big2004 发表于 2009-9-23 00:25

TNA 10月PPV Bound for Glory 2009 對戰名單 (最終名單確定, 新增X-組別腰帶爭奪戰)

本帖最后由 big2004 于 2009-10-18 11:06 编辑

TNA 10月PPV Bound for Glory 2009 即将於10月18日舉行, 地点将会是美國加州爾灣市 (Irvine, California) 的布蘭活動中心 (Bren Events Center), 而以下是對戰名單(暫定)

TNAW World Heavyweight Title Match
TNAW 世界重量級腰帶爭奪戰
A.J. Styles (c) vs. Sting

Full Metal Mayhem Tag Team match for the IWGP Tag Team Title and the TNAW World Tag Team Title
以 Full Metal Mayhem 的形式爭奪 IWGP 雙打腰帶及 TNAW 世界雙打腰帶
The Main Event Mafia (Booker T and Scott Steiner) (持有 TNAW 世界雙打腰帶的隊伍) vs. The British Invasion (Brutus Magnus and Doug Williams) (持有 IWGP 雙打腰帶的隊伍) vs. Beer Money, Inc. (Robert Roode and James Storm) vs. Team 3D (Brother Ray and Brother Devon)

Three Way match for the TNAW Legends Title
以三重威脅賽的形式爭奪 TNAW 傳奇腰帶
Kevin Nash (c) vs. Hernandez vs. Eric Young

Ultimate X match for the TNAW X Division Title match
以 Ultimate X 的形式爭奪 TNAW X-組別腰帶
Amazing Red (with Don West) (c) vs. Suicide vs. D'Angelo Dinero vs. Daniels vs. Homicide

TNAW Women's Knockout Title Match
TNAW 女子腰帶爭奪戰
ODB (c) vs. Awesome Kong vs. Tara

TNAW Knockout Tag Team Title Match
TNAW 女子雙打腰帶爭奪戰
Sarita and Taylor Wilde (c) vs. The Beautiful People (Madison Rayne and Velvet Sky)

Submission match固定技賽事
Bobby Lashley vs. Samoa Joe

Single Match單打賽事
Kurt Angle vs. Matt Morgan

Monster's Ball Match
Abyss vs. Mick Foley, 特別裁判由 Dr. Stevie 擔任, 如果 Abyss 在比賽中途使用圖釘的話將被取消資格

The Motor City Machine Guns (Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley) vs. Lethal Consequences (Jay Lethal and Consequences Creed)

cc_720 发表于 2009-9-23 00:41


cena1/2 发表于 2009-9-23 00:43

谢谢对阵表..这次的monster ball只有两个人?

GreenC 发表于 2009-9-23 08:02


Truman 发表于 2009-9-23 08:59


woshichensida2 发表于 2009-9-23 15:35


woshichensida2 发表于 2009-9-23 15:36


电影【未分级】 发表于 2009-9-23 21:27

海报很好看    STING真的要退休了吗 ? 还是剧情

永恒经典 发表于 2009-9-23 21:29

本帖最后由 永恒经典 于 2009-9-23 21:31 编辑

Bobby Lashley vs. Kevin Nash?
所以 出于保护老人
Abyss vs. Mick Foley

CZoneW 发表于 2009-9-23 21:30


wing900 发表于 2009-9-23 22:12


miaomiao618 发表于 2009-9-25 18:52


mike620404 发表于 2009-9-26 10:54

Sting 好帥氣的封面~/:)

junhuko 发表于 2009-9-26 18:21


heitoufu 发表于 2009-9-26 19:43

TNA is the ultimate entertainment today!!! MMFWCL to the TNA! I just can't wait for Bound of Glory! This is gonna be the best PPV of the year! I just hope this won't be the last we see Sting.... I already miss him so much. He had it all: charisma, skills and a great career.

That's the main difference between TNA's icons and WWE's poor low level wrestlers....
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