水中落叶 发表于 2010-1-31 20:28


1.1月27日TNA house show结果,地点威尔士加的夫:
-Amazing Red战胜Chris Sabin and Suicide
-Knockout Tag Match:Sarita and Taylor Wilde战胜The Beautiful People
-Global Title Match:Rob Terry战胜Eric Young,成为新的冠军
-Tables 6 Man Tag:Kurt Angle and Team 3D战胜Rhyno, Pope and Hernandez
-Beer Money战胜British Invasion
-I quit match:Samoa Joe战胜Christopher Daniels
-AJ Styles战胜Desmond Wolfe

2.Vince Russo最近表示是他把Awesome Kong从和Bubba the Love Sponge的打斗中拉开的。


4.Desmond Wolfe的女仆在TNA的擂台名字是Chelsea。

5.Torrie Wilson在她的Twitter上表示她一个人在家时非常害怕,于是她把手枪上膛,并在


7.Bobby Lashley在周六晚上进行了他在Strikeforce的处子战,他轻松战胜Wes Sims。

8.关于Davey Richards被从EVOLVE和Dragon Gate USA的对阵中取消的原因目前已经找到,
ROH宣布她们和Davey Richards在1月29日签订了一份新合同。

9.Tommy Dreamer将会前往日本参加3月26日的SMASH 1,对手是前ECW和WWE选手Tajiri。

10.Bobby Lashley将会出现在即将上市的EA Sports MMA游戏中。

11.1月28日TNA house show结果,地点英格兰考文垂:
-Suicide战胜Chris Sabin
-The Beautiful People (Madison Rayne and Velvet Sky)战胜Taylor Wilder and Sarita
-The Pope D'Angelo Dinero战胜Desmond Wolfe
-Team 3D (Brother Ray and Brother Devon) and Beer Money (Robert Roode and James Storm)战胜British Invasion (Rob Terry, Brutus Magnus, and Doug Williams) and Eric Young
-Amazing Red战胜Hamada
-Kurt Angle and Hernandez战胜Rhino and Daniels
-TNA World Title Match: AJ Styles战胜Samoa Joe

1月29日house show结果,地点英格兰曼彻斯特
-Amazing Red战胜Suicide and Chris Sabin
-TNA Global Champion Rob Terry战胜Eric Young
-'The Pope' D'Angelo Dinero战胜Rhino
-TNA World Champion AJ Styles战胜Samoa Joe, Chris Daniels and Hernandez
-Kurt Angle战胜Desmond Wolfe
-Taylor Wilde & Sarita战胜Velvet Sky & Madison Rayne,Hamada担任裁判
-Team 3D战胜Beer Money Inc and the British Invasion in a three way tables match

12.在参加Bubba the Love Sponge时,Eric Bischoff否认了关于The Honky Tonk Man将会

13.1月29日ROH WrestleReunion结果,观众500-600名:
-El Generico & Colt "Boom Boom" Cabana战胜"The Professional" Scott Lost & Scorpio Sky
-Anything Goes Match:The Necro Butcher战胜Erick Stevens
-Roderick Strong战胜Delirious
-Tyler Black战胜Joey Ryan
-Jerry Lynn战胜Kenny King
-Wrestle Reunion 4 Special Attraction Match,特殊裁判Jonny Fairplay:"Living Legend" Larry Zbyszko战胜Scotty 2 Hotty
-"Mr. Wrestling" Kevin Steen战胜The Human Tornado
-ROH World Champion Austin Aries战胜Jushin "Thunder" Liger
-Eight Man WAR Tag Team Match:The American Wolves of Davey Richards & Eddie Edwards & The Kings of Wrestling: "That Young Knock Out Kid" Chris Hero &
Claudio Castagnoli战胜ROH World Tag Team Champions Jay & Mark Briscoe & The Young Bucks of Nick & Matt Jackson

14.Little Guido即Nunzio出现在最新一期的New England Championship Wrestling TV中。

15.1月30日TNA house show结果,地点伦敦:
-Beautiful People战胜Sarita and Wilde
-Desmond Wolfe战胜The Pope
-Samoa Joe and Hernandez战胜Eric Young and Rhino
-Beer Money战胜3D and Magnus/Terry
-Doug Williams保留X Division title,战胜Suicide, Sabin, Red and Daniels
-AJ Styles战胜Kurt Angle

16.1月30日PWG Kurt Russellmania结果:
-The Cutler Brothers (Brandon & Dustin Cutler), Ryan Taylor, & Christina Von Eerie战胜Johnny Goodtime, Malachi "CK" Jackson, Candice LeRae, & Jerome "LTP" Robinson
-Brandon Bonham战胜Brandon Gatson
-Human Tornado战胜Super Crazy
-Davey Richards战胜Kevin Steen
-KAI & The Great Muta战胜Joey Ryan & Scott Lost
-Jushin Liger战胜El Generico
-Paul London & Brian Kendrick战胜Generation Me
-Rob Van Dam赢得3-way,战胜Roderick Strong and Chris Hero

-Human Tornado vs. Steve Corino
-Briscoes vs. the Dark City Fight Club

18.从2月1日起,加拿大的the Fight Network将会播出CMLL。

shangxinJJ028 发表于 2010-1-31 21:12



whcena 发表于 2010-1-31 21:23


shangxinJJ028 发表于 2010-1-31 21:12 http://www.19977.com/images/common/back.gif



大包围王爷 发表于 2010-1-31 21:30

House Show的对阵好像都比周赛节目中的对阵吸引。

饿狼居士 发表于 2010-1-31 21:44


miko90 发表于 2010-1-31 22:03

希望Torrie Wilson不要做傻事吧。。。

punk90 发表于 2010-1-31 23:05

Torrie Wilson我最爱的女选手之一。。

玄天劫 发表于 2010-2-1 00:28


joker 发表于 2010-2-1 00:29

Torrie Wilson受药物影响这么大啊?希望她快点好起来

willy1232008 发表于 2010-2-1 02:56


UnderTakerRIP 发表于 2010-2-1 05:10

i want tna i want tna

maishane 发表于 2010-2-1 15:19

回复 8# 玄天劫

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查看完整版本: 1月31日新闻--WrestleReunion周末结果