KG_TT 发表于 2009-2-26 22:05


究竟Matt & Jeff后来是因为什么事而和好的呢?

jeff619 发表于 2009-2-26 22:13


r8913xx 发表于 2009-2-26 23:10

After Hardy beat Matt at Vengeance, while Matt's foot was on the ropes, Hardy and Lita began feuding against Matt. In the middle of the feud, however, Hardy faced The Undertaker in a Hardcore Title match and lost. After the match, the Undertaker was scripted to attack both Hardy and Lita, injuring them. On the next edition of SmackDown!, the Undertaker also attacked Matt, also injuring him, in storyline. The Hardys and Lita were not seen again until the Royal Rumble, because WWE did not have another storyline for their characters. The Hardys later came back as a team, and there was never any mention of their previous storyline split. by wiki

大概意思是指Jeff在挑戰Undertaker的Hardcore腰帶失敗後被當時heel的Taker以Last Ride砸下走道下 之後更將Lita也丟下
而Matt在之後的SD!向Taker也進行挑戰 Matt同樣是被Taker催毀

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