GreenC 发表于 2007-3-20 13:09

在前年,我真的以为RKO这个传奇杀手会打败UT,那段RKO简直是捧到天上去了,2004年BACKLASH上硬核打败MICK FOLEY,2004年TABOO TUESDAY 铁笼打败RIC FLAIR,SUMMER SLAM上打败BENOIT得到WHC冠军,3届强者生存最后胜利者,年轻帅气比赛又好看。

那一年是我第一次看WrestleMania,而且是现场看(电影院)。说实话那场比赛是让我喜欢上Randy Orton的原因,整场比赛节奏很好,动作也很规范,算是很精彩的比赛,如果当时跟我说Lenged Killer真的干掉了Undertaker我不会反对.......而今年的Batista,哼,一点捧的潜力都没有,基于他的年龄,地位,技术以及票房都不会再上升了,为什么要WWE唯一的一个王者地位的选手输掉呢?

jacky1010 发表于 2007-3-20 20:27


duyuanchao 发表于 2007-3-21 12:32


liu_yuchong 发表于 2007-3-21 12:36

早准备好了。 该快进的比赛还是要快进.如(Kane vs Khali),该看n遍的就多看几遍

oopp 发表于 2007-3-21 18:22


estwolf 发表于 2007-3-21 20:23

十分关注 梯子大战

黑暗帝王UT 发表于 2007-3-21 22:23

在這裡為UT加油/:lol .....

johnnyceena 发表于 2007-3-21 23:12

I really appericiate the MITB match. Because this year there gonna be 8 not 6 superstars in the match.
As we all know that the match including the Hardys will always be very exciting just like the match between the Rock and SCSA will also have large group of spectators~I don't know who's gonna win but I think:Finlay,Hardys,King Booker and CM Punk can't be Mr. MITB~
1.Finlay:Have you ever seen a coach entered a match than goaled?
2.Hardys:They are a part of the match which can't be missed, but not the factor of the WWE/WHC challenger~
3.King Booker:Come on~He has 2006,give 2007 to others~
4.CM Punk:Stronger,and translate from ECW to RAW,then maybe you can~
So as a matter of fact, I just think 3 men can win that honor:
Rated R superstar: Edge 30%
Legend killer:Randy Orton 40%
Future of Smackdown:Mr. Kenndy 30%
I don't know the dim of Randy's charactor because these weeks he's always be cheated by Edge's XX but we can see that he acts as a heel backstage~but not very heel~In his match against Jeff, we didn't see a lot of dirty moves, on the other hand, his entrance gave people the feeling that came back to the 1st time he was the face~
Edge, I think I don't need to talk much about him,his chance is great, but 2006 is enough, come on, I think 2007 is for Orton.
Mr. Kenndy:Respectly, I really like this guy, but it seems that he had been treated so bad to make Batista famous, I don't like it~Because WWE likes to give the new face more training,Kenndy maybe should be a long time United States Champion then...

[ 本帖最后由 johnnyceena 于 2007-3-25 00:54 编辑 ]

Rey619 发表于 2007-3-22 00:47


北冥雷 发表于 2007-3-22 00:52

原帖由 Rey619 于 2007-3-22 00:47 发表
/:lol 开心
/:lol /:lol /:lol能进杂志很觉得幸福

[ 本帖最后由 北冥雷 于 2007-3-24 12:42 编辑 ]

patrick 发表于 2007-3-22 12:34

我就想听见“sexy boy”,其他通通让开,scsa,我几乎要忘记他了,您老终于回来露面了。

prosheng 发表于 2007-3-22 13:47


skyangel 发表于 2007-3-22 14:23

今年的WM我比较期待的是MITB比赛,其次是CENA VS HBK,因为有最爱的HBK,其实只有HBK一个人出场的DX到底还是不是真正意义上的DX那?我也挺怀念HBK双膝跪地,烟火升空的情景,UT千万别输,我另外的最爱KANE竟然和一个完全不知道怎么打比赛的大个子打一场比赛,哎,心疼啊!

[ 本帖最后由 skyangel 于 2007-3-22 14:31 编辑 ]

zwqok 发表于 2007-3-22 15:00

哦没有办法啊    我家里面没有电脑要不然我也是要用BT下的啊,好好的看

绝地重生 发表于 2007-3-22 21:27

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