fengliangwwe 发表于 2010-3-28 13:53

3月28号新闻——Eric Bischoff回击Vince?Jeff还会回WWE吗?(含透剧图片)

1.针对Vince McMahon 前几日对TNA的不屑言论,Eric Bischoff也在Facebook上展开回击:“我想VKM公开抨击TNA的真正原因是因为他在本周的WresteMania"go home"版RAW上失去了一百万的观众吧。WWE的PPV正在被UFC宰杀,而任何周一晚的竞争对手对其而言只是一种伤害。
- Eric Bischoff has lashed out against Vince McMahon for Vince's recent comments on TNA. Here's what Bischoff wrote on Facebook:

"In response to a well articualted point by member Ben Salmon, I think the real reason VKM reacted publically to TNA is the fact that in the "go home" week of his show, he LOST 1 MILLION VIEWERS going into his make or break PPV of the year. WWE's PPV business is getting slaughtered by UFC and ANY competition on Monday n...ights is only going to hurt. Thats why he's gone from "no sell VKM" to selling like an Avon Lady.

So according to reports, Vince McMahon, the guy who wanted to watch his son-in-law perform a sex act on a dead body, asked me to make out with his wife AND daughter, owns a boat called "Sexy Bitch" and wanted to me to promote "Hot Lesbian Action" on his show considers TNA "tawdry"..come on Vince, you are a lot of thing...s (and many that I admire) but don't be a hypocrite."

2.前几周报道过,前WWE选手Ken Doane (Dykstra)最近在TNA进行过一场dark match,并输给了 Homicide,据Doane说,TNA不打算要他了。
Doane在Twitter上写道:“3月22号收到消息,TNA不会把我带回去了,计划泡汤了。最有天赋的Free Agent,还在销售中。”
Doane然后又给 Dixie Carter发了信息:“很高兴和你见面,感谢你今天对职业摔角界最具天赋的Free Agent 的关照-~Kenn Doane"

3.昨日在Fancast.com 采访中,Matt Hardy 表示他相信他的弟弟Jeff还会回到WWE,Matt说Jeff目前还没法处理其日程,呆在TNA不会是长久之事,他相信Jeff一旦身体完全恢复一切安好之后就会再次回到WWE。另外Matt还说道他希望Sting和AJ Styles来WWE。

4.最近OutSports.com的一篇文章里,Kevin Nash 被指“同性恋友好”,其原因来源于他之前在此网站的一次采访,当时,他支持人们有享受同性恋生活方式的权利。”

5.近日Shawn Michaels接受了 The Baltimore Sun 的采访,其中他谈到了 Ric Flair :“他确实给我打过电话,他告诉我他想去参加Hogan的澳大利亚巡演,他问我这样做是否合适,当然我说没问题。当他准备签约TNA时他又打电话问我同样的问题。”

今日图片:Orlando Jordan新造型

249886421 发表于 2010-3-28 13:59


potart 发表于 2010-3-28 14:40

Matt Hardy 表示他相信他的弟弟Jeff还会回到WWE :loveliness:

cwoyiu 发表于 2010-3-28 14:58

Orlando Jordan 的造型很好笑呀.....


liuxf96 发表于 2010-3-28 15:13

图片透句?没明白不过图片里那男孩真帅啊 ..

永恒经典 发表于 2010-3-28 15:41

AJ STYLES到了WWE便会像初出茅庐的傻瓜一样被对待
而STING也会成为超级升级包 就这样

大包围王爷 发表于 2010-3-28 15:43


whcena 发表于 2010-3-28 15:50

matt hardy最后一句话有点.......额.......
- -...........

wing900 发表于 2010-3-28 16:08


8866 发表于 2010-3-28 16:10


地狱婴儿 发表于 2010-3-28 16:38

一直都期待会有一场Sting vs Undertaker,可惜好像不太可能/:')

TNALife 发表于 2010-3-28 16:57


不過我看高強度的TNA不適合他 /;P

punk90 发表于 2010-3-28 17:00


UnderTakerRIP 发表于 2010-3-28 17:23


athrun 发表于 2010-3-28 17:27

Orlando Jordan好噁心!{:3_79:}
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