DerbySlam 发表于 2010-1-11 19:06

Russo: "I want Orton in TNA"

TNA writer Vince Russo says the only WWE wrestler he wants to join his company is Randy Orton.

The controversial booker revealed he has no desire to see the likes of Triple H, Undertaker, John Cena and Shawn Michaels in Dixie Carter's promotion.

And when asked who he would like to see move to TNA, Russo said emphatically: "Randy Orton, Randy Orton, Randy Orton, Randy Orton and Randy Orton."

TNA的写手Vince Russo在访问中表示,要是能够让他选择,他会从WWE或ROH中选择五位选手到TNA呢?他的答案是Randy Orton, Randy Orton, Randy Orton. 访问详情可参阅下文

TNA writer Vince Russo has picked Randy Orton as the wrestler he would most like to see join the promotion.

In a wide-ranging chat on his Facebook fan page, Russo was asked the five grapplers he wants boss Dixie Carter to sign from WWE or Ring Of Honor.

He replied: "Never saw a ROH show so don't know their talent. Randy Orton, Randy Orton, Randy Orton, Randy Orton and Randy Orton."

Although they were not named as one of the five in his original answer, Russo said in a later post that he would also welcome stars such as Triple H, Shawn Michaels, The Undertaker or John Cena.

The 48-year-old also confirmed TNA are considering scrapping their trademark six-sided ring in favour of reverting to the traditional square version.

And Russo, who took over from Jeff Jarrett as head writer, admitted that Hulk Hogan's segment with Double J on Impact did not go "as scripted".

He also said a second TNA brand has been discussed and rated The Rock just above Steve Austin when asked to pick between the two WWE legends.
在问到会选择The Rock和Steve Austin中的其中一个时, Russo对The Rock的评价略高于Steve Austin.

Russo added: "Just for the record, Stone Cold Steve Austin IS A TREMENDOUS performer. He was a HUGE part of my success.
Russo补充道:"必须说明,Stone Cold Steve Austin是个非常出色的表演者.他是我取得成功的重要组成部分.

"Rock, just has more range, in my opinion. May explain why he's now a major Hollywood actor."

Russo also hit back at accusations TNA is just a recreation of his old home of WCW, after Hogan, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Sean Waltman, Sting, Jarrett and Eric Bischoff signed with the company.
对于公司签下Hogan, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Sean Waltman, Sting, Jarrett ,Eric Bischoff 等WCW老熟人,TNA会成为第二个WCW的说法.

He blasted: "I don't think it seems like WCW at all. Wrestling, is wrestling — there is only really one way to do it.

"AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Daniels, Morgan, Hernandez, Brit Invasion, Pope, Machine Guns — were any of those guys from WCW?"

Russo then went on to say the company would continue to place its faith in up-and-coming young talent.

He added: "The younger guys have had the spotlight since July. I know because that's more or less when I replaced Jeff."

skittcd 发表于 2010-1-11 19:12


wing900 发表于 2010-1-11 19:14


Security 发表于 2010-1-11 19:24

原來咱們 TNA 寫手 Vince Russo 這麼喜歡 Randy Orton 阿.

摔交小朋友 发表于 2010-1-11 19:26


中BOSS 发表于 2010-1-11 19:32


fengliangwwe 发表于 2010-1-11 19:33

Vince Russo这么看重Randy、、哈哈

249886421 发表于 2010-1-11 19:53

5个Orton /:L
难道在Vince Russo心目中WWE跟ROH最好的就是唯一的Randy?

饿狼居士 发表于 2010-1-11 20:18

Orton 跳槽也不是绝无可能,不过个人感觉没那个必要,TNA的现有阵容要略强于WWE,WWE有点青黄不接的感觉

永恒经典 发表于 2010-1-11 20:37


TNALife 发表于 2010-1-11 20:48

本帖最后由 TNALife 于 2010-1-11 20:51 编辑



SHINNOK 发表于 2010-1-11 21:17

Randy Orton只有在WWE才能成为Randy Orton

去了别的地方就难说了 就好象Vince Russo在WWF时期是很好剧情编写者 但去了WCW 就越搞越差

Vince Russo倒是因为这个成名了 也许有人认为这对于摔角公司来说是件好事呢

大包围王爷 发表于 2010-1-11 23:56


willy1232008 发表于 2010-1-12 05:20

RANDY係勁既 不過十二碼係絕焦好似廢D囉...

sagilltwins 发表于 2010-1-12 09:29

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