:
*In the Cage of Death, Danny Havoc & Devon Moore & Scotty Vortekz & Dysfunction v. tHURTeen & Brain Damage & Masada & Drake Younger.I am told there will be elements from the COD - Suspended used for this year's COD.In my opinion, that was the best Cage of Death Match ever, so they will have a hell of a legacy to live up to.

*CZW champion Jon Moxley vs. Homicide in the latest chapter of their tremendously stiff and brutal feud.Who doesn't want to support NYC's own Homicide?

*CZW Ultraviolent Underground champion Nick Gage vs. Big Japan's Yuko Miyamoto with the United States debut of the Death Match specialist!

*Philly's Most Wanted, Joker & "Black Jeez" Sabian vs. The Osyrian Portal to crown new CZW Tag Team champions.

*Sami Callihan vs. Robert Anthony.

*CZW Junior Heavyweight champion Adam Cole vs. A.R. Fox.

*Scramble: winner qualifies for Best of the Best 2011.

11.前WWE选手Nick Dinsmore (又名, Eugene)出现在本周ROH电视录影的后台,并被安排参加录影,而且还会参加明天的秀。

12.据WrestleZone报道,Jeff Hardy在后台的状况的新闻爆料之后,TNA管理层已经知会数目摔角手,让他们“密切关注”Hardy的情况。
不止一名选手向TNA管理反映他们对Jeff Hardy的担心,而管理层接受了他们的请求,让他们“密切关注”Jeff。

今日图片:Matt Hardy离开WWE后的第一场比赛

king2008 发表于 2010-12-10 18:58


lemon0075 发表于 2010-12-10 18:59


xrspook 发表于 2010-12-10 19:00


虽然仍没什么线条可言,但Matt Hardy的大肚子总算是减掉了。

punk90 发表于 2010-12-10 19:07

要不然两兄弟以后要叫The Fattyz

Single 发表于 2010-12-10 19:10



期待The Fattyz

potart 发表于 2010-12-10 19:21


罗志祥小猪 发表于 2010-12-10 19:27


1230..0321 发表于 2010-12-10 19:33


s630 发表于 2010-12-10 19:42


2381 发表于 2010-12-10 19:44


triple 发表于 2010-12-10 19:46


Truman 发表于 2010-12-10 19:59


语实俱禁 发表于 2010-12-10 20:06


香港人 发表于 2010-12-10 21:07

kurt angle 生日快樂, 謝新聞~~!!!
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