138538 发表于 2006-9-27 19:46

国外一位摔迷对Kurt Angle对转投TNA的看法




                                 EXTRA RANDOMNESS: KURT ANGLE

    First of all, I have to give TNA a lot of credit for actually keeping this a surprise. No one spoiled it earlier in the day on Sunday, that has to be a first in the wrestling business, or at least its the first time in a long time something has come off as a legitimate surprise. When the news of this big announcement came up, Angle was one of the first things that popped into my head. All the talk coming out of Angles camp last week about MMA made me dismiss the idea, as it did for everybody else. Well played, TNA.
TNA handled the announcement well, but a lot of the hardcore fans are questioning on if TNA should have signed Angle in the first place. Now, I dont have the inside knowledge of the business that most who do this have, but I think it was pretty obvious to most fans that Kurt was struggling towards the end of his WWE run. Actually, the injuries that piled up over his amateur and professional career were hampering him for a good long while. Its reported that Angle, like many in the industry, turned to medication to deal with these injuries.(EDDIE,RVD~~)It's so terrible!
I cant speak on what WWE did to try to help Angle deal with his injuries and other issues because I dont know. I dont know if they told him to take time off and tone things down and he refused. The company made a business decision, well within their rights, to terminate his contract as a performer for the company.
When that happened, Im sure I wasnt the only TNA fan who thought about Angle joining TNA. For todays fans, signing Angle would be the biggest thing TNA could do to make an impact on the wrestling business and get peoples attention. Rhino and Christian, no matter how much hardcore fans loved them, were never treated like a big deal in WWE. Sting was treated like a big deal in WCW, but that was years ago. He hadnt been seen on a regular basis nationally since his last big run in WCW. Angle was in a World Title match at WrestleMania this year and has always been treated like a big deal by WWE. Like it or not, WWE colors the opinions of casual fans and their treatment of wrestlers plays a part in how theyre perceived. Ask any casual wrestling fan, and theyll tell you that Kurt Angle is a star.
Because of that, WWE wouldnt release a guy of Angles stature without a good reason. Combined with some of the reports of Angles actions towards the end of his WWE run and injuries he sustained and wanted to work through, that makes it quite a risk for TNA to sign Kurt Angle to a contract. Theres a lot for TNA to gain if this works out, but it could also be a colossal mistake if some of the reports about Angles physical and mental health are true. I would like to think that TNA isnt desperate enough to make a bad decision in this case and are went into the idea of signing Angle with caution. Some people have tried to paint this as TNA panicking due to declining ratings, but as Rick and a few others have pointed out, its hard to draw conclusions from ratings fluctuations of 0.1 in that timeslot.
Its obvious, and has been well established, that Kurt Angle is addicted to wrestling. I am glad that TNAs reduced schedule will be better for his body and mind. It will allow him to be at home the majority of the time, improve his personal life, and continue to do what he loves on a similar stage(the family,the ring) to where he was with WWE. For all the cracks people take at TNA, they are the only other American promotion with a national scope right now. If youre not in WWE, this is as close to it as you can be. The money wont be what it was, but it wont be bad either considering the amount of work. Im guessing that Spike TV is also ponying up on that due to the timing of the prime time announcement in conjunction with Angles signing.
The other thing that gives me some hope to this situation working out for everyone concerned is Shane Douglas. Douglas was working with TNA as a backstage interviewer and agent, and was dealing with addiction to painkillers from injuries he suffered during his long career in the ring. The company supported him (and some say asked him to seek out treatment after some behind the scenes incidents) during his stint in rehab. They promised him that his job would not be in jeopardy and would be waiting on him when he could return. They lived up to that promise, and placed him in a high profile spot managing The Naturals when he came back. Doulgas issued this quote upon his return, I want everyone in the locker room to know that TNAs support is one of the reasons I am at where I am today. Dont hide it if you have an addiction; dont be ashamed. Come forward and get help; the company will support you. Who knows if Kurt Angle would listen to what Shane Douglas has to say? However, its not a bad person for him to be around either if hes dealing with a similar situation.
Maybe Im na?ve, maybe Im just hoping this works out for best due to my optimistic personality, but I dont think this is the horrible move that some do. Its definitely a risk, and a situation that TNA management is going to have to keep on top of, and dont think theyre stupid enough not to know that. I guess well just have to wait and see.


TNA控制这一宣告控制的很好,但是许多硬核迷对TNA原来是否打算签下KURT ANGLE这一事件很疑问。现在我没有太多的内部消息,但我想这对大多数FANS来说是非常明显的,就是KURT ANGLE当时正在与他的WWE事业的末尾做斗争。事实上,从他业余到职业摔角,伤病一直与他不断伴随,因而阻碍他有一个良好的前景。据报导,ANGLE像这个圈子里许多人一样,靠服用药物来克服伤痛。(EIDDIE,RVD~~)这太可怕了。
当这一切发生的时候、,我承认我不是唯一一名考虑让ANGLE加入TNA的TNA迷,然而对今天的TNA迷来讲,签下ANGLE是一件足以让TNA在摔角界掀起波澜和吸引观众的眼球的一件最重要的事。RHINO 和CHRISTIN,无论硬核观众多爱他们,永远得不到KURT在WWE的礼遇和厚待。STING在WCW里得到超级巨星的厚待,但那是多年前的事情了,就是一直到他在WCW的光辉生涯也从未被视过为一个就巨星。
ANGLE在今年的WRESTLEMANIA参与了世界重量级冠军的争夺,而且总是被WWE当作巨星来对待。不管怎样,WWE装点着那些摔角迷的想法。他们对摔角手的待遇参考着这些人的观点。如果你随便问一个摔角迷,他们将会告诉你KURT ANGLE是一个巨星。
显然这是一件很好的事情,KURT ANGLE视摔角如生命,TNA较少的比赛日程对KURT ANGLE的身体和思想会更好,对此我很高兴,这将允许他有充足的时间呆在家里来改善他的个人生活,他可以继续在2个舞台上生活(家庭,擂台),而不会像在WWE那样。一些人去了TNA,他们是仅有的美国促进在国家范围内,现在!如果你不看WWE,这是一个你接触它的良好机会。钱不是其本身,但在大量工作面前,它也不是个坏东西。我正在猜想Spike TV也正在操作ANGLE签约的首映式。
在这种条件下,有些其他事给我一些希望,那就是每个人所关心的SHANE DOUGLAS,SHANE DOUGLAS是TNA的一名后台记者与经理人,他的长年职业生涯使其伤痛累累,当时他也在与病痛做抗争。TNA也支持他做一段时期的修养,有些人让他在节目录制后去做一些治疗。TNA并允诺他可以让他不去做这样危险的事。TNA大门一直为他敞开直到他愿意回来。TNA实践了他们的诺言,给他一份高薪让他修养直到他归来。
    SHANE DOUGLAS在回归后说到“我想每个TNA人知道,TNA的支持是今天我还在这工作的原因之一,如果你有难言之隐不要去隐瞒,不要羞涩,大胆的去寻找帮助,TNA会永远支持你,谁知道KURT ANGLE会不会听SHANE DOUGLAS的话呢?不管怎样,对KURT来讲,这是一个好人,是一件好的事情,因为二者有过相同的境遇。

[ 本帖最后由 138538 于 2007-7-12 10:47 编辑 ]

liuyukuoaa 发表于 2006-9-27 19:47

我靠  谢谢翻译

﹃_﹃☉ 发表于 2006-9-27 19:48


STING 发表于 2006-9-27 19:50


duke 发表于 2006-9-27 19:51


loveyasky 发表于 2006-9-27 19:57


侠疯千里 发表于 2006-9-27 20:14

作者无法得到TNA内部消息 他也得不到WWE的内部消息及其态度 所以对于“WWE为了其自身利益作出了决定,终止了与他的合同”只是一个荒谬的假设...

evilfo 发表于 2006-9-27 20:23


钢铁长城内斯塔 发表于 2006-9-27 20:42

也算是一家之言吧在不知道真相之前 与其作那么多假设不如坦然面对现实

utada4594 发表于 2006-9-27 21:09


jvc-miffy 发表于 2006-9-27 23:56

:loveliness: 祝福kurt...:loveliness:

Richman 发表于 2006-9-28 00:03


bengan 发表于 2006-9-28 09:42


hin110 发表于 2006-9-29 12:48


LH6482 发表于 2006-10-1 20:27

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