fengliangwwe 发表于 2010-4-4 11:55

(重大更新: Daniels被解雇)Christopher回归ROH?ROH Big Bang internet PPV战果

本帖最后由 fengliangwwe 于 2010-4-5 09:54 编辑

Christopher Daniels回归ROH—ROH Big Bang internet PPV战果(转自:www.pwinsider.com)
Breaking news from tonight's Ring Of Honor show. Christopher Daniels made his ROH return during the event, challenging Davey Richards after Richards' match on the card against Kenny King.
后续报道:The word at the Ring of Honor PPV is that Christopher Daniels is in with the company for a number of dates.He's already been announced for the next Virginia and NYC eventsI was told the deal was put together just a few days ago. I have no idea of Daniels' TNA status as of this writing and a few TNA personalities were surprised by Daniels popping up in ROH.So, we'll see.
据说,Christopher Daniels 和ROH联系已经有些时日了,另外,目前已经宣布他会出现在接下来 Virginia 和NYC的赛事中,暂时还不清楚Christopher Daniels 目前和TNA是什么个处境,但TNA有些人对其突然出现在ROH很惊讶。

1.Jack Salvation vs Phil Shatter
Winner: Phil Shatter

2.Pick Six Match: (5) Kenny King vs Davey Richards
Winner: Davey Richards
Davey赛后很嚣张,说 he needs to be the best wrestler in the world
然后,Christopher Daniels音乐响起,Fallen Angel 回归ROH?
Daniels说他才是the best wrestler in the world,并说了一些挑衅 Davey 的话: Daniels says he has a problem with what Davey just said, because for 17 years Daniels has fought, bled, and worked to make the name "Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels synonymous with Best In The World. After being held back, he has returned to ROH to prove that he is exactly that. If there's a dispute between them about who the best is, the best way to settle that is for them to go one-on-one. Daniels doesn't care where and when, but if Davey wants to be called the Best In The World, he's going to have to go through Daniels. Daniels turns to leave, but comes back and says that's not a promise or a threat, but the gospel according to the Fallen Angel

3.Butcher's Rules: Erick Stevens vs Necro Butcher
Winner: Necro Butcher

4.Rhett Titus vs Cassandro El Exotico
Winner: Cassandro El Exotico

5.Kevin Steen & Steve Corino vs Colt Cabana & El Generico
Winner: Colt Cabana & El Generico by DQ

6.ROH World Tag Team Title Match: Jay & Mark Briscoe vs Kings Of Wrestling
Winners and new ROH World Tag Team Champions: Kings Of Wrestling

7.ROH World Title Triple Threat Match: Tyler Black vs Austin Aries vs Roderick Strong
Winner: Tyler Black

8.Super Parka & Misterioso vs Blue Demon, Jr & Magno
Winner:Blue Demon, Jr & Magno
(Awful, awful match to end the PPV)

继续更新Christopher Daniels新闻:来自www.pwinsider.com
1.By Mike Johnson on 2010-04-04 13:18:34
Since a few readers have asked, Christopher Daniels was indeed released from TNA this past Wednesday. He immediately contacted Ring of Honor and made the deal to debut at last night's Big Bang PPV.
pwinsider.com的Mike Johnson 表示,Christopher Daniels 确实在本周三被TNA解雇,然后他迅速联系了ROH,于是出现在昨晚的Big Bang PPV。

2.By Buck Woodward on 2010-04-04 19:37:43
As many of you have pointed out, Christopher Daniels is still listed on the roster page at TNAWrestling.com.I would imagine he will be removed shortly.As Mike Johnson reported earlier, Daniels was released last Wednesday from TNA, setting up his Ring Of Honor return over the weekend. Daniels had been with TNA since their fourth weekly Pay-per-view, on July 10, 2002, where he participated in an elimination match with Jerry Lynn, Elix Skipper, Tony Mamaluke, Kid Romeo and Low Ki, with it coming down to Daniels and Low Ki at the end, with Low Ki winning.

pwinsider.com的Buck Woodward 表示,Christopher Daniels 目前还在TNAWrestling.com的选手名单上,但他认为很快就会被移除。

3.According to a report by The Wrestling Observer, it has been confirmed that Christopher Daniels was released by TNA earlier this week and explains why he was able to make an appearance at Ring of Honor's "Big Bang" PPV last night. Steve Gerweck first reported this on the website last night. Daniels was using his old "Fallen Angel" gimmick during his ROH appearance. He remains listed on the TNA website.

所以,根据这几条新闻,基本上可以确定,Christopher Daniels 和TNA结束了。

Reiの日 发表于 2010-4-4 11:56


kpang1024 发表于 2010-4-4 16:24


永恒经典 发表于 2010-4-4 18:45

我CAO 高层所有人的妈!!!

cblshuyer 发表于 2010-4-4 18:59

回复 4# 永恒经典


小子威威 发表于 2010-4-4 19:13



fengliangwwe 发表于 2010-4-4 20:11


TNALife 发表于 2010-4-4 22:02



bartester 发表于 2010-4-4 23:51


zhumingliuzz 发表于 2010-4-5 00:27


fengliangwwe 发表于 2010-4-5 08:17


SHINNOK 发表于 2010-4-5 10:07



THEut 发表于 2010-4-5 10:49

这条新闻给我的震撼力不亚于当初BENOIT被CENA STFU.............

wing900 发表于 2010-4-5 10:57


piledriver 发表于 2010-4-5 10:59

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查看完整版本: (重大更新: Daniels被解雇)Christopher回归ROH?ROH Big Bang internet PPV战果